Saturday, May 18, 2019

Blind Item #5

This disgraced permanent A+/A list mostly movie director wanted this former A+ list tweener turned singer/upcoming actress in an episode of a big almost television show to put in a good word for him with someone. She refused because of that unnecessary sex scene he made her film for a different almost television show.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Woody Allen/Selena?

    2. Maybe it’s Woody/Miley cyrus. She did a show for him/Netflix

  2. Miley Cyrus and woody Allen

  3. Black mirror for the new show she’s in

  4. He asked, she said no... where's the controversy?

  5. @Tricia: I was shopping a few weeks ago and bought Irish Butter after you had mentioned it. The cashier actually told me it was addictive & I told her I rarely eat butter. Seriously, it’s unbelievable! I’ve eaten more of that in the past few weeks than I’ve eaten regular butter in the past year. I think need to go to butter rehab.😋

    1. Yes girl!I rarely eat butter too . Think it’s for those that don’t eat much but splurge when they do!
      I had some last night-heated pita❤️❤️❤️

    2. Costco has the best price on Kerrygold.

  6. Controversy is, we need 13-14 blinds a day plus 4-5 reveals! That totals to 18 articles daily, at least! Hence, creative retelling of DM celebrity pages!

  7. Also Woody Allen's miniseries for Amazon Prime didn't have any sex scene, and, given the story, nobody would have accepted to do one.

  8. I must interrupt the lovefest for Irish butter. Sorry to burst your bubbles, but if you want to taste REAL butter, and you'll never look at any other butters ever again, try RedFeather butter from NewZealand. It comes in a can. One taste and you'll never EVER eat any other butters again. You can only buy it online.

  9. woody allen / miley cyrus / black mirror / somebody at netflix / crisis in six scenes (Amazon)

  10. WOAH - Raising the bar over here is WaxDiva coming from the left with BUTTAH DOWN UNDAH

    Yes yes ok NZ and AU are diff but so close.

  11. "UNNECESSARY" sex scene suggests it may have been filmed & left on the cutting room floor

    which would piss me off 5x as much as regular

  12. The plot to Crisis in Six Scenes doesn't lend itself to a sex scene involving Miley Cyrus.
    Allen may have featured two or three sex scenes at most in all of his films. And I say two or three because I only remember a very brief scene in Husbands and Wives and another one in Match Point, where it was justified by the plot both times.

    Here, the script that was filmed and shown wouldn't call for a sex scene or nudity. And any actor or actress who's ever watched one of Allen's films would be baffled to receive some script where suddenly there's a sex scene added out of the blue. It would be reason enough to void the contract of any actress, especially one who can afford getting out of the part like Cyrus.

  13. Was that butter or margarine that Brando had shoved up his butt in Last Tango in Paris? I think he says "go get the butter."

  14. @Substance: If you’ve seen the movie, it wasn’t shoved up his butt, it was her butt. And it’s been subsequently reported that she had no idea that this was going to happen, so she was basically filmed while she was being raped.

  15. @Tricia13 - reg: @Aquagirl comment above
    Now THAT is Buttah Down Undah!

  16. "The plot in this movie doesn't lend itself to a sex scene." SO what you are saying is that the scene would be unnecessary?

  17. disgraced movie director = Woody Allen

    singer/actress = Selena Gomez

    unnecessary sex scene =

  18. @ Substance D

    Was that butter or margarine that Brando had shoved up his butt in Last Tango in Paris?


    his ?

  19. Brando does get it from her at some point, maybe dry. Now I recall John Simon needling Pauline Kael for making the same mistake. According to Simon, Kael's delirious enthusiasm for the movie made her transpose the butterer, tripping balls about Brando getting butt raped, hallucinating her own reveries into print within the august pages of the New Yorker. Whoopsy Daisey! My bad.

  20. Maria Schneider, a full blown lesbian at some point, committed a crime so she would be sent to prison and could be with her convict girlfriend. She later killed herself. As always, there's no bizness like it!

  21. Unnecessary sex scene being one that didn't fit w/the plot fits that Miley/Woody borefest perfectly.
    I've always hated his movies,going back to the 70s.
