Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Blind Item #9 - A Birdie Blind Item

Which A list director would - at the height of this person's fame as such - select for pretty, young female production assistants, berate them in front of the cast and crew for some supposed wrongdoing, then tell them they could make it up to the director later, in private? Notice what I didn't specify.


  1. Replies
    1. Or Amy Heckerling-def

    2. 100% on Any Heckerling. Like Louis CK finally being outed in 2018 despite Gawker all but outing him 6 years earlier, I have heard several rumors in this vein about AH.

  2. Gender is not specified? So it could be a man/woman/potato?

  3. Considering Amy did the casting couch, maybe her.

  4. That Hurt Locker lady.

  5. Had to look up Heckerling. Does she always look drunk and disheveled?

    She had a baby with Harold Ramis. He was either married or dating someone at the time. Possibly both. Heckerling was married too. I had no idea he was such a scoundrel.

    1. Now I’m sad again. Ramis seemed like a good guy. But apparently he couldn’t keep it in his pants either.

  6. Penny Marshall. Or is she dead?

  7. Hollyweird is just that, everyone has an agenda
    Where's the outcry

  8. Is that supposed to be 4 (four)?

  9. Oh God! Just the thought of servicing Penny Dreadful makes me vomit!

  10. "at the height of the person's fame as such"

    As a director, not an actor. Could be Jodie Foster. Could be Mel Gibson.

  11. "She had a baby with Harold Ramis. He was either married or dating someone at the time. Possibly both. Heckerling was married too. I had no idea he was such a scoundrel."

    According to the dates in Wikipedia, both were single / separated in latish 1984, which could be when the daughter was conceived. Amy remarried later in 1985. The daughter was born in 1985. It does not sound as though either one was necessarily cheating, just that the parentage was kept a secret initially until the daughter could understand.

  12. Foster is too professional and had her pick so berating little people wouldn't give her wood, tho' accounts suggest nookie wasn't the most important thing in her life. I'll go all in on Babs Streisand. Fugly and vulgar, she would never let someone approaching her fame near her. Frightened wannabe's would be more like her quarry. For her, power is the juice, just like a male producer/director. Back in the trailer, she probably was into verbal humiliation and making them grovel.

  13. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Can you imagine being a 20 year old intern and having to go down on 65 year old tuna. That shows dedication to your craft.

  14. "Notice what I didn't specify" = gender of director, so its likely a female director

    "at the height of this person's fame" - meaning they aren't at the 'height' or top of their game anymore

  15. @dave peters. This article strongly suggests otherwise. Admittedly I just skimmed:

  16. Hideous book cover, absolute crap. Graphic design is dead.

  17. @Substance D
    you forgot the "direct eye contact" thing, otherwise 100%

  18. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Also did not specify if anything was actually made up to the director later, in private. Maybe the director was using the assistants to beard? Better to be a sexual harasser in showbusiness than gay.

  19. @Unknown.... that was funny!

  20. "Babs Streisand. Fugly and vulgar, she would never let someone approaching her fame near her"

    That reminds me of Don Geronimo's great line that Streisand's favorite charity was Jimmy Brolin's career. Summed her up nicely.

  21. Hecklerling looks the type from her photo, and Fast Times was pretty raunchy so she's def no prude
