Sunday, May 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 17, 2019

This network has long shown it only cares about making money and doesn't really care about #MeToo. Even though a star was given a ton of money in a wrongful termination complaint they still will do everything to defend the serial cheating married star of this show because advertisers love it.

CBS/Eliza Dushku/Michael Weatherly/Bull


  1. Are the stans still pushing their Weatherly/Cote fanshippingness, with what came out about Jerkerly?

  2. Everyone I know is on the same wave as Gen-Z99 said above...they're happy it got settled bc he's hot and they love the show. At least Eliza got something, and made it public.

  3. I see there are nothing but insane people in this particular comments box. Probably actually just one talking to herself, but in any case, moving along...

  4. He might be handsome, but he appears to be a jerk. Pretty looks let assholes get away with a lot in the eyes of the dumb.

  5. He admitted he did wrong and apologized. That is more than we hear from most of the offenders. She wasn't fired until she went above him. So it is possible he wasn't responsible for her getting fired. "Possible"

  6. He does come across as a jerk.

  7. I stopped watching it. Just like I can't watch Mel Gibson, and the rest of the jerks who pull this shit.
    This site might be for entertainment purposes, but it sure does turn me off to a lot of entertainers.

  8. So you are saying that since he's "hot"--that makes his horrific behavior ok? Clearly you have never been molested or are close to someone who has been. That attitude just allows those assholes to continue to do what they do. Fuck off

  9. Weatherly has always been a prick.

  10. She is 500 times more talented than him. What a terrible joke.
    This era of Bloated White Men Falling Upwards needs to end already.

  11. If CBS (truly) paid Eliza $9.5 Million for his (allegedly) sexually assaulting her, it was more than a sexual assault.

    I hope they took it out of his pay.

    There's no reason to put your hands on; or insert your penis into any woman without her permission regardless of how beautiful your mind tells you they are.

  12. supposedly he told few dirty jokes in front of the cast/crew and she got offended.
    seems to me the other crew members could also file million dollar sexual harassment suits as well because they heard these offense jokes and if they’re smart could claim they were ‘offended’ as well. as well and they’re jobs are in jeopardy by reporting they were offended.

  13. @Jne - it wasn't dirty jokes it was assault - he put his hands on her.

  14. Okay-- "everyone I know" did not include myself. ...i think for that large of a settlement there has to be much more to the story

  15. If only disgusting white men were as respectful and non-rapey to women as black and brown men, huh?
    That is what the entire continent of Africa is known for: non rape and women's rights.

  16. Why is it that Dr. Phil is not called out on this situation. He is the producer of the show along with his son. No mention of them. Ever.

  17. His abusing Dushku is the problem. It's not the network's problem if he's cheating on his wife.

  18. All those who would defend Weatherly are the reason Harvey Weinstein is not going to face jail time. Go f*** yourselves.

  19. Soooo wtf happened with him and Cote? Something similar only she didn't get paid?

  20. I'm sorry, but if the account I read is true, that he exaggerated how stupid a line was about asking her to get into his windowless van by calling it a rape van, and talking about a threesome, yes it is distasteful and would make me uncomfortable,.....but 9 million dollars to appease this snowflake? That's idiotic.

  21. Her statement says nohing about an assault.
    Only that there were dirty/crude jokes and she was offended. So offended she she then went to his trailer to discuss the jokes privately and then told her agent she might get fired for having no sense of humor.
    And im sure since the ‘metoo victim’ movement was in motion, she saw an opportunity to make a buck and call it harassment. The rest of the crew should follow suit.

  22. Yes, this is how settlements of any kind work, which an entertainment lawyer knows. A company does a cost-benefit analysis and decides whether it's worth it to stick by the celebrity and whether it wants to drag out litigation or make an offer to put it to rest. And the person filing the complaint either thinks they have a strong case and is willing to pay to litigate it and possibly lose or takes the money and moves on.

  23. And Weinstein will likely get off because those accusing have little/no evidence or the statute of limitations expired or they are a very bad witness because they later participated willingly, or they never reported it, or whatever.
    Weinstein may be a slime but when your victims are slime themselves like child molesting AA, you’re not going to get very far.

  24. Weinstein is gross, but these women are culpable to some extent too. Who meets at 10pm in a hotel room to discuss a job opportunity? Obviously Weinstein pulls this crap because at least some of the time, it works.

  25. i loved Eliza Dushku in 'City By The Sea'

  26. So, if she hadn’t been fired, would she have still filed the lawsuit? Would she have stayed with the show? Did she really think she’d still be employed if she had zero chemistry with the actor who would play a potential love interest? Why is a woman who posed for porn twice to promote herself feel “violated” by crude jokes?

  27. Just another day at CBS
