Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 22, 2019

Apparently the source for a lot of anti brother and sister in law gossip is coming straight from the alliterate former actress. The tips have really ramped up since getting a social media account again.

Prince William/Kate Middleton/Meghan Markle


  1. What is it that she hopes to gain from this?

  2. @Do Tell, A number one rated reality tv show! :)

  3. Enty you receive most of these fake gossip items and you publish them as blinds and you don't know where the fuck or who the fuck they are coming from?

  4. She better be bracing herself for the fall. It's not going to be pretty. Bitch is so fucking stupid, what was her end game. I mean all she had to do was play nice at her 'job'. Idjit.

  5. Still no baby, and Markle appears to be sitting home playing with the Sussex social media accounts.

    The official account just unfollowed all the other Royal accounts yesterday, and also unfollowed all the Sussex patronages, including the Invictus Games.

    Instead, it is following only mental health accounts.

    The image is an odd collage of images from those accounts, clearly homemade.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Apparently there will be new causes each month.

  6. i think she thinks she can turn this into a successful actress thing. kind of like the grace kelly story but i could be wrong but shes angling for something that is for her benefit only.

  7. @Do Tell, that green little thing. Maniac Markle cannot stand any one stealing her thunder. Torontopaper's last post said Rachel's game is up. Probable insinuating that she has been arrested and a lot of people claiming to see a big police crowd outside Kensington Palace.

  8. Im always reading here that there's no baby.. what the hell is the point of lying about it?? Im not saying she's pregnant by any means- im saying there sure as fuck is a baby, somewhere.
    Probably a surrogate yes. But it's a gd baby. And it will be presented as such within a couple days.
    Seriously. Is your spin on this that she's going to "suffer a stillbirth" or "baby passed due to complications at birth"

  9. Somehow I think MM should re-watch season 3 of Downton Abbey. It's scenario #6 that could happen (from Nutty flavours 5 scenarios on her blog). She should read a bit English history from 1066 onward on how princesses were really treated, as were those not towing the line.
    Then again maybe it's all just fiction. A thirsty actress who suddenly wants privacy. We should send her sympathy bananas with inspirational messages written with sharpies, in calligraphy.

  10. Some of these comments are laughable. Arrested? Really? Don't believe everything the DM tells you, they're just there for the clicks.

  11. Well, I think it's apparent she's selfserving, but she also isn't that skilled an actress.

  12. lol at the illegitimate fool.

  13. @HushHush
    Sympathy bananas with calligraphy!! Brilliant idea!!👍

  14. Arrested?! hahaha, oh my, what kind of fanfic are you writing now?! This is how you can tell these trolls aren't from the western world.

    1. How incredibly racist!!!

    2. No it’s not racist it’s in reference to her attempt at “uplifting and encouraging” battered/impoverished/ sexually abused women at a charity event earlier this year. She wrote inspiring messages (with a sharpie) on the bananas included in the care packages for these women. It was odd.

  15. @Rosie

    You know, I really have no idea.

    Could be that there were problems with the surrogate, or problems with the baby the surrogate produced. Wasn't that supposedly the case with Beyoncé and Jay-Z - the surrogate produced an imperfect child which they declined to adopt?

    Alternately, the RF could be trying to work out the legal aspects of surrogacy. Surrogacy in the UK requires an official adoption by the non-bio parents. And a baby not produced "of the body" can't be in the line of succession.

    Or, alternately, Meg made the whole thing up and there is no surrogate and no baby at all. Both the official Sussex account and Meg's pseudonymous Twitter accounts like @tudorchick1501 have been going on about mental health recently. Insanity defense?

    She has a history of making stuff up.

  16. @HushHush... "with sharpies, in calligraphy" Dying.

  17. What does she hope will be the outcome of all this

  18. And here is "Nutty" again with half her comments...betting she's the "source" of this blind to enty & BG....

  19. Nobody here has said anything racist, Justme.

  20. As I've said before, if I'm MM I wouldn't be going for any late-night drives through Paris with a chauffeur.

  21. HushHush-- a classic!🏆

    I love the drama, but have a feeling baby was born around Easter, and this is all just fizzle of letting her recover before semi-permanent sequestering at Frogmore.

  22. I think Justme was joking.

    Fun stuff: Buckingham Palace has just announced Harry will be visiting the Netherlands on May 8 and 9th.

    Totally normal thing for a first-time father with an overdue baby to plan.

  23. Nutty-- you're an A+ Royal Correspondent! I love all of the updates and intrigue!

  24. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I love how half of these MM supporters randomly show up and try to undermine the comments of well-established members on here. There's a reason why so many people think something is going on. I used to be an MM supporter until I started noticing something was off with her pregnancy and behavior. Once you take the blinders off, you start seeing things that really do not add up.

    It's not rocket science. This is a gossip forum with members who excel at noting the finer details that many overlook. Meghan knew going in that she was going to have people looking over her past and her current actions with a fine-toothed comb, the same way folks would analyze any other celebrity. For such a fame-hungry person, you'd think she would have figured this out by now, but instead is trying to spin the narrative the same way US Politicians do with their newfound "fake news tagline." I find it rather interesting that Meghan and her team have started using this excuse since retaining a former Clinton PR spokeswoman.

    But let's keep blaming the folks on gossip sites for their take on things. It's not like we haven't honed our bullshit radars over the years or anything.

    1. A lot of her supporters are super imposing her supposed glamorous life onto their sad little lives. So sad.

  25. What does anyone have to gain from this? I assumed it was a ploy to distract from the idiocy that is Brexit, but whatever. William is #2 for the throne. MM can't have it.

  26. @Sandybrook

    Thank you for my 4th laugh of the day!

    @Nutty Flavor

    Say what you want.

    I do believe you. Ain't no way Meghan Sparkles is pregnant. This pic is the ultimate proof. No one can explain how an 8 month pregnant human female can do this:

    The Internet is convinced Meghan Markle is not 8 months pregnant

  27. advocating for mental health issues is admirable. but based on their instagram account it simply looks like they are advocating for overused "love yourself" platitudes. imno.

  28. Oh something's up!

    The most telling thing was the Queen bestowing Kate a title or something on Sparkle's due date.

    Anybody who thinks that's a coincidence, is an utter imbecile. Read between the lines.

    1. I loved that her maj did that...Oh to be a fly on the wall at frogmore!

    2. Word is no one is living at frog hollow.

  29. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Per Dripdrop's twitter, a "birth announcement" will happen/is necessary for the next steps. So I would assume we'll see the birth announced shortly and then (supposedly) things will go south really quickly/get wrapped up really quickly. Whether that means surrogacy or a child fathered by someone other than PH, who knows. It's all speculation right now so we just have to be patient and see what comes to pass.

    But I do think that it's really suspicious that someone "in" the RF stopped following them on various social media platforms and, as Nutty noted, PH has an engagement in another country in early May (which is very odd given she could potentially give birth at any time and/or that he would be away from his new child so soon). Take what you want from that, but it just seems weird.

  30. Oh god, the tin foil hats are out. It’s one thing to be into gossip. Conspiracy and treason is laughable.

  31. When you have to quote no name twitter comments, you’ve lost the plot. lol

  32. @Nutty_Flavor, I agree with a lot on your take on Markle,but Blue Ivy is 100% Jay-Z 's baby. Whether he knocked up a side piece or hired someone,I don't know. I was thinking the surrogate in both cases may be nursing,and of course need time to get rid of her in a less obvious way. Maybe part of the medical team?. Did Kate get her title yet? It wouldn't surprise me if Meghan did try to steal her thunder,personal experience with mentally ill people ruining birthdays,weddings(wait! She tried that!) funerals,up to and including suicide attempts. So announcing the baby Sussex birth is just shameless,not tragic,at least.

  33. Lol, Blue Ivy definitely has Jays face!!

  34. @Guesser and @Jennifer, I wasn't referring to Blue Ivy.

    Remember in mid-2015, Beyoncé promised to make a "big announcement" on Good Morning America?

    People were expecting a new pregnancy, a new album, a big movie role - and got, unfortuately, Beyoncés new vegan diet.

    (Refresh your memory here:

    The goss was that the Carters were awaiting a second baby by surrogate, but the baby had some physical abnormality so they chose not to adopt after all.

  35. The title bestowed on Kate coincided with her 8th wedding anniversary, so - if a jab @ MM, a clever one considering. But, I doubt it. I'm intrigued by these theories, but, in a way feel awful for Harry who is I'm sure, well aware of them. He's been through so much and had his own parentage questioned and his mother bullied to death. I doubt he would agree to any thing except, maybe a surrogate due to potential health risks given MM's age.

  36. Am sure most of you don’t care, but Markle has a very unusual palm. Very unusual. Hearing what a truly gifted reader has to say about it would be interesting.
    Non charlatans do exist.

  37. Bit of comedy. The daily mash has this spoof announcement.

  38. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Yes Tatty, because it's no problem for anyone to use Twitter posts as sources of information when it regards a celebrity but heaven forbid we look to it regarding Markle Sparkles. Give me a break. The hypocrisy on this page is astounding. It's okay to go off the rails regarding MJ and the fake documentary but suddenly we cannot touch the MM debacle when she's front and center in everything (and has made damn sure that she's front and center)?

    Again, fucking hypocritical.

    Meghan dug her own grave and when people started putting pieces together, she became defensive af and pulled the victim card. The twitter feeds supposedly belong to former best friends of hers. Whether or not that's true or not remains to be known, but when has validity ever stopped anyone from speculation? Oh, it hasn't. That's why the press gobbled up the reports of William cheating on Kate (when the source was again, *gasp*,from Twitter). Let's not forget that Enty and Himmmm use twitter as well, so should we disregard their tweets too?

    Fake Mood landing = conspiracy. Nazi pyramids existing in Antarctica = conspiracy. Hitler having survived and escaped to South America = conspiracy. Questioning the validity of MM's pregnancy given the ever-evolving bump shape and other questionable factors does not equal a conspiracy. It equals logic. Keep up.

  39. Half of the male palms in that family are unusual. Highly worn down.

  40. If you notice that sort of thing it is easy to see in some photos. Digital photography being what it is, you simpky zoom in for a closer look.


  41. Harry needs to get rid of this trick

  42. Can someone please remind Meghan that the Sussex Insta is an Insta for a royal household and not the insufferable Tig rebranded? I’m surprised that Gwyneth Paltrow and she haven’t become best friends already considering the Meghan tried so hard to be the biracial Gwyneth for so many years.

  43. I really don't mean to offend anyone here. The thing is, is that so many people have DoS as some Machiavellian psycho who is doing everything she can to get away with so many crimes/lies/games. Personally, I do not think that if after the vetting that was done-if there was one damn irregular thing-that HMTQ would have allowed the wedding to proceed. If PH demanded he be able to marry her or else, he'd have been told 'fine, marry her, but it won't be with any fanfare. Second, do you really think PH hasn't seen her naked since October? Come on. So how would treason or a crime be committed if, say, she had a surrogate? He'd know, for God's sake. So a crime or treason is bullshit. I mean, my God, I can't believe the utter psychotic shit that people are claiming. I truly think people need to self examine. Because so over the top crazy, something's off. If that IS her, we shall see. But I'm saying nope.

  44. All signs indicate she's crazier than Diana.

    And that's something.

  45. The bottom line is, if you believe the DoS was arrested, then you are messed up in the head. Sorry to be the one to inform you of this, but someone has to

  46. It is sad that the most exciting thing to happen to the Firm since Diana is an American wife. If y'all are that bored we've got trailer homes full of 'em that we could send across the Atlantic to ya. ;)

    1. Haha! Round up the trailer parks.

  47. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Spenderella does indeed have an unusual palm. She has a simian line on her right palm. “Meghan's right palm has a very rare feature which is a simian line,” he explained. This is where the heart and head lines combine in a single line and it's only found on around 1 per cent of people.

    This rare feature makes for an obsessive and completely committed person who will not falter from their goals.

    “In Meghan's case, the line shows a child-like personality that will never grow up, whose heart rules her head and who will always want to play, indulge in the arts, and loves children,” he said.

    Personally I think she's bat shit crazy but that's just me.

  48. I don't think she has anything to gain from this. A far more likely source is the couple on the other side of the affair.

  49. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Tatty - I have no idea what is going to happen and if anything *is* going to happen. Is she going to get arrested? That's a stretch but again, everything is speculation at this point. We have no idea what is true and what is nonsense.

    What is known is that she's well past her supposed due date. It's not uncommon for first time mothers to go later but 10 months is pushing it. With her new due date in mid May that's really pushing it. The thing is, with IVF from what I understand, you know your due date. There is no guessing. It's implanted on Day X and 9 months from that date is when you're supposedly due. So if she had IVF then her due date should be well-known and well-established, especially if she's been current on going to the doctor and getting checked out. And given that she's a "high risk pregnancy" (as is anyone over 35, especially for your first). So that bit, coupled with her ever-changing bump, is what makes me side-eye this right now. If she's using a surrogate, that's fine - no shade here. Sometimes shit happens and you find you cannot conceive as easily as you hoped. So if she is using a surrogate, then why the whole cloak and dagger bit? Why not let the RF in on it so they can *help* with the ruse so its a bit more well-executed?

    Obviously, admitting surrogacy comes with it's own issues as far as succession goes, but it's obvious that this kid is not going to accede to the throne, so again, why bother? Unless there is the more sinister aspect which is that it's not PH's child (biologically) and that MM is trying to pass it off as his. Do I really think that's the case here? No. I don't think she'd be that idiotic as to try to slip that past the RF (and possibly past Harry) but some folks think that's what's going on. *shrugs* I'm not rushing down that rabbit hole by any means, but some folks have hopped on that crazy train for sure.

    Bottom line: this whole pregnancy is fucking weird. Do I think she's gonna get arrested? No. Do I think that something is going on that we aren't privy to? Yes. It's all speculation right now but that's where I am at on this whole shitfest. More than anything, I don't like way she has represented the US to the world. Brits and most Europeans already view Yanks in a certain manner and her behavior only furthers that narrative. That's the bit that rubs me here, because there are *a lot* of people out there who buy into her lies, even to the point of dragging William and Kate through the ringer. It's petty af and as a 37 year old woman, she needs to grow up and be more respectful of her position and the RF (and it's traditions).

  50. This trick is getting on my nerves. She is a sociopath and now The Firm is caught up in the big lie. Everything about her is fake.!She uses everybody including her family. Meghan is pathological and completely narcissistic. Harry is scared to face the fact that he married a hooker and probably doesn’t know what to do now.

  51. Lisa has got my vote on this one.

  52. @Unknown @5:14pm
    Your last paragraph - standing ovation. Jolly well said!

  53. I feel she will destroy Harry and the Royal Family.. she will become the most hated member of the royal family.

  54. You people are disgusting and pathetic.

  55. Ann, interesting that the Express would pick up on this. Since I am not trained did not want to comment. I also do not choose to use the traditional name for the joined head and heart line. MM’s is particularly long and deep and I can only impute that this denotes a extrirdinarily strong will. Palmistry is part of Indian astrology. A gifted Vedic astrologer would also be able to interpret the three radiating lines rising from the conjoined line. In looking at her chart, the astrologer would also note that MM’s sun falls in the Indian asterism of Ashlesha, which is symbolized by a serpent, and standa for everything related to snakes. Signifying much that is negative, secrecy, the ability to hypnotize, underhandedness, coldness of feeling, sexual power, it is not a positive Asterism since it hinders the ultimate goal of spiritual evolution.
    Anyway, that is what would be said, but most think astrology both Western and Indian is hookum.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Goodness. I leave for a few months and see nothing has changed. Everything she has done (or not done) up to this point has been a major issue. Let them live.

    Also, I'm convinced she had the baby already and they just haven't made the announcement yet. Their previous announcement said as much. Plus if they did make the announcement it would have been a bunch of crap about stealing the spotlight from wedding anniversaries and birthday's.

  58. Grabs popcorn for the next riveting episode of As the Markle Turns


  59. BP confirmed today that she has not had the baby yet.

  60. My theory is that all the secretive is because she has organised a cushy magazine deal - payout most likely to be to a "discreet" bank account if you get my drift.

  61. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I read somewhere that MM sold the photo rights to Mark Zuckerberg to be released on Facebook. Mark got taken by the grifter. He will never see his money again nor those photos.

  62. The only thing Meghan Markle hasn't been blamed for is the Kennedy assassination, however, if we give it enough time we probably can expect that one pretty soon. How she time traveled back to the 60's and planned the entire thing.
