Monday, April 08, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 1, 2019

Another vacation for this former A list teen mostly movie actor. Amazing how he gets some donations and then takes a big vacation.

Corey Feldman


  1. Hollywood is the gift (of herpes) that never stops giving:

    As a result of the "largest college admissions scandal in history", actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman were among 15 other parents and celebs who appeared before a judge last Wednesday afternoon, accused of cheating to get their kids into elite universities like USC and Yale. Most defendants have remained mum on their legal strategies as they head to "face the music" as a result of their involvement in the scheme.

    Some parents are considering plea deals, while others are seeking out consultants to help them with advice on what prison life could be life. Parents are seeking advice from a former convicted felon, Justin Paperny, who now works as a "prison consultant". He recently told CBS that he had been hired by one parent charged in the scheme, while he is "in talks" with others.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He'd probably blame it on needing to recover from the trauma of being a procurer.

  4. Former felon, now prison consultant to the stars? America truly is the land of opportunity.


  5. Felicity Huffman deserved an oscar for 'TransAmerica'

  6. Vacation from what?

    And any athlete who has terrible grades in high school and gets a scholarship to college should also be investigated for a college admissions scam.

  7. I read that article about the consultant, sounds like the worst case scenario is the parents are going to a mediocre summer camp for a little bit.
    There's another good article about the father who started the whole college investigation as part of a plea deal because he caught doing some other white collar crime.

  8. The Himmmm says Scientology is involving itself with #VarsityBlues

  9. Brayson- Could you imagine the free-for-all if these families all just start snitching the random dirt they know on others?! Crazy!

    I never saw it, but wasnt there a Kevin Hart/Will Farrell movie essentially about this "prison consultant" scenario? Get Hard, maybe?

    Why aren't the women reaching out to Martha Stewart? She did her time, and hit the ground running again afterward.

  10. Saw allison mack is in court today. Post says she is pleading guilty to something.
    Off topic sorry

    1. Pleading guilty to sex trafficking.

  11. Im thinking we're at a loss on Corey at this point. He just needs to watch his accountability about any money...income vs. Charity and taxes...

  12. He's gonna eventually get busted from kickstarter or whatever site he is using for fruad, of which he'll just claim it's the powerful hollywood molesters silencing him. And, he will still have believers just like idiots still believe in santanic cults in day care centers.

  13. Why do people post absolutely unrelated things? Go to reddit.

    If he is scamming why isn't he getting busted for fraud or embezzlement? It would be extremely easy to prove. They have cops running busts of online $100 hookers (I have no idea what the dollar figure should be, where is our resident expert...) but they cannot go after an inter-state fraudster?



  15. @Vita, I don't see the parents snitching, they're just going to get a slap on the wrist or a little time in a minimum security place. Where they'd be going is safer than a lot of neighborhoods.

  16. Also they could just pay on the side for better treatment, they never learn! 🤣

  17. He’s such a cull.
