Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Recruiting Time

The person I spoke to compared it to college football recruiting, but with even large financial repercussions. As we speak, there is a group of tweens, teens, young adults and in some cases their parents gathering at a convention of sorts. It is small by convention standards. Probably all told there are less than 500 people attending or working it. Financially though, it is one of the largest. Consumer decisions through next Christmas are being made there right now and your fate is in the hands of the impressionable groups I just mentioned. They are all YouTube stars. Kids that have been taken out of school by their parents to make a gazillion dollars for the parents.

I guess it wouldn't shock you that when parents are involved, the companies trying to get their products to be used and in front of the kids of the parents, it is the parents that are bribed. At this convention there are any number of vices that can be used as a sweetener. Drugs? Women? Readily available. Cash in briefcases to avoid paying taxes? Right there for the taking. Just have your kid display the products because they will set the tone for what every other kid in the world wants to purchase. There are six figures in those briefcases plus more legit money on the back end.

Old enough to be traveling without a parent? Yeah, the women and drugs are going to be sent to your suite and they will stay as long as needed to make sure you do whatever it takes to get those products being opened and displayed in front of millions of eyes every single day. The swag bags put the Oscars to shame in their value. For parents there are watches and private jet rides. For kids there are meet and greet with any of their heroes or vacations. The list is endless. This group of people do this every other month or so. It is full on debauchery disguised as marketing.


  1. Uhmmmm sooooooo what's are we supposed to guess?!?!?!

  2. Ryan the toy kid is destined for a bleak future.Odds are he will become an addict

  3. CES would probably be too big. What smaller electronics shows are there?

  4. Don't forget the Instathots are looking for product placement work too.

  5. Seems a touch excessive.

  6. My college girlfriend's kid is a youtube performer. Has over two million followers. I think that's a lot (probably not the stratosphere though). Young guy, married and just a couple of years out of college. Seems like a nice enough kid (his mom is a magnificent person).

  7. This week, there is something called the Experiential Marketing Summit going on in Vegas, which has leaders of most brands in the country gathered there - so whatever the event is that is referred to in the blind, it's probably some side event affiliated with this conference.

  8. Thankfully this type of behaviour hasn't migrated into to the political arena yet.

    1. I hope this statement is sarcasm...lol

  9. Payola will always be with us.

  10. Tim Conway has died. :( I really loved him on the Carol Burnett Show.

  11. How do I sign up?

  12. +1 Natalie, if all they want in return for a briefcase full of cash is product placement on social media, I'm in.

  13. YouTube 'tards. I weep for our society and our youth

  14. Darlings, I am shocked. SHOCKED I tell you. J just spoke about a woman in complimentary terms. Must be an imposter.

    As for the tubers, meh. Those folk are Not natural sales people. Any time they try a product placement it kills the vid and they either wise up or their channel dies.

    1. I thought the same thing! J being nice?! On another note.. how do i change myself from "unknown"? I'm happy for all you crazies to have a name for me?!

  15. Are we supposed to guess anything or just rant about Social Media "Influencers"?

  16. Mrs Meat, your inferential skills are weak. Strongly disliking Asia Argento and Rose McGowan, as well as virtually all celebrities irrespective on their placement on our wonderful new gender spectrum, does not misogyny make.

    Out of curiosity I googled top social media stars; looks like the top dog is a seven-year-old who reviews toys online. That poor kid is going to be fucked over seven ways to sunrise.

  17. I've worked on commercials that were big international campaigns (the ones left with the big budgets now are Pharma/Health Insurance, Cars, Video Games, Tech like Apple, and online shopping/Amazon, Beer/Liquor are still sort of up there. So you can imagine who has the budgets for this stuff.

    I've been a few Ads that social media super-influencers were invited to be background, and they blog about the product, and the paid luxury vacation that they're getting gratis the agency. In one case of the liquor Ad ( 3 A list male actors- oscar winner/nom, super hero types) they were well known lifestyle bloggers. The big stars had budget of north of a million dollars budget to play with as part of their rider. And if super-influencers can bring in more sales in the future, then these talentless grifters can make a killing.

    Video games are a massive market. The pro-players (yes e-sports is big and growing) have a huge following. Thing is they're mostly unprofessional gamer nerds who are a headache for the sponsors. Young douchey guys talking shit online during games, and online. They are a big #metoo risk, think K-Pop bands that have underage followers, that adults know nothing of.

    Make-up could be one of these products that cater to super-influencers. Youth market would be beauty pagents (Jon Bennett Ramsay age). And cheerleading and gymnastics contests. I'm shooting in the dark on those.

  18. A guy presented on the topic of e-sports at a conference I attended recently. They've got teams, uniforms, and are trying to make people who play video games bigger stars than pro athletes.

    Oddly, this doesn't bother me much, because I think the money which goes to pro athletes already proves how idiotic our societies are. Nothing new under the sun.

  19. On an Ad Agency side note, the Golden Lions, the Oscars of Advertising, is held in Cannes, France, the week after the Cannes Film Festival. And the Ad agency's actually outspend the movie studios, and all else, for that festival. It's lower key obs. but many stars stick around for big easy paydays as hosts/sponsors. And who knows what else happens there, no one cares what AD men get up to overseas.

    I'm sure super-influencers get invited to go to the south of France in spring. Who would/could say no to that.

  20. this sounds like a toy convention, physical toys, per they want their " products being opened and displayed "

    people buy video games when they are released,

  21. All of a sudden I want to have kids!

  22. I was absolutely desperate to get my husband back. Life without my husband was a real mess for me and my children. i wanted a dramatic change and I thought magic could be the solution. After discussing the resolution with Robinson.buckler, he gave me hope that he will restore my marriage. I felt confident that he will actually make my husband to return home and he did! It’s fantastic what Robinson.buckler have done for me. his help is priceless! I don't know what I would have done without Robinson.buckler, He does his job so well he is organized and highly functional, i believe he is the best spell caster i can count on when it comes to love spell, I was floored that his spells worked Thanks! God bless??????i contacted him through his email address Robinson.buckler@((((yahoo.)))) com

  23. I saw Robinson Buckler getting sucked off at a gay bar and he told me the secret to happiness is lowering your standards.

    Glad that worked out for you Melissa.

  24. The key to unadulterated happiness is to not have any standards, so that nobody could disappoint you! Dont expect anything and you will be free from the expectation trap! Result- pure joy!

  25. I watch more Youtube then anything. There is good and there is crap. There are some excellent travel vlogs, some amazing woodworkers, a few good car type guys and a handful of oddball stuff i find interesting. A lot of yt folks i watch i believe make most of their money of Patreon and livestreaming (donations). Livestreaming is VERY lucrative if you have a good following. I've seen one of the gamers (the only one i can stand watching) bring in a grand in a short amount of time. Not bad for an hour or 3 of gaming (not to mention the video also becomes part of his channel and gets money off views).

  26. YouTube doesn’t have to follow the same laws that protect child actors from being fleeced by their parents. I cringe when I see these kid videos. Who knows what the hell is really going on behind closed doors and where all the money is going to.

  27. I bet this is Licensing Expo 2019.

  28. I am a lawyer. Was contacted a bit ago by a parent about a teenage girl who is a YouTube "star." Approx. 1M followers, but likely no one you have ever heard of. Parent wanted to know what to do about some other tween dissing the YouTube kid's site because her earnings "went down." Here I am thinking, what could this kid be earning from really insipid teen videos? (Had to look at a couple to evaluate the case). Kid made 90K last year alone....almost fell out of my chair.

  29. hahaha hunter there needs to be a LIKE button!

  30. @MD, what laws will apply depends on where the subjects live or "work." Many of these children don't live in CA and there is no federal law protecting the money of child actors and only, outside of CA, only 4 other states have such laws.

  31. So, based on Bohemian Grove principals. This doesn't surprise me. Social Media stars are the new MK Ultra crowd with a new technological twist.
    It's the old adage, just follow the money. Control the parents and kids with simple temptations, get the dirt they need and then burn out the client. Every one of them will one day hear, "Do you remember that time? Now do what you are told." True evil never comes in the way you think it would. It just seems normal in the bubble they exist in or a thrilling thing to do. This isn't new, it's just a new way it is done.

  32. Lol Hunter, thank you for that.

  33. So YouTube stars are sellouts just like tv, music, and movie stars, glad to see they're normal.

  34. On a side note, at least if an EMP hits, so many people will be catatonic without their channels and apps that it will be easy pickings for the rest of us. ;)

  35. @Bray, but when when an EMP hits what will happen to our beloved CDAN? Where else are we supposed to show our detective/investigative side?

  36. @yep, Well we'll be ranging for supplies and fighting cannibals of course! No hiding in bunkers like scared hobbits for the CDAN crew. ;)

  37. @yepthatsme.

    In the event of the Entpocalypse then I will be taking control. My orders will be followed to the letter or else......Dracarys!

    Now, there will be a
    roll call in three minutes, quick now! Raus! Raus! SCHNELL! SCHNELL!

  38. In case of an EMP, I'm planning on transferring all the blinds onto cue cards. So they can be read around a camp/sterno fire. Like in the bunkers in post apocalyptic LA, or Fury Road.

    Frig off, you were Tricia 13 last time, says one!
    I wanna be The Count, says another!
    You're not allowed to be The Count until you're at least 18.
    But what if we were in a state like Utah, or Texas? He asks.
    There's no more states! Now can't we just settle down and play a nice game of Hollywood's who's fucking who!

  39. Our 5 year old grandson, A, watches a lot of the fishing videos. A couple of the shows feature guys about age 19-20. One just bought a house. Both are always putting in ponds and opening bling. Of course, now they also offer, for a price, watching without the commercials. Had to laugh because A figured out that if he presses the play button after a few seconds, it skips the commercials.
    Oh, and for anyone who might freak out about him watching youtube, either my husband or I are right there with him so we know what he's watching.

  40. Unknown: Don't change your name. At least we know who you are when posting here or at Nutty's blog.

    To change your name, write a comment, then click on your name. It will take you to the blog where you can edit your profile.

  41. Amazing what people will do for money. And disgusting. Selling out their kids to make money, depriving them of a childhood, using them as a cash cow. They should be ashamed of themselves but they have no shame. Poor kids.

  42. Sounds like church and there's centuries of evidence to support my opinion.

  43. I'm so proud my advertising agency creative director friend once said, "you're that elusive demographic we just can't reach". Skip, mute, switch off. Anything to avoid ads. Even pay for the 'pro' version.

  44. Clamourcon 2019 - event for online video creators.

  45. I think Bigblue might be right. The website for Clamourcon says "Gorgeous private resort filled with 450 hand-picked creators", which would indicate that it is a smaller venue like Enty described. The creators attending the event are all toy review channels, tweens, etc. The only thing that doesn't seem to fit is that it only seems to be annual.

  46. trust me - I'm right on this one.

  47. There are many shows like this throughout the year...maybe not the same exact profile, but revolve around influencers who have a ton of pull, and can make the launch of a new product.

  48. recruitment "convention of sorts" = Hillsong

    Enty was on a Hillsong kick in May 2019:

