Saturday, May 18, 2019

Blind Item #4

Certain members of a family are using go betweens, including A list celebrities, message boards and other family members to get me to stop my campaign to bring truth to the situation involving a dead rocker. That kind of effort won't work because it just makes me want to search even more for the truth.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is the 2 year anniversary of Chris Cornell’s death so I think it’s all about him.

  3. I'd guess Cornell because of all the run ins described with Icky Vicky.

  4. Enty really bringing it today.
    On a Saturday tho? He probably weeps into his bacontini brunch when he sees only 9 comments on weekends.

    We gotchu boo

  5. Either Chris or Chester...IMO they were both connected.

  6. Now I want a bacontini. haha And Enty is killing it today.

  7. 2 years for Chris Cornell today. My heart still breaks over the loss of this beautiful man.

  8. I just watched a video of Cornell inducting Anne and Nancy Wilson into the rock n roll hall of fame. He was high AF. That was in 2013 and he was clearly not clean and sober

  9. Drag them, Enty. So sick of these people.

  10. If this is about Chris Cornell, I thank you from the depths of my heart for continuing the fight for truth. After Prettygirlmj of LSA got shut down, I was so discouraged and thought that you might have been intimidated by the K family as well.

    Thank you for honoring Chris!

  11. +1 @ Paris & @Fuchsia

  12. Probably Cornell but it also could be Cobain.

  13. Who are the A list celebrities?

  14. Kurr Cobain & Courtney Love as the alleged murderer

  15. @guesser. josh Brolin, Brad Pitt, Jeremy renner were all at Vicky’s memorial. Seem supportive of her.

  16. That's really rich from you. A list celebrities are used to get you to stop your campaign to stop truth about Cornell? Which celebrities?

    Also, may I remind you that you release on a regular base child molestation or murder accusations about the biggest moguls in Hollywood. People who aren't supposedly afraid to get others killed to keep their secrets. If any of this was true, given that they have far much power than Cornell's widow, how come you're still alive, and the site still online, dumbass?

  17. Fuck off Angela. If you don’t like Enty or CDAN then don’t let the black door hit your ass on the way out.

    1. Angela is not the only complainer around here. You should include the others and be more inclusive.

    2. +1 amen. For someone that hates it here so much, they certainly spend a lot of time here writing novel length comments 🤷🏼‍♀️🤔🙄

  18. Chester B. is the son of A+ list child rapist John Podesta. He was whacked when Chris and him were going public with kid rape thats rampant in the music industry

  19. Thanks, Enty! I'd love for another Cornell podcast to come out. The tea is overflowing.

  20. Madam Housecat

    It's a fucking free country. You may have the gratifying feeling to be some kind of insider but if you just can't take the possibility that you're given some half-assed bullshit, you're definitely worse than the so-called "precious snowflakes".

    Besides, what Enty publishes isn't harmless. For years, this blog has called Vicky Cornell a murderer, just like Enty loves to accuse Courtney Love. She may have contributed to his depression and his suicide, she definitely has tried to steal the spotlight after his death, but an actual murderer? WTF?!?

    The source for all these Vicky Cornell blinds is probably one guy, the one who also signed in the past a lot of blinds as Himmmm and who's tried repeatedly to pass as other celebrities. In real life, Himmmm is a huge Nirvana and Soundgarden fan. It's likely that he took the death of two of his musical heroes quite bad, and that, like a teenager in denial, he can't accept the fact that a famous and talented musician would take his own life. So, like many douchebags who love finding scapegoats, he puts it all on the wife.

    This is actually offensive on many accounts.
    It's sexist.
    It's slander against Vicky Cornell, who's depicted basically as a criminal mastermind who manipulates everybody.
    It sends a terrible message that belittles depression. Depression CAN get people to kill themselves, it's a terrible illness that can transform many people into a shadow of their former selves. Implying that it's murder and that it's always murder (for Cornell, for Cobain, for Bourdain, for Avicii, etc.) tends to belittle the real ravaging effects of clinical depression.
    And on top of that, you have fucking Enty claiming that he's now getting threatened by A-listers... What has any celebrity actually done against him?

    I just wish you one thing. That, one day, you experience being the butt of the tenth or even less of some forged accusation published here in a blind item against somebody else. Some fake accusation that you were eager to believe at the time, trying to silence the naysayers. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be able to stand it for yourself.

    1. Can you explain the doxxing? Harassment? The treatment of Lily Cornell Silver? Her mother? Peter & Amy Cornell? Other Cornell family members. The nasty comments regarding Ed and Jill Vedder?

      Yes, that broad and her grimy mother and brother are such victims.

  21. You mean your exploitation of a man who cant right you to cease and desist

  22. Hoping that Chris has found peace, but also wouldn't mind him helping to shed some light where all of the loose ends and mysteries are concerned!

  23. @Angela: Belittling depression? That’s VK’s M.O. She can’t even admit that he was ever depressed. No, they were always so, so happy and they were soul-mates. She’s blaming his death on benzodiazepines even though his toxicology report showed that it was in the normal range. Now she’s suing his doctor for mis-prescribing. And, meanwhile, she’s giving speeches about Opiod addiction, even though she’s saying that he was addicted to benzos. She’s like a freaking dog chasing her tail.

  24. Lol there is another gossip site that shall remain nameless that has a massive thread that is currently being investigated due to cyberstalking. What probably isn't widely known by the public is that Chris Cornell had to go to court to get several restraining orders due to obsessed fans that made his life hell. One was jailed. There are two sides to this story and if there are prosecutions then it is all going to come out. And I don't stan for anyone I just know someone who is in the biz so comment when I have info. Peace!!!!

    1. I have read said thread from the beginning. Can you find examples of cyberstalking in that thread?

      I do know of innocent people like a grandmother recently being doxxed by Grimy Granny for posting on a Jill Vedder thread?

  25. Vicky is one greedy bitch. That is undeniable Angela. So fuck off!

  26. Vicky is one greedy bitch. That is undeniable Angela. So fuck off!

  27. So I was watching some Chris Cornell videos on line and suddenly the one popped up with Toni Cornell singing with One Republic on Good Morning America. What kind of mother would do this to her daughter— having her sing live on national tv soon after her dad’s and Chester’s deaths? (In the past I’ve seen pics backstage of VK and Yia Yia all dressed up and wearing huge sunglasses as if they’re the stars.) Most of the audience members are sobbing and it’s almost as if this poor girl is expected to somehow heal their pain. So disgusting. And who lets their teenage daughter sing Hallelujah? It’s about someone having an affair and she actually sings the part ‘he tied her to a kitchen chair’ WTF!

  28. I find it disgusting that the family would try to stop Enty from exploiting and profiting from their loved one's death.
