Friday, May 31, 2019

Your Turn

If you were reborn in a new life, would you rather be alive in the past or future?


  1. People are usually shocked when they find out I am not a good electrician

  2. Maybe a 100 years from now.

  3. The past. I hate all these people, the internet and cell phones.

  4. Slightly in the past so I can win a lot of bets and coast

  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I have strong reincarnation beliefs. I've had regression hypnosis and looked at a few of my past lives. My next lifetime will be in the past.

  6. The past, provided I can pick the era and location.

  7. I'd want to be born in 1975 or so, so I can re-live the 80 and 90s as a teen/twen (in reality I was born in the late 80s, which means I don't remember the 80s at all and not enough of the 90s).

  8. 1 day later, although I think I’d be just as happy a decade or two either way, but with the same family, friends and locations.

  9. there's not much future left.

  10. tufflepig -

    You'd just be depressed having an actual memory of a time when people were much more free and the nanny state had not taken over completely. Watch "The Bad News Bears".

  11. The past! I'm good with any era before the internet.

  12. Past. Born in the 1960's.

  13. 2525...would be interesting

  14. Definitely in the future.

    The past is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there!

  15. Past. Definitely past.

  16. The future most definitely

  17. The past. A lot less complicated. And good values. People knew their neighbors and helped each other build barns and stuff!😌

  18. Before the deluge.
    The world was much more advanced than we are now.
    It was also much more beautiful than it is today.
    The architecture that survived those floods and the aftermath reflect that beauty.
    Look at the Quinta da Regaleira in Portugal for example.
    Impossible for anyone to build that kind of masterpiece today.
    It's magical. The engineering talent had to be out of this world.

  19. Sounds like Hell either way, like getting sent back to START. I would lean towards the future because at least they will probably still have modern plumbing. Probably.

  20. To begin with you will be born there so have no memory to give you an advantage and you would have to be rich if it was more than 100yrs ago or life will be very very hard. Real life in the past wasn't so great even for the moderately wealthy, lots of social rules and restrictions.

    So all in all a day trip to the past would be great but being born there maybe not so great. Now if todays memories went with you I'd pick to be reborn on the sameday I was born, I'd certainly be on easy street now.

    I'm with Ann, you've probably been there or are going there anyway, you go where you can best learn and evolve , what will be will be.

  21. Past so i can be more present.

    (Well fuck if that sounded pretentious AF, but I’m too stupid to look up the damn thesaurus & Make that sound less prête-nous, but my point is: IN this lifetime I’m just a social media fameheaux who posts at least 3 selfifies on Instagram per day and scroll endlessly on Twitter, instead of living a full life. I used to read books before 2007, the interwebs was simpler before then. I don’t think hoomans were meant to live this way! IDK. 🤷🏻‍♀️🦁🍹)

    1. *8 should add that they are very self-loathing ugly selfies too which contribute nothing to the good of humanity.

      Enty when are we getting “PAMMY & JUJU VEGAN LOVE STORY” 🌱 Deep Duve?!!

  22. The past with the knowledge I have now. Would bring lots of francs when visiting Van Gogh.

    1. Well you’re entrepreneurial. LMAO.

      I take everything I said back because even back in the day Vinny van Gogh did take a lot of selfies anyway... He just took them the old fashioned way.

  23. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Here's a little fun fact. Van Gogh taught hubby's relative how to read. It was in a little village in Belgium called Cuesmes. If only Van Gogh had taught her to draw instead.

    1. But then she’d just draw selfies of herself like her teacher. Teh world is already filled with too many selfies.

    2. HOLD ON.

      Ann, are you talking about YOUR own husband-in-a-past-life’s relative?

      For some reason i read that as Vinny’s relative’s spouse that he taught how to read.

      I could’ve swore that’s what your comment said the first time I read it!

      OMG. What jus t happened !

  24. Anonymous6:59 AM

    @Scandi. Now that would be cool! Current husband's relative was Van Gogh's pupil. His family came from that small village in Belgium.

  25. I'd like to say the future, but the 80's were really cool too.

    1. The ‘80s wasn’t cool, it was RAD. ⚡️

  26. Future. Definitely future, but not too far. I don’t want to miss anything. Having lived the 80s and pre-internet, I’ve gotta day they were pretty boring and people weren’t as curious as they are now because answers were harder to find. And that’s just normal answers you had to crack a book for.

    If you think ideas are being “controlled” by the media now, you’ve never experienced a pre-internet one newspaper town.

  27. Any time during the antibiotic Era.

  28. The past, just let me go back to the 80's.

  29. 2007 when the field of cyberlaw was in its infancy.

    I made a terrible, detrimental mistake of a academic/career that could’ve been life-changing for me. I still regret it & would love to change it.

    1. *mistake of aN academic/career MOVE

      2007, please.
