Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Blind Item #13

This A list politician who is running for President is a long long shot to get the party nomination. What the candidate is trying to hide is their cancer diagnosis. Totally treatable but trying to keep it all a secret. 


  1. Politics is show business for ugly people...

  2. William Weld? No longer shot than him.

  3. Fauxcahontas. Its why shes so thin. Hag!

  4. Hope not Bernie but this seems to point to either Republican or Democrat. So no clue...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Cory Booker and his DOA campaign.

  7. Most likely a dem, the repugs have The Stable Genius.

    DiBlasio is the furthest from winning.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      What the fuck is “repug”? I like a good snap but that’s not particularly clever.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Repug and libtard are the clever and opiate-inspired names for the unclever.

      The secondary list includes the unsubtle OG terms: commie, socialist, taker, welfare state, fifth columnist, new world order, illuminati and traitor.

    4. Triggered enough to comment how unimpressed you are by my comment 😁

    5. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Who is triggered? Repug is dumb. Try harder, bitch but don’t try too hard. Is this Chelsea Handler? Shouldn’t someone be pissing on you?

  8. DiBlasio's face has changed like something is wrong.

  9. A long long shot for the Republicans (debatable A list though) Bill Weld.

  10. I love how conservatives bash women like Warren who are actually creating policies to make their lives better and their finances stronger... but you go on with your hate...

    1. Her state is a mess. All the homeless in San Fran, what is she doing for them? Or for her voters, who must step over the homeless to get to work.

  11. Warren's face has looked pale lately.

  12. If you think that Warren has any policies that will make lives better or finances stronger, then have some bad news for you bro.

  13. Oh lort this again. Meanwhile 300 lb President Dotard is sundowning earlier and earlier every day

  14. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Warren is a liar and a fool. She actually believes her own press. But she is in a safe state so she keeps getting reelected. But Warren is too stupid to obtain any national office.

    1. Fuck off! She is one of the smartest women in America. She would be a great president.

    2. Hahahahaha snort hahahhahaa

    3. Warren? Stupid? Are you crazy? She has only ever spoken with complete intelligence, and I would vote for her. She is fantastic.

  15. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Bill DiBlasio is A list. Treatable seems to point to prostate cancer, which does have a high success rate of treating it. Unless you are Steven Jobs and decide to eat your way out of cancer.

  16. Bullock from Montana?

  17. LOL @Thorne for the sundowning comment. You know he is...

  18. I thought Warren looked a good bit thinner when I saw her on tv the other day.

  19. That idiot from New York.

  20. Meanwhile that sick F-er Biden calling a 10-year old "good looking" and putting his hands all over her

  21. The fact Mayor from Hooverville can be such a strong candidate is the best evidence Trump will be re-elected..

    I wish that was not true. BTW, you can bet this “blind” comes from Trump surrogates. Get used to it, this election will be full of BS.

    1. Shit, he better not be. My guess would have been McCain, and now it's Biden. Trump has lost a lot of supporters with his nasty behavior.

  22. A list made me think Biden, but i don't think he's a long shot from getting the nomination...Bernie?? I really hope neither of them have cancer! And Cory Booker i wouldn't consider A List although he's with Rosario..., but he's a young vegan, i'd be super surprised if he has cancer.

  23. @Regina -- Being vegan doesn't stop one from getting prostate cancer, and that particular cancer knows no age restrictions. Although it happens mostly in older men, there have been males as young as ten get it.

  24. Any man that is over the age of 60 is a likely candidate for prostate cancer. It is very treatable. If you are past 70, the likelihood of a man getting it increases dramatically. If you use that as a guide, you can narrow down the possibilities. I'm going with Bernie....he fits the profile best. If it's another kind of cancer, it could be anyone in the field that is not polling well.

  25. Bernie Sanders showed up to a campaign event with a large bandage on his head and claimed that he hit his head on a shower door. Was that a cover story for a biopsy or some other surgical treatment?

  26. DiBlahsio IS a cancerous tumor. NYC should have him excised.

  27. Hillary Clinton

  28. FFS, many of you are downright fucktards. No wonder Trump got votes- dumbshits like y'all.

    DiBlasio or Beto. Beto is a long shot. He's A list after last year's race with Cruz and he has been acting weird and a bit lost. To whomever it is, good luck with your treatment, stay strong and get that time in with your family.

  29. I'm going with Buttgeig.

    I half think the DNC is running him just to bait Trump into making homophobic jokes. I mean the guy's name is Dick Butt-gig. They probably think Trump will snap up the low hanging fruit, get lambasted for it, then reveal his cancer diagnosis for extra sympathy points.

    It's all about the victim points game these days.

  30. @Alf remember that video of Trump eyeing that 14 yr. old in the mall saying she could be the next Mrs. Trump?

  31. Warren was smart enough to know that most people -- and all decent ones -- would not lie about their heritage to get preferential treatment reserved for the truly disadvantaged. So she was smart enough to get hired into Harvard from Rutgers.

    Unfortunately, people are on to her sickeningly dishonest and selfish stunt now, so it won't get her the presidency.

  32. @Raving Badger, your name is a good fit.

  33. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Warren's entire existence has been a lie and a con-game, but I don't think it's her. De Blasio is dead behind the eyes anyway so cancer would have nothing to work with. Crazy Bernie maybe but nothing at his age is minor. Cancer would not touch Kamala, it would be afraid it would catch something from her.

  34. His name is Pete Buttigieg you dumb shit. None of the letters in Dick are even in Pete so I have no clue in hell how you got that fucked up.

    Anyway, Whoever said being vegan prevents cancer is a moron.

  35. Search Biden before facelift. The photos of him immediately after the lift are tough. But the new face settled nicely.

  36. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Buttigieg gives the proper pronunciation of his name as BOOT-edge-edge on his Twitter profile. I am not kidding. It's the same on his Grindr profile too. I am kidding.

  37. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Yep. Bernie has this HUGE bandage on his forehead one day with a story that he had a shower door mishap. A few days later there's not a trace of injury. I would say it's him but he's not a longshot. As unbelievable as that is...he's not a longshot.

  38. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Mayor Pete did put on a show the other day of running down the street during a Veteran's Day Parade. He could have been doing it to make himself appear young and vital and in shape. Old Joe looks ill. I would not be surprised if he does not have prostate cancer, which would be treatable, but still dangerous at his age. My Dad had it at Biden's age but still lived 20 more years.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Sorry, I didn't read the blind fully. Cory Booker.

  41. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Joe Biden, prostate cancer?

  42. Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer, not prostrate.

  43. Prob DiBlasio. I can't think of anyone running that's older & also "A list-y."
    Unless Enty is hinting this is Bernie, because he rightly assumes the DNC is *NEVER* gonna let BS get the nom, which is totally true.
    The Tom Perez & the Neolib big money folks along w/ their pet pols- Pelosi, Schumer, Obama,Hillary,etc., are not gonna screw that up again this time where they have the mess at the convention after it comes out how they rigged the primary, which they're already doing, just less hamfistedly.

    They'll quietly throw all their weight behind Trump before they'll give it to the Bernster.

    -someone with 32 yrs experience working on gubernatorial, Senate & presidential campaigns

  44. Wow, Enty's really stoking that QAnon demographic, isn't he?

  45. I agree Fauxcahontas looks the sickest of the bunch, but I think that could be a lifelong eating disorder. She has that look to me. I'm guessing Biden.

  46. @MissDavie: RE: your comment about DeBlasio—‘cancer would have nothing to worth with’? You’re a disgusting pig. Please stop trolling and go away.

  47. I think Sadie Slays got it. Skin cancer is very treatable (though it does kill. Prostate cancer is still very dangerous.

    On another note Bill DeBlasio (real name Warren Wilhelm) is a lazy pothead.

  48. I'm watching from the Uk but it's clear to me the democrats are dumb enough to nominate the one candidate who could lose to Trump again, before it was Hillary, now Biden.

  49. Having watched Sanders' career from a close vantage-point for over 30 years, I would say if he said he hit his head in the shower, odds are 99:100 he hit his head in the shower. Very hard to imagine him telling an outright lie on this. Also, he is not at all a long, long shot for the nomination in current polling (except perhaps in the item-writer's head), as recent polling methods have been flawed. Then again a biopsy for skin cancer would fit, as that is "totally treatable."

  50. Would just like to add anyone calling Elizabeth Warren "stupid," or a "big dum-dum," or what have you is only showing off their own hind end.

  51. Anyone claiming Native American ancestry and using it to further her career is showing off her hind end.

  52. Warren repeated her own family's lore, which she had no reason to disbelieve, at a time when personal DNA tests were science fiction. It is a measure of how firmly she believed the family story that she took the test. Her employer used the mistaken data to promote its own diversity. Her believed ancestry was never a factor in advancing her career. These were facts dug up, twisted, and promoted expressly to embarrass and smear her for political advantage. She has apologized, and explained this history. Repeating facts one believes are true is not the same as deliberate misrepresentation. One is an honest error, the other is deception.

  53. @cat owner, when you grow up, you'll realize that Warren is full of it.

  54. I can only hope to turn out as wise and even-handed as you.

  55. Coming back to say, it is Hillary Clinton . She is the a list candidate who is a long shot.

    Biden not long shot, sanders not long shot, warren and Harris not long long long shots. Who is a big name democratic politician who is obviously running for president except Hillary Clinton. She is the biggest name and the longest shot.
