Thursday, May 02, 2019

Blind Item #10 - BBMA

Apparently this former A- list singer who is initialed didn't know members of that foreign born A+ list group are gay. She started repeating it over and over as she spoke to one of them and kept getting louder about it. Was just so embarrassing for all involved.


  1. even if any of them are gay they would never come out or date openly cause korea is still homophobic af and barely anyone comes out over there, especially not members of idol groups. I still remember that blind item from last year about their "american boyfriends" lol cringefest. Only one of them is even good enough at english to really hold a conversation which I guess enty didn't know so there you go hope you can include that to manufacture your blinds a bit more accurately

  2. Was Charli xcx there?

    1. Sandy that’s a good guess!! She might have been at the after parties... I’m checking the red carpet pics now...

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  4. Even if they were all straight,looking at how effeminate they are you would likely think they are.

  5. Def BTS for the foreign idea who BeckyG is never heard of her...

  6. @Thonker, how dare you accuse Enty, of House Entern, the 7th of his name, of manufacturing blinds? Are you saying he browses DM entertainment section, and then makes up blinds about celebs who have appeared there? Is that what you are suggesting? Thats preposterous!

  7. Yeah like way more embarrassing than someone trying to out them with a gossip blind. ;)

  8. Replies
    1. KD Lang is gay and out. I don’t see why she would be making a spectacle of herself over finding out BTS is gay. Why would she care?

  9. speaking of 'never heard of' - i was looking through the red carpet pics of people at the BBMA and i had no idea who about 85% of those people are.

    i guess i'm officially old and no longer hip.

    1. Same Raven. No idea who have these people are lol that Julian Michaels chick I keep thinking that’s the trainer chick from the biggest loser lol :p

  10. True especially with the hip hop artists, I barely know any pop stars. Part of it is songs are ever identified when radio plays them, unless you are listening on an app.

  11. "former A- list singer who is initialed"

  12. @raven, You aren't missing much, it's all poppy sh!t nowadays, not much of musical significance.

  13. good point Sandy; however, i don't listen to the radio anymore. can't stand the annoying af djs and i just listen to Pandora. i've found some really good artists (new to me) that way.

    LOL @C'est - i would have too!!!

    @Brayson - agreed! i honestly have never even heard Ariana Grande sing.

  14. @raven, Ariana has had some great ones, but her latest stuff is trash. Still everyone has to lie and say how great the new album is though.

  15. Ill go with Becky G and BTS

  16. well jesus they all look like women, she was SURPRISED!?

  17. Calling BS... My husband is half east Asian, and grew up his teen years in Asia where he wasn't exposed to the ridiculous idea that's evolved in the past 20 years that masculine means you wear graphic tees and cargo shorts, having ashy skin and shaggy hair, saying 'bruh' to everyone and being an (American) sports fan, or else you're (gasp!) GAY. He carries a small leather bag, wears hats and colorful clothes, and gets asked all the time what country he's from, because "Men in the US don't carry bags/wear hats/dress that way".

    Please... I can go to any of the local Korean restaurants on a Saturday night, and see young guys with their arms slung around each other, laughing, sharing drinks and food...but I guess every single Korean guy in the US is gay, because why else would they act that way?

    The idea that these guys - not just one but ALL OF THEM - must be gay is culturally ignorant. (And by the way, they can barely, if at all, speak English - so how was she even having a conversation with them?)

  18. racist white males

  19. You are smoking crack if Becky G is A- list. tf?

  20. What is a BTS and how is it A+ list?

  21. KD Lang? Come on. I suck at these but even I know you've got to READ them first. LoL. Sometimes I feel like people just shout out random names hoping one will stick. "Ronald Mcdonald!" Um, no. Just no.

  22. I doubt any of this is related to anyone in BTS… Jimin wouldn’t catch himself in the middle of all this drama

  23. Google is your best friend @bollybiy

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  26. It's a blind about BTS and some dumbass probably trying to score one of their phone numbers, which she'd never get anyway because their staff thankfully keep them away from afterparty cokeheadz. And if some of BTS are gay, so what? Not a crime.

    Lol@ posters calling them 'effeminate', like it's some offence for guys to look nice and wear clothes that aren't boring shit slops. In their free time they look like regular guys; tees, jeans.

    They all come off as really nice people.

  27. I seriously doubt they are ALL gay - why would such a homophobic industry specifically seek out like twenty very feminine gays? Especially to make it big in the US. I'm sure a few of them are benders but a specifically gay manufactured group in a hugely homophobic country? Reaching.

  28. Hollywood is anything but homophobic lol
