Saturday, May 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 16, 2019

Just as I told you, the fix is in. It is really tough to have a transparent process when all the documents are under seal. It is all going to plan for the disgraced producer.

Harvey Weinstein


  1. Anyone have more details as to what exactly the deal entails? What about criminal charges against him? Are they dropped too? Ashley Judd said she is not part of the settlement, there could be others too? I mean taking all his monies and making him homeless would be a great victory too!

  2. Rage vomit. He should burn

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i heard the 44mm payout to victims was money from the studio(s) not harveys personal money. its not supposed to change the criminal charges but lets face it with this kind of money in the air just 1 greedy person can upset the apple cart.

  5. Hollywood appreciate his silence at this time

  6. He's still being sued by the ones who arent accepting the settlement. Like Ashley Judd

  7. sandybrook thats correct the story i read from a drudge link said not all of the victims are included. first thing i thought of were the nda's these people had to sign to get the money.

  8. I'm so tired of all the empty feminism screaming into the wind.

    It makes me rage-shouty too, because I am a woman. Don't get me started on reproductive rights.

    I'm basically OVER fighting for women's rights because WTF - what's the point?!?! This country has become a weeping cesspool of past values and broken dreams.

    I hate it.

  9. Herbert I thought I read that 80 accepted the $44 million settlement and if so they got nothing really if its divided equally. So if they can afford to, like Ashley can, go after him and settle higher or put him in jail.

  10. sandybrook..lots of pressure on everybody in a situation like this maybe they took an offer just to be done with it. good for ashley judd for sticking with her personal convictions lets hope she gets one for harvey. jennifer lawrence is awfully quiet about the whole thing but she got the fame she bargained for so i guess she figures he kept his end of the deal. bums me out to know the girl sold her soul and more for fame. cdan is an eye opener.

  11. @Herbert -

    Well - think about the fact evvvvverrryyyyyone in the industry knows she boned Harvey AND David O


    That's a bit icky. I mean... you know Uma banged Harvey too but nobody's talking about that either.

  12. The rights of women are important.

    The careers of casting-couch tramps aren't.

    The Harvey Weinstein story is about the second group.

  13. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Hollywood is full of hypocrites? Say it ain't so!

    C'mon. Grow up. Money talks.

  14. Is he possibly ratting on others for a plea deal of sorts?

  15. Disgusting. He makes a settlement and it's paid for by insurance?? So in effect, he gets off Scot free? I really hope Ashley Judd takes him all the way to court.

  16. @Hunter: don’t forget about Aronofsky. 😖 And, BTW, whatever happened to the so-called ‘pregnancy’? I thought that the whole reason for the ‘engagement’ was because she was pregnant, but now she has a flat stomach. Could she be attending the Meghan Markle school of drama? Hopefully, if she ever does give birth, she’ll have a Cesarean, because I’d imagine that she has every STI that’s lurking in Hollywood

    Just YUCK! 🤢

  17. NXIVM details coming out in court. ..Jeffrey Epstein's court case being revisited and Miami Herald actually following it is all positive for Harvey getting his due. He is in a state of not knowing when the other shoe falls ......has to be hard.One wonders how many others feel the same?

  18. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Of course it's not going to stick because 99% of the women, that's 99 out of 100 welcomed the advances in order to advance their careers. That's probably what's hidden in the sealed records. The other 1% is just not enough prosecutors need to build a court case around.

  19. As far as I'm aware, $30mil of the $44mil goes to the lawyers and a chunk of what remains goes to other (court?) costs.

    The crux of the matter appears to be that a number of the plaintiffs have had to withdraw because of inconsistencies in their testimony and/or because emails exist between them and Harvey after the date of the alleged assault where they praise him and try to get meetings with him or similar.

    What the public at large do not seem to understand or take into account is how conniving, backstabbing, fucked up, fame-hungry and desperate people (men and women) in the industry are. It is quite conceivable that Harvey could have assaulted an actress and that either (a) at the time she didn't care or consider it assault, just a way to advance her career but has now decided it's more advantageous (financially and career-wise) to claim the opposite or (b) she most certainly DID consider it assault, did not welcome it and was badly affected by it, but by the next week have decided that she may as well use it to her advantage and decide to try and get something out of it so contacted him again, blowing smoke up his fat ass. I suspect there are also many women who (c) have been left traumatized, fled the industry and (rightly or wrongly) are now just trying to put it behind them.

    Ashley Judd's lawsuit against Harvey is not for assaulting her. The lawsuit the Judge allowed her to go ahead with is for "damaging her career" because Harvey apparently told people she is difficult to work with and not to hire her. Which is ironic because Harvey likely DID assault her, but she is ALSO absolutely AWFUL to work with and I wouldn't hire her either. She is likely going to lose or settle.
