Monday, April 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 8, 2019

This former A+ list singer turned A- lister has a new gig. Her employers had to give away almost one-third of the tickets available for free and that was opening night.

Alicia Keys


  1. Aww, that just seems like it was bad promoting or last minute. She is still a huge name with indisputable, no fakery required, talent. I don't know what size of venue they had, but unless they were delusional about stadiums, this shouldn't have happened.

    OT- Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is on fire😧

  2. Yes isn't the burning the Notre Dame supposed to be portent of the anti-christ? It's just one thing after another for Paris.

    1. Wait...are you saying that sandybrook burned it down?

  3. this is sad. she is so talented. yeah, maybe it's the venue. i'm waiting to see if john mayer can really fill up toyota center in houston this summer.

  4. I have never understood the appeal of Alicia Keys. I guess she can sing? but her style of music does not work for me at all .

  5. Those in ivory towers think auto tune live is worth the price of ticket are abusing Jim Jones's juice. Up the self meds and just call it an accidental drug OD so all of humanity can benefit.

    All perverts in Pedowood need to up the game and just die already. Hard to piss on a grave if one is still alive.

  6. I think it might be harder to piss on a grave if one isn't alive, no?

  7. It was being g restored. Electrical fire in the ceiling. Most of the interior had already been gutted, I believe. Sad but it will be okay.

  8. I would say calling her A- at this point is a stretch. She's talented but people don't know her anymore. What was the last song that she had played on the radio?

  9. I blame the lame taste of the vegas audience/promoter. C'mon, Keys is 1000% more talented and entertaining than most of the acts filling out rooms there.

  10. @OKay - I won't deny she's very talented, but all the same, she has some really obnoxious songs. "No One" in particular is so awful I can't stand it whenever I overhear it somewhere. Melody-free, pedestrian and simplistic, tonally awful, dissonant and off key as hell. I do NOT understand why it was ever popular.

  11. I’m not sure that Alicia keys music is a good fit for Vegas because people are generally there to have a good time.. her music is more melancholy ... older people dont mind that type of music but she doesn’t appeal to them
