Monday, May 20, 2019

Blind Item #9

Worried about the book coming from the former female lover of the permanent A+ list singer is the relative of the singer. I previously told you how it is going to expose the horrors inflicted by the relative. So, the relative announces a bunch of new records and a tour that will probably never happen. Distract, distract.


  1. Replies
    1. I think it’s Robin her for we assistant/BFF

  2. Dionne / Cissy for relative?

  3. Bobby Brown is the relative?

  4. +1 Her family is planning a hologram tour, i can't even

  5. Could be Dionne and her sister DeeDee Dionne just released a album the other day and Dee Dee has been accused of molesting Whitney.

  6. I have never heard a worse idea than a hologram tour.....

  7. WTF? "Worried about the book coming from the former female lover of the permanent A+ list singer is the relative of the singer."

    Let's unwind that...

    There is a singer who is permanent A+ list.
    The singer has a relative that is worried about a book coming out.
    That book was written by a lady that was the former female lover of the A+ list singer.

    Okay. Got it.

    Sounds like Whitney Houston for the A+ list singer to me. Lots of choices for the relative, though.

  8. Oh man. Someone check on Enty for signs of a stroke

  9. Maybe D&D is writing today's blinds, that's why they make no F*CKING SENSE!

  10. The worried relative is Pat, the sister-in-law, who announced the album and the hologram tour today. Wonder what dirt Robyn has on her?

  11. It is more like what doesn't she have on them? I am sure it was all a cesspool. There are lots of issues in that family.

  12. Who would pay to see a hologram? That is just bad!

    Whitney in her prime was amazing, and the footage is everywhere. This is more money grab and diversionary tactics. Robyn has the right to share the story as she knows it. What is she waiting for?

  13. FYI, Robyn's book comes out in November, I guess to capitalize on the Christmas buying market (and to give the lawyers enough time to fully vet it). But it's already available for pre-order on Amazon and B&N.

  14. I wish that her family/management/label (yes, I’m talking to you Clive Davis) would have left Whitney alone and that she could’ve openly stayed with Robyn. I think she was the true love of her life.

    I was listening to Chris Cornell’s version of ‘I will always love you’ (which he sang right after Whitney died) the other day and then I listened to Whitney’s version. Two amazing singers gone way too soon.

  15. Thanks doleman - sooooo.... we're gonna need you to be top comment on all the posts from here out okay?

    Pretty sure we'd all be into that.

    Sometimes yepthatsme makes replacement breakdowns with POPULAR GUESS replacing the descriptor but it's a big job to shoulder fultime.

    I think it's yep who does that...

  16. Can't wait for the movie based on Robyn's book.

  17. Maybe I'm out of it today, the blind made total sense to me. ๐Ÿค”

  18. @aquagirl - given that Clive was gay himself, and that Robyn was the stabilizing force in his cash cow’s life, do you think he minded Robyn being around? I mean, Clive is 7 shades of evil, but I’m not sure if he wanted them separated like Cissy did.


  20. @Moose: My ex worked with Whitney and Clive. He (Clive) wanted her to present herself as a very glamourous, heterosexual woman. As I said in my post, ‘family/management/label.’ I know a lot about Clive, but I’m sure most of her relatives treated her pretty horribly as well.
    Looking forward to hearing Robyn’s POV.

  21. @aquagirl, thanks for the insight. Clive’s track record for finding and nurturing talent is unparalleled, but you have to wonder at what cost.

    The idea that he went through with his Grammy party while Whitney’s lifeless body sat in a tub a few floors above still gives me chills.

  22. Aquagirl-- would love for you to give scoops, or submit some blinds!๐Ÿ˜

  23. Yes please do submit some blinds.
    Lord knows most of these have run their course.

  24. Whitney’s mom famously told Oprah she would never have accepted Whitney as gay. Those good old god-loving values shining through. Love thy neighbor but not your daughter.

  25. @Moose: Right after I replied to you, I was thinking that very same thing. How he had his pre-Grammy party while her body was still in the bathtub upstairs. He said that ‘she would’ve wanted that.’ So disrespectful. I honestly don’t know who is worse: Clive or the other guests who attended the party. I would’ve stayed home. I mean, I was crying when I found out she had died. I can’t even imagine going to a party. In the hotel. Where she died. With her body still upstairs.

    @Vita & Rosie: Everything I know about Whitney is quite sad. Sort of Brittany-sad. Being forced to perform when she was physically unable; having to pretend that she was hetero when she wasn’t. And of course all the stuff with BB beating her. There’s literally footage out there, which you wouldn’t notice, unless you were looking for it, where she’s totally whacked out & emaciated, almost falling down on stage and then they do a quick cut and prop her up again and she continues singing. And at the end they literally have to carry her off the stage (which of course, is not shown.) Horrifying. So no scoop from me. Just much sadness.

    However, I have worked with a lot of famous people, so I’ll do some thinking because I agree; these blinds are getting boring๐Ÿ™„

    1. Whitney would of loved it.Everyone was already gathered. Hollywood stops for no one sadly

  26. @TheBPlot: I had the most wonderful father in the world, who always taught me that everyone was equal, no matter their background. He was so inclusive, accepting, and non-judgmental. Unfortunately, he died when I was 17, which was a huge loss, and we were left with my very Catholic, very hypocritical mother. Fast forward a bit, and one of my older sisters was dating an African American guy, and was getting somewhat serious with him. (My sisters and I are all blue-eyed blondes.) So she decides that she wants to tell my mother and perhaps introduce them. And my mother, the church-goer flips out! Meanwhile, we are not talking about a Kardashian dating a random rapper and getting pregnant—my sister works in IT and her BF was a newscaster! My mother actually said ‘what will my friends say’ and my aunt (my hero) said ‘maybe you need new friends’. So my sister kept dating him and we just excluded my mother from any function where he’d be present. Her loss! So one day I was at my mother’s house and she was in another room doing something and I walked in and she’s watching his newscast! So I told her that she was the most hypocritical person I’d ever met and I walked out. Wasn’t the first time and certainly wasn’t the last.

    And BTW, fuck Oprah.

  27. @Vita: I wanted to respond to your comment re: what is Robyn waiting for. I don’t know this woman, although I know of her, but I truly admire her. It’s been 7 years, and I honestly don’t know her reasons for waiting to write the book (or maybe she didn’t wait—maybe she tried to write it but couldn’t). But I’d imagine it was probably a combination of shock, grief, remorse with probably some legal issues as @Moose mentioned. But in comparison to the Widow, who was trying to make more money before her ‘soulmate’s’ body was cold.....I’m voting for Robyn, and I hope we’re not disappointed. I can call my ex and ask him if he knows, but just for informational purposes, not gossip.
