Thursday, April 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 10, 2019

Once again, this former C list celebrity/reality star is showing who exactly he is by trying to get more free money and not actually getting a job.

Kevin Federline


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    looked at his twitter the other day. he has like 5k followers. I had more than that when I had a twitter & britney spears is his childs mother. imagine being that irrelevant lol

  2. Britney had millions of guys in love with her.

    And chose this dipshit.


  3. Bwahaha kfitz is a B+list blog commenter/celebrity twatter

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    twitter is for complaining and subtweeting about the girls you dont like at school. @sandy, i have to have something to do at work...besides work lol

  5. He certainly doesn't look like a dancer anymore.

  6. @J


    he's a tool. especially what's coming out now about Brit.

    colossal douche.

  7. Nobody works at work anymore😕

  8. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I work smarter not harder lol

  9. i work!!

    (and try not to play on CDaN but obviously we know how that goes.)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. My husband went to Jr. High with Federline. He's basically the Seth Green character in Can't Hardly Wait.

  12. They banned cell phones and restricted internet access where I work, the fuckers
    I'm on vacation this week.. hi there Sandy! I'm in Florida but not where you are (I'm in central Florida)

  13. He should have opened a dance studio while people still knew who he was.

  14. Brit needs to send a fixer to his door for a personal visit.

  15. The first guy Britney married was really goodlooking and he was in love with her, and they'd known each other for years. It's too bad her mom put her foot down.

  16. @DoTell

    Jason Alexander supposedly took her virginity when she was 14. the whole JT thing was just a story line (waiting for marriage). her handlers wanted her marketed that way so all the men in the world to think of her as this pure little virgin school girl.

    they were drunk and hanging in Vegas when they (she) came up with the plan. he really was not her future.

  17. @raven, it wasn't Jason Alexander who "dated" Britney when she was 14. If you google it, there's a picture of a 14 year old Britney at a formal dance with a guy who looks like a Senior. Jason came along later.

  18. @BayAreaGirl - yes, you're right. i had it wrong! she and Jason knew each other from school and the town they lived in. i forgot it was another guy.

    thanks for the correction! :)

  19. @raven, anytime. I can't believe her parents let that happen. A senior asked me out when I was a freshmen and my parents did everything in their power to stop it. I was mad at the time, but really grateful now.

  20. Im in Central Florida lowkey, probably very near where you are.

  21. What will the leach do when the 'boys' turn 18/of age.. and move out?? Jerk needs to get a J O B

  22. LowKey, if you're in CentralFla, maybe it's in the Orlando area. Please be aware of the threat of severe weather. We're all rearranging our plans.
