Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Item #7

This A- list mostly television actress from a long running very hit network comedy has also enjoyed lots of success in movies. Her latest boyfriend has been hooking up with her long time assistant.


  1. Julie Bowen? She got divorced last year.

  2. I like Anna Faris guess

  3. Well at least its long time assistant and not short time, so theres that!

  4. Perhaps this is an official duty of the assistant.

    "I've got a headache. Take this box of condoms, wear stockings and no panties. He likes a good BJ and you might give special care to your hiney hygiene before heading over."

  5. I was thinking Aniston, too, but I d put her and Cox as A+, I think? Anyway, both of them seem like quality girlfriend sorts, who would be pissed at both, but more devastated by the betrayal by the longtime assistant (assuming the guy is fairly new).

  6. Nice. I need a broad w/ a hot assistant who will pinch hit for her.

  7. Has Anna Faris had lots of success in movies?

    Julie's a good guess with the Hunger Games and Pitch Perfect movies.

    1. I’d say she was pretty iconic in Scary Movie 😀

  8. Lisa-- Julie Bowen was on Dave and Modern Family. I believe she's been in movies, too, but Elizabeth Banks is in Hunger Games and Pitch Perfect. They often get confused

  9. Cox and Aniston would have 'iconic' in their descriptors.

    That said, I don't have a clue who this could be.

  10. Wait one second here, who TF ever confuses Julie Bowen and Elizabeth Banks? They don't look alike, they don't sound alike, they have different acting styles, WTF? ;)

  11. Don't hire a hot chick to be your au pair or your assistant, talk about lack of judgment.

  12. Brayson- Honestly! I guess just delicate featured blondes of similar build who came onto scene around the same time...i googled just to make sure sleep deprivation hadnt gotten the best of me again, and on the first page alone, there were articles on the subject dating from 2007-last month!
