Monday, May 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 26, 2019

The fix is in for this disgraced producer. Even if the trial goes forward, he won't serve a day in jail.

Harvey Weinstein


  1. Too bad accusers like Asia and Rose were so transparently full of shit. Whomever he really did harm won't get justice because of their lying.

    1. Agreed. I especially despise Asia Argentines she is a special kind of crazy unt with a c. Sad too. Harvey is a disgusting being, and he hurt many women. He belongs in jail for sure.

    2. Sorry autocorrect Argento*

  2. There have got to be some lawsuits in the wings at least, this guy was notorious.

  3. He was the sacrificial lamb. All the really bad stuff will never get exposed.

  4. I had a feeling he would figure out how to wiggle out of everything. Im surprised it has taken as long as it has. That's a bit of victory, at least.

  5. I’m sobbing. Feel as though I’m embarrassed to be a citizen of this country.

  6. UGH. He should BURN. They all should burn.

  7. Fascists don't like women and children. Big "tell" as they say in poker. Those like Harvey are promoted and compensated. Systemic problem in western governments and catholic church. My name is Molly and I am a political junkie.

  8. Who fixed it, his money?

    @unknown what do you mean the really bad stuff? There’s worse?

  9. QT should burn as well.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. @molly, Oh it's the western governments that don't like women and children, right. Pretty sure in most of the other governments women and children barely have any rights, theyrank somewhere slightly above house pet.
    For everyone that bashes western governments I say you're really going to love Sharia law, coming soon to a city near you.

  12. I've never met Harvey Weinstein.

    Hillary Clinton has, however, and she loved hanging out with him.

    Of course, she loved hanging out with Donald Trump too.

  13. Jesus Christ, quit bringing up Hillary CLinton for NO REASON. Your obsession with her is CREEEEEPY

  14. I actually believe Asia & Rose, but they took payouts back when the event happened or jobs from him to continue their careers. Then when everything came out, both played the victim card very hard.

    The ones is are full of it were Paz and Olivia. Their stories were complete crap & didn't at all fit Weinstien's MO.

    tRumpsters, stop making every damn thing political. again this is a gossip site, we don't care. Go back to the comments of the DM & agree with your self & your multiple sock accounts.

    Weinstein just payed out ALOT of money.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


  16. Ah yes Molly, the famous western countries that stone women, enslave children, marry them off to pedos, use them as human shields, kidnap them by the hundreds to then mass rape them for the rest of their lives, disfigure them with acid for wanting an education, or then force them to beg on tourist routes while crippled, stop foreign polio vaccinators to vaccinate their beloved children by shooting them, poison the school water in girls' schools, and culturally employ 'dancing boys' who are there for a lot more than just dancing.

    The famous western countries that have legal marriage ages for girls as young as ZERO years old, or 8 years old, or 10, or 12, but the latter are the super progressive ones, you know, the really civilised ones.

    The famous western countries that oppress women, torture and imprison them for showing their hair, or walking their tiny dogs, cover them in garbage-bag-looking attire, because if they aren't, they're clearly out to be raped and then killed if they protest, and all those other awful things western countries are famous for.

    If only those awful fascist western countries were more like those lovely cuddly non-western countries that famously have women as Prime ministers, judges, scientists, astronauts, CEOs and leaders...

    1. Get off your soapbox! The justice system is b.s., and you know it! Just like that fat greasy bus driver getting no prison time for raping that 14 year old girl....

  17. What if I told you a man driving drunk killed his passenger and severely injured two others in another vehicle and only served 30 days, did some community service and paid a not so hefty fine for his actions? Because that's what happened to Vince Neil of Motley Crue when he killed Razzle of Hanoi Rocks one drunken evening. He actually KILLED someone. Harvey won't be penalized a quarter of that. Money talks, protects and hides for the rich and famous. Always has, always will.

  18. (It seems somebody watched 'The Dirt')

  19. Sook, consider Bruce Jenner's driving exploit.

  20. That ugly piece of crap deserves prison. And his buddies Oprah and Meryl can come visit him.

  21. @J, In his defense, he wasn't comfortable with stick. ;)

  22. aquagirl, don't cry. Let's wait and see what actually happens. There may be more credible accusers waiting in the wings...

  23. Hillary hung out with Oprah too, she's a total Satanic Baby Eater.

  24. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Weinstein knows too much about too many people. There was no way he was ever going to prison.

  25. I think he will skip jail and be back in the movie business. He probably has tons of dirt and the receipts to back it up on lots of people. And those people will be more than happy to help him if they want to continue their careers or have a nice legacy.

  26. The problem with HW is most of the actresses agreed to have sex with him for parts. I'm sure they hated every minute of it, held their breath and likely showered for an hour after but consented nonetheless. And HW probably didn't keep his end of the bargain half the time either. He's a piece of garbage, but they sold their souls for fame.

  27. I like how the hillbots are telling 'trumpsters' to stop making things political. The very same people who bring Trump and Russia into Oh, sweet irony.
