Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Item #4

Apparently this is day four or five of being awake on the latest meth binge of this former MTV reality star turned possible future convict.


  1. +1 Tricia, that is who I am going with.

    1. Of he touched my dog he would be ended...

  2. Anything past 3 days is too much. Prick barely works, meth psychosis kicks in, nothin fun happening.

  3. y'all just haven't done enough meth...
    4 or 5 days is for lightweights
    the good stuff doesn't start until at least day 7 but day 10 is where it really gets going

  4. "possible" convict? I'd say it's a sure bet. The only question is who he takes out in the process.

  5. He doesn't work at all - he confessed in court that he avoids employment so he doesn't have to pay child support to his ex whom he hates. He justifies this by saying he spends all his time 'home-schooling' his daughter Maryssa, and that his vitiligo is so bad he can't work outdoors. Somehow, he goes out enough to hunt, tend the lannnnnnd and shot their dog though. Prick needs to diaf.

    1. That why he is with Jenelle. She pays all the bills i think he sells narcotics on the side.

  6. I'd be surprised if he was ambitious enough to sell drugs instead of just using them all. I'm sure he was more than happy with Jenelle's $600,000 a year.

  7. This is lovely...a sleep-deprived hot-head on a meth bender, stewing on all of the injustices of The Man taking his kids and convincing his wife to leave him after taking her career and their source of income. I think convict is a definite possibility, it will just be what level, and hopefully without a body count (excluding poor Nugget).

    Speaking of meth, where is June? Between this story and the wayward misadventures of Mama June, I feel like she could provide some quality insight.
    BTW- welcome back, Count!😁

    1. Yes Vita!!Mama June smoking crack and living at the Casino Hotel!! Insane!!

  8. Meredith: the stuff does its job w/ little side effects, that is why military pilots use it.

  9. Count then why are so many drug psychosis victims after a week long meth bender? I will say even heroin can be used safely ie micro-dosing and such but it is the rare person that can keep meth, heroin, crack at a safe usage level.

    1. Lots of folks with staph and Mesa from picking the skin. Lots of drug induced psychosis from all drugs and combative to boot. .

    2. Because humans arent meant to go 5 days w/o sleep.

      If you get a gram of good crystal and snort it up in one night like it is coke, yer fucked. You do 1 or 2 decent lines, to keep the party going, you'll be sleeping some time in the next 24hrs and the shitty feeling when you wake up can be dealt with via a doobie and a nap.

  10. .....Should be interesting come Wednesday and court reconvenes!

  11. I generally agree with the Count on this.

    @MountainMama - you asked about why there are so many issues if it can be used with military servicemen

    I can answer that.

    Meth is addictive, yes - but in my experience only SOME people (much like alcoholics) will actually be inclined to use meth excessively. Personally, I spent months in clubs doing cocaine, have tried "crank" three times in my teens (didn't like the brain cracking) and have an active Adderall prescription I recently used to binge-move a friend in 48 hours.

    I am an alcoholic and have to abstain from drinking but I smoke weed all the time and take Adderall when I feel like it. I don't take it to "get high" because I'm not sure how much that would be but I never take more than 25 because it sounds bad. I'm not trying to freak out over here.

    Friend of mine would prob crush up the whole Rx and snort it - he loves uppers.

    People are different - the ones who have meth problems, to some degree, just really like meth (for these people it can be INSANELY HARD to quit, it's sad). People are wired different - lots of people can't really smoke weed and don't.

  12. Jeez this like an NA meeting all gone wrong 😅

  13. My question is what the hell are you doing for 4-5 days straight. I don't have enough to do when I'm awake 13 hours a day.

  14. I've thankfully never tried meth and never will. I'm from a small town in the midwest and it's EVERYWHERE here. Seen too many meth heads around to want to even think about it.

    I'll stick to pot lol
