Friday, April 19, 2019

Your Turn

Will you be participating in 4/20 tomorrow?


  1. No not with that form of special treat anyway.

  2. Pfff that was so high school

  3. I’ll let you know on 4/21.

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    lol no.

  5. no.

    it's a big thing here in Denver, though. they gather at a park across the street from the Capitol building. it's like a festival. vendors, food, t-shirts, etc. lol

  6. i saw a news story today that the post office in renton washingtom will be named the jimi hendrix post office station. jimi was born in seattle but is buried in renton. i will just be celebrating another day, the date doesnt matter.

  7. Why would I want to celebrate Hitler's birthday???

  8. No.ive never actually done any drugs, but, I swear to God, raging insomnia has me pondering options

    1. It’s the only thing that helps mine without leaving me feeling like a zombie the next day! Half an indica edible 2 hours before bed and I’m out like a light!

  9. also - tomorrow is the 20th Anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting. there's been nothing in the media (that i have seen) on 4/20 but hundreds of articles about Columbine - mostly interviews with survivors and those survivors who have kids.

  10. If flavored vaping and drinking counts, SΓ­ SeΓ±or!

  11. If I could find something to 'celebrate' with, yes.

  12. I participate in 4/20 everyday! Peace!

  13. Always make an effort to

  14. Today, tomorrow and the day after.

  15. Nope. Never done the stuff. Don't plan on starting.

  16. @Vita: I have a friend who used to have horrible insomnia. Now she literally takes 2-3 hits of a joint before bed and falls asleep immediately.

  17. I participate daily, so everyday is 4/20

  18. My wife is redesigning a marijuana dispensary in Las Vegas.

    She hates being paid in cash so I told her about the real estate investor I know who took back a Note & Trust Deed on a WH he owns that is now a dispensary.
    He made the owners, two doctors, pay their monthly payments in money orders!

    Then, the doctors got smart. They opened a bank account as doctors! They now deposit the (marijuana smelly cash) in the bank, then wire him his monthly payment.

    She now accepts payment as money orders.

  19. OH!


    Been there; done that!

  20. Anonymous10:42 AM

    No. All the publicity does is encourage new crazies to repeat the madness.

  21. Today, Tomorrow, the next day, the day after that and so on.

  22. @Vita - the indica strains put you to sleep. ZZZzzzzzzzz

  23. Yes! Every day is 420 day in West Hollywood. I’ve got a sativa vape pen, some Jack Herer buds, and hash-infused hard candies at the ready.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  24. Thanks for the sleep info, everybody! Doing a sleep study, but if all else fails...😁

  25. I work in the industry and celebrate every day.

  26. As opposed to any other day? Anyway, hell yes!!!

  27. Why would it be any different..just because of a silly calendar date..??πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ€·‍♀️🀷‍♀️πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‘

  28. I'm a chronic. Every day is 4/20.

  29. Im with most here with every day.
    When we were young and it wasn't legal I think 4/20 was a much bigger deal. But here in Washington state, and near Seattle at that, it's just so accepted and normal that most people either eat it or smoke.
    @Vita- it would help with insomnia for sure. Just be VERY careful with amount of THC- start slow! CBD/indica but very little at first...

  30. I had to google what on earth is 4/20 and why is everyone talking about cannabis, lol. It's still illegal here in the U.K, only the medical CBD is allowed.

  31. No because I'm an adult.

  32. Duh.
    But to be fair, I'm rehearsing tonight.

  33. I will be celebrating accordingly. The day after I'm off to Jamaica, too, where I will also be celebrating accordingly.

  34. No. Haven't had a joint/bowl since 1987. Was going to get all huffy about it being Easter but I'm a day off! lol
    but according to Charlie Brown it is the Great Easter Beagle(Vigil).

  35. I'm participating now in between shots of Tekillya

  36. Blogger Rosie riveter said...
    Im with most here with every day.
    When we were young and it wasn't legal I think 4/20 was a much bigger deal. But here in Washington state, and near Seattle at that, it's just so accepted and normal that most people either eat it or smoke.
    @Vita- it would help with insomnia for sure. Just be VERY careful with amount of THC- start slow! CBD/indica but very little at first...

    We have always been spoiled here in WA St. We usually have had better weed than most people in the US - first we had the good Northern Cali weed, then the weed that mysteriously found its way out of a research lab at the UW, and BC Bud. Now that is legal the weed is absolutely lethal and dirt cheap.

    1. Hahaha im dying @ "mysteriously found its way out of a research lab at the UW"
      It's so true lolll

  37. Hell yea. Got myself a vape pen and it's 4/20 every day over here champ

  38. I'm Canadian, but like I say, they call it dope for a reason. I like my brain cells.

  39. if by 'participating' you mean me lying on the couch all day, slowly shovelling passover leftovers from into my gob, then yeah, I'm 'participating'

  40. Everyday is 4/20 for me. It's how I can eat and not get sick...without having to live on pills.
    I love my vape pen.

  41. I celebrate everyday, multiple times. Kind of a silly holiday. :) but that's just an ol' stoner's opinion lol

  42. Going for the annual

  43. I'll be giving myself a hemp oil enema while masturbating my clipped zubby to Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS, in honor of Uncle Adolf. L'Chaim!

  44. I work for an airline so that is a no go.
