Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Your Turn

Favorite meal as a kid?


  1. Granny Crawley asked me if I knew what happened when Cinderella got to the Prince’s ball?

    I said she probably gagged.

  2. Spaghetti and meat balls.

  3. Swanson's Fried Chicken TV dinners! A big treat back in the day. Loved the apple compote dessert.

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    mac and cheese and dino nuggets lol or any kind of pasta

  5. Great to have you around, Candy!😂

    My birthday meal request was always my mom's recipe for bbq ribs.

  6. @Nutty_Flavor - Swanson's Salisbury Steak was mine, with their mashed potatoes and peach cobbler. It wasn't until much later in life that the high life I thought I was living eating salisbury steak was just a fancy word for hamburger smeared with gravy.

  7. pork chops and applesauce

  8. Pizza, always the best.

  9. Or cupcakes, the breakfast of champions.

  10. My Granny's chicken and dumplings, pickled beets that I helped can, and raisin pie for dessert. It was the "go-to" meal at the end of winter when everything else in the pantry was pretty much gone and spring planting was getting ready to happen. Felt good to have it in my tummy knowing that I helped Granny and Grandpa even if I mostly just got in the way. I would certainly give almost anything to have her cook that meal for me today. *sigh*

  11. my german grandmother's potato pancakes.

  12. Ha! Swanson's Fried Chicken in the metal trays...nostalgia.

  13. @Moose, I do remember the Salisbury Steak! That was a good backup for the fried chicken, from my point of view.

    Saw an episode of the 1970s era Bob Newhart Show and his wife was cooking him "swiss steak" . That was just hamburger with tomato sauce on top of it, wasn't it?

    The Swanson mashed potatoes were indeed very good.

  14. Spagetti, I went through a time period I wouldn't eat anything else. The Swanson TV dinners haven't been the same since they were in foil trays. Turkey with dressing,and whatever one had the brownie,I would eat whatever else was with it.

  15. Pizza. I grew up in New York so it was good, not Pizza Hut garbage.

  16. @Nutty - I think Swiss steak was a different cheap cut (maybe top round), pounded flat with a kitchen mallet, then cooked with tomato sauce and American cheese on top. Another cheap meal given a fancy name, and we were none the wiser.

    @Guesser - I haven't had one in so many years, I didn't even know they replaced the tin trays (which makes sense, I guess, in an era of microwaves). And the turkey was another classic - I think it came with succotash (mixed peas/beans and carrots)

  17. My mother's homemade chicken and dumplings.

  18. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Grilled cheese sandwich. +1 Nutty and Moose. Loved to pick out those dinners and I always chose based on the desserts. That apple compote one was the bomb.

  19. @Moose is right,Swiss steak you pound the cheap steak and cook in a lot of onions with the tomatoes tenderising the meat.

  20. I dunno about dinner, but I took pb&j to school every day for years and years.

  21. My dad's homemade oyster stew, with my mother's bread pudding.

  22. I'm 34 and still like spagetti-o's and Cap N Crunch!

  23. My sisters homemade pancakes or biscuits...she later moved to Hawaii and forgot how to make the biscuits

  24. MY Mom was a great cooked and cooked eveey night. I liked everything but remember once asking her if we could have chef boyardee spagetti more often (even tho her spagetti and meatballs were great lol). We were poor but mever knew it and everything she made was from scratch. Mmm i miss it.

  25. Franco-American SpaghettiO's with Meatballs.

    Or, probably just pizza.

    Or maybe Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with a can of tuna added.

    Or possibly pot roast.

  26. My grandmother's homemade chicken and noodles (and yes, she made the egg noodles herself), my mother's fofo's (Portuguese cakes--see Fofos do Belas on FB), mac and cheese.

  27. Filet o Fish sandwiches. Day Two, actually.

    Also peanut butter toast with butter first.


  28. My Mom's homemade cavatelli ~~Yummo

    Oh and her spaghetti and meatballs.

  29. Big bowl of Captain crunch. I miss those days

  30. Arroz con huevo !!!

  31. Mom's homemade creamed potatoes

  32. home made Frito-pie!!!!

  33. Homemade hamburgers or sweet and sour spareribs. (My brother still asks for spareribs for his birthday to this day.) My mom can really cook - she just hates doing it.

  34. Roast Beast, Yorkshire Pudding, roasted potatoes, swede and other vegetables with very thick and delicious gravy, lovingly made by my beautiful Mom!!

  35. My Mom's chicken and dumplings, or fried chicken gizzards.

  36. School lunch: tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
    Home food: creamed salmon with peas over potato chips.

    Neither will fit with WW points.

  37. Father's side of the family: tomato beef stew with green beans from the garden.

  38. My favorite day of the week was Friday; my parents were quite Catholic so they ate fish, and we ate whatever we wanted to. Least constructive time in my life!

  39. Shake n bake chicken. Yummm

  40. My mom's bbq brisket

  41. Fried Jumbo shrimp at lent. The only time my mom would fix then for a family of 8 was during lent. We got them twice. Chicken and noodles/Beef and noodles with the fat noodles.

  42. My birthday meal request was chuck steak.
