Monday, May 13, 2019

Your Turn

Which did you enjoy more each year? First day of school or last day of school?


  1. People with Tourette’s… what makes them tick?

  2. I hated school. Last day was always the best.

    Commercials for "Back to School" were the worst. I always got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

    I totally understood The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul as a kid before Douglas Adams ever wrote about it because that was my Sundays around 4:00 PM every week school was in session.

  3. Entwat it would have been nice if you acknowledged the death of one of Hollywood's biggest stars ever, as well as one of the greatest singers of all-time, but I guess that's too much to ask for these days from this site, isn't it?

  4. The first day and the last day

  5. The last day, of course! So exciting, having months of sleeping in and staying up late. Swimming all day. Those were the days.

  6. Back in the Stone Age when I was in grade school, we did not know which teacher we'd have or who our fellow students were until the 1st day of school so that's my choice.

  7. Last day of school was always better.

  8. The people who say the first day are the same ones who would ask if the teacher forgot to give out homework.

  9. The first day of school was always riddled with anxiety, but I LOVED going back to school supply shopping. And when school ended for the summer, I knew I was going to camp, so I liked that.

  10. Last day definitely, almost bursting with joy.

  11. Both. And that is current as I am a teacher.

  12. Without a doubt, the last day of school. After that, it'll be 2.5 months before I saw those bullies again.

  13. Shopping for school supplies is still one of my favorite things. My son's school provides supplies but I still full on go shopping for them all. Even before I had a kid I would always go and randomly pick supply lists and fill backpacks to donate to my grade school. And yes, I probably reminded the teacher that they forgot to assign homework. 🙈

  14. You're kidding,right? The LAST day! I felt so FREE! I just HATED the first day of school and I was always so nervous I felt like I was going to throw up every year.

  15. SuperComicFunTime-- OMG, youve conjured all of the feelings! Even as a teacher (which I did love), those Back to School ads and Sunday afternoons always seemed to come so quickly! Even though Id cry at the end of every school year, I loved the flexibility and freedom of summer. First day was anxiety overload.

  16. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Last day. I was bored in school.

  17. Best day of school is no school.

  18. Last day....I'm a teacher. =)

  19. The first day meant my days were not spent at home, and there was a sense of "newness" to all the classes, teachers and classmates. The last day just meant I was trapped for two months.

  20. @Sandybrook,+ 1million. He hasn't been acknowledging a lot of celebrity deaths lately,I mentioned Peggy Lipton the other day,2 iconic roles, both actresses could even fill the gossip blinds. But Doris is not getting the respect she deserves from the media in general. At least one good person didn't die young.

  21. I enjoyed first day - i actually loved school and while at home i was being abused either physically or emotionally and felt like i was in survival mode. So school was my escape

  22. Super Comic Fun Time; I didn't even hear that she had died! So sad, she was a lovely actress.

  23. Last. Definitely.
