Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A- list singer who once hooked up with an A- list actress long enough to get her pregnant is being investigated for having a threesome with two female teens who say he got them drunk/drugged them and they didn't consent to the sex he had with them and they had with each other. He says they just didn't want their boyfriends to find out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Matt Bellamy/Kate Hudson?

  3. It's absolutely The Weeknd and Selena Gomez.

  4. Investigated? By the police? What a concept!

  5. But Selena is usually described a teenage celeb turned bad actress by Enty. Unless he has changed her call sign, it cant be her!

  6. As a female I can say it is not unusual for a female to claim rape rather than be accused of infidelity if such a truth comes to light.

    It's fucked up and hopefully something they don't do into adulthood.

    1. That's true but we also live in a world where people tend not to believe girls who really are raped too so I think we need to assume she's telling the truth until she's proved not today

  7. hunter – Also not unusual for men to suggest/accuse infidelity to erode the credibility of accusations of rape if such a truth comes to light.

    It's fucked up and unfortunately we know they do it regardless of age.

  8. This is a big one, we need to figure it out!

    Short term relationship between FB A- list singer, A- list actress, preg???

    Matt Bellamy and Kate were engaged and together a fairly long time

    Weeknd and Selena seems best guess, but as stated, new definition for her

  9. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I first thought of Liam and Cheryl Cole but she’s not an actress and is foreign born. This one is tricky. If it is Bellamy and Hudson, the word choice is bizarre.

  10. Maybe we need a new kind of criminal law, wherein if a case is filed then someone will get punished. Either the defendant or complainant will go to prison. If they accused is found guilty then throw him/her for max punishment and if found innocent then give the same quantum of punishment to the complainant!

    1. They use to take both parties to jail in domestic violence calls here ...which I think Is proper to protect the innocent party they stopped doing it and dont even bother to take one to jail now..

  11. I don’t think it’s Selena. Even if Enty left out the usual descriptors, she’s still primarily a singer so I can’t see him referring to her as an actress.

  12. Bellamy is a better guitarist than singer and leads the power trio Muse. I mean, yeah, he's a singer. But that's not the way I'd characterize him -- more like band leader and guitarist. So not Bellamy, unless this is intentionally misleading...

  13. How come no ones stated the obvious?!?! The Weeknd did not get Selena pregnant per the BI the singer got the actress knocked up so it can’t be them.

  14. Yeah Selena ain't an actress

  15. @Montana: there were rumors that Selena was pregnant. She had a bit of a belly going on which could’ve been from anything given her medical and/or drug history.

  16. Most americans know Bellamy as lead singer for Muse, not guitarist for Muse.

  17. I still don't think it's Bellamy, because even if he's A list in my head as a musician -- I don't think he rates this high for the general public. Did Chris Martin ever impregnate anyone, other than GOOP? Hmmm. This is a hard one.

  18. Aquagirl that belly was steroid bloat from getting a kidney transplant.

  19. @Krissie: I agree with you but there were rumors that she was pregnant.

    This is a difficult blind!

  20. Chris Martin and Jennifer Lawrence

  21. matt bellamy isn't a singer, he's a musician.

  22. @Jojo. Like your guess but did we ever know that JLaw was pregnant? I actually thought she was pregnant with the fiance’s baby, but in the last pics I saw of her she didn’t look pregnant. This blind isn’t really clear whether or not the impregnated actress actually had the baby so that adds another 🍼 .

  23. Would Dakota Johnson be A- list, or would enty include celebrity offspring? Could be her and Chris Martin though, weren't their rumors a few months ago she was expecting?

  24. You could make a case for matt bellamy being A list a decade ago, not now.

  25. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I met Matt and Chris many years ago a meet and greet and both were very nice and cordial. Matt seemed very shy and fit the quiet, nerdy musician type more than Chris did (Chris is gorgeous in real life btw). I never got the impression that Matt was a creeper or really into groupies. He didn't oogle any girls or act sleazy - it was more along the lines of "okay, gotta meet these folks super quick and then I can go back and hide before my show." I get the impression that his persona on stage is just that.

    Muse was definitely A list at one point though. No idea where they stand now but they put on a helluva show.

  26. Unknown -- good stuff! Muse is one of my favorite bands. The kind of sound they get with just three of them is amazing! Always a+ in my mind. I don't think Bellamy is a creeper. Martin probably not either (though I don't think he's a genius as Bellamy). I think in the case of this blind, we haven't hit the right name yet...

  27. Wait...The Weekend got Selena pregnant?

  28. Generally after having a transplant, people need anti-rejection pills plus steroids. I can't imagine Selena getting pregnant on so many meds.

  29. Okay, MUSE is my absolute favorite band and has been for a long time, so I know their goss. This is absolutely NOT Matt and Kate. No way, no how. Like others said, he's not a creeper, he stays in his own lane, and is shy and quiet. He's way too busy for this nonsense and he's never been know to do things like this. I mean he could, he's a rock star, but I've never heard any down-low stuff like you hear about Jared Leto. 30 Seconds opened for MUSE at one point, 3 years ago?

    MUSE is A list, are you kidding me? They headline everywhere, Coachella about two years ago. Fill arenas. Matt Bellamy IS a singer, an amazing one at that, but yes, he's a great guitarist with his own unique sound and pianist. If you aren't into MUSE then you're not into them and don't recognize them as A list, that's fair. Those that are interested in that genre absolutely would say A.

    Its like rappers. I'm not into that genre of music, so I don't know whose A list, but if you are, you'd say oh so and so is totally A list.

    If this turns out to be Matt, not only would my stomach drop, my head would explode. He's also very engage, and very in love with Elle Evans. She's drop dead gorgeous and they're always together. MUSE is touring right now and she's always with him. Glued together.
