Saturday, April 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 11, 2019

This one named singer is probably A/A- list and is receiving a songwriting award despite the fact she almost exclusively uses ghostwriters.



  1. Ghostwriters... Enty should have won.

  2. She writes lyrics. Enty uses co writer and ghost writer interchangably. Most songwriters want their name credited.

  3. Hopefully, the ghostwriters were well compensated? I don't know how you fix this problem, but I'm thinking every award or Hall of Fame is going to have a wing for all of the winners with some sort of * by their names

  4. Guesser-- that makes me feel better. Some songs have an army of co-writers...ghostwriter, to me, means she bought someone's work and put her name on it, with no credit to them

  5. Having said that,many songwriters who have been around for longer than she has been alive don't get recognition for these awards.

  6. Halsey is in that fabulous new BTS video. If that song doesn't go to Number 1, I'll eat my hat. I just wish Andy Warhol was still alive to see it - it's great pop art.

  7. I to think Halsey writes her own music. May have help sometimes but.....

  8. AH yes a role model to 'mixed race girls' only.... God forbid women should be role models to all sort of girls, let's divide them into groups, like the non-racists the we are.

    On another note, I always thought that only the greatest role models for girls, mixed race and not, would shove their bare asses into cameras, and twerk desperately for attention.

  9. @Guesser, oh boy she wrote some of the lyrics, did they have her use a Mad Libs sheet?
