Thursday, April 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 28, 2019

Every time they are together, this permanent A list singer takes a very wide angle away from any member of this reality family. Such was the case this week when they were at an event together.



  1. I love how she won't go near them. Cracks me up.

  2. It's her most admirable quality.

  3. If Beyonce's thighs got close enough to any Kardashian's ass, the gravitational crush would create some new heavy elements.

  4. beyonce needs a wide angle just to bring her thighs with her.

  5. Even though the whores usually get invited by the PR firms of the people hosting these things, nobody else who was invited wants anything to do with the pigs.

  6. Beyonce thinking she's better than the trashians is hilarious. She's just as tacky, self important and pathetic.
    She seems to be under the delusion that she's some sort of queen, at least the trashians admit to their trash, and make their own decisions, while bey, who can barely read or write, married to an ex drug dealer/killer, is some sort of gyrating puppet, who'll do as she's told.

  7. WHEN have the Kardashians admitted to their trash? I agree that Beyonce is tacky, but the K family just said that "90% of people love the family and support them".

    They are NOT self aware, they are fucking delusional.

  8. Beyonce doesn't want to stand too close to the mirror.

  9. +1 J, I was thinking something similar as I read the blind 😅

    Beyonce is probably jealous of how the Kardashians make extra money every time one of them get cheated on.

  10. J said...
    If Beyonce's thighs got close enough to any Kardashian's ass, the gravitational crush would create some new heavy elements.


    I think I would be duty and horniness bound to try to insert myself between those two in a inevitably futile attempt to stop them coming (fnarr fnarr!) together.

    It might almost be death by snu-snu.

  11. Flashy Vic, you'd be spaghettified.

  12. I think its funny and hope it doesn't change. Kim and the rest of the Kardashians have always orbited the realm of talent and not having any true talent themselves, settle for 2nd string. Kanye has always only wanted to BE Jay-Z, Kim has always only wanted to be Beyonce in terms of validated talent from a press perspective (I don't get much out of her songs other than hair blowing, sharp jerky movements, and wailing(?)... oh, and 'fierce' looks), so it's gotta be a pretty creepy being forced to be in the same room with people who so badly want to BE you.... Besides, Kanye owes Jay-Z so much money, it probably pisses Bey off because they could be adding to their mountain of cash, rather than paying for the monumental suck up hanger on of her husband's.

  13. @J.

    With a bit of luck...😜

  14. I'm NOT famous and I would take a wide angle away from them, too!

    (Only Beyonce gets called out for it.)

  15. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Why doesn't she just cast one of her spells? Make the K's disappear?

  16. Trash thinking she's better than trash? Okay

  17. I wouldn't want to be seen next to those toxic, tacky WHORES either...

  18. I would much prefer to hang out with Kanye & Kim over satanic jay & bey

  19. Renee 123: they're all Luciferians, and practice the same "religion." You might want to rethink hanging out with "Bey" - she puts evil on people.
