Thursday, June 20, 2019

Blind Item #11

It's great that this acting couple found the time to troll a tabloid about a divorce report. How about answering why you continue to be friends and hang out and try to get work for the actor/rapist. If the tabloids put that on the cover every week, would you respond?


  1. Mila aAshton/Danny Masterson

  2. Sick fuck Masterson ugh

  3. Have any accusations about Mr. Masterson ever been proven? I don't recall, when was his trial?

  4. Had no idea his half-sister was on The Walking Dead.

  5. @Jon, "currently under investigation for multiple alleged incidents" by the LAPD, which given it's the LAPD probably means they're just washing his car and giving it an extra coat of wax.

    1. But no actual charges or credible accusations. That's what I thought.

      And maybe his car is dirty...waxing is very important.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Jon the LAPD doesn't do ongoing investigations without credible accusations or evidence

  6. At Jon, 100%. Nothing has ever been proven about Danny. He was investigated years ago when he was still on T70S and charges were never filed. And, apparently all the the women accusers got together and talked about harassing his bosses at Netflix when he was still working there to get him fired.

    And, Danny's wife has never once implied he is abusive though and they have been married for 10 years. Abusive people do not all the sudden give up being abusive.

    Also, I think it is cool that Mila and Ashton refuse to stop being friends with him when he is at his lowest. That is what actually being a friend is about ENTY, even if the RHOBH dinner dates tell you differently. I am not a creepy, Scientologist. Just someone who believes there should be evidence and a trial before calling someone a serial rapist . Hate all you want fellow bloggers, but, I would demand evidence and a trial before I started calling anyone of you guys a serial rapist.

  7. @TeeHee, the women were $cientologists, according to the cult they have to report to them instead of the police. One of the women has an "apology" letter from him. The penalties include being disconnected from their families, spied on, vile hate sites with their names and faces on them, calling them liars, thieves, ect. their garbage gone thru, calls to their employers, animals killed, phones tapped, all by PIs hired by the "church". I absolutely believe them, these cultist will do anything to crush people who speak out against one of their "stars".

  8. Masterson is the OJ of white people, who knew. Of course he is innocent. Remember those false accusations against Bin Laden about those Towers. Where was the trial again when he was caught? Al Capone was an Italian Saint who's only crime ever was not paying taxes. Damn gubernmnt! and its witch hunts.

  9. All I know is the women "dated" him when he was at the height of his career on That 70s Show and they were up and coming actresses whose careers never took off.

    Then, these women instead of reporting to the police waited 15 years later when Danny/Ashton had a new show and hopped on the #MeToo train. Then, they chased down a Netflix head at a kid's soccer game to confront him/ get Danny fired. Then, they went and were interviewed on Leah's show (which I watched the show the first season and it was the same thing every time.....I know Scientology is bad) to get on TV (but, he was able to get that from airing). And,now they are bullying Mila and Ashton to not be friends with a guy who they have been friends with since 1997. These women seem out for revenge not seeking justice.

    Also, these cases seem way past the Statute of Limitations in CA for rape. I thought it was 10 years .I am sorry. I just do not think people should be able to accuse people of rape 15 years after said event happened. Horrible precedence.

    And, no this isn't court and you can think he is guilty (and he may be) all you want, IDC,, but, I will never think it is right to be able to ruin someone's career decades after said event happened.

    Don't agree with me, fine. Don't. IDC. I just think it is wrong and I feel like outside Twitter and in the real world...people generally have the same sentiment as me. That is why SoL exists to begin with.

  10. His wife is the daughter of John Phillips. The same John that was incestuous with her sister Mackenzie. His wife has Daddy tatooed pn her ass. He might be abusive

  11. They don't really teach subtlety anymore do they? Use an established screen name or at least one that isn't brand new. Don't bash people over the head with talking points. Be conversational, split up your responses, and never deny something that no one has accused you of yet.

  12. @TeeHee You sure you're not $cio? I mean, I've never heard anyone actually *defend* Masterson before...not even Mila and Ashton. They just keep their mouths shut.

  13. Danny you're a stinker

    i like

    i like a clean window Danny

    ok ok bye bye

  14. The investigation stalled for some reason.

  15. TeeHee@U : " I am not a creepy, scientologist"..... lol, that's what every creepy scientologist says!!

    "I just think it is wrong and I feel like outside Twitter and in the real world...people generally have the same sentiment as me"... er, no!

    Just read the police reports and any sane reasonable person will come to the conclusion the guy is a total evil scumbag! ... I mean, the guy called himself DJ 'Donkey Punch'... I suggest you look up that expression and kid yourself he isn't the vile vicious rapist he will be proven to be!

    Oh, and as to why Adton is defending/helping this guy is that Masterson had [still has?] over a dozen hidden cameras in his house which included all bedrooms... you can bet he has blackmail level of footage of everyone that ever went to one of his parties... strangely the same place where these rapes happened.

  16. I don't read these comments for the truth. I read them for the entertainment. Sometimes the truth is there and sometimes DontQuit comments, Brayson87 gets snarky,J joins in, Tricia13 gets it in the neck, Sandybrook becomes the defender and then the Count cooments and grosses most of us out.

    What's not to love? :-)

  17. Check the Instagram or Twitter for Cedric Bixler of At The Drive In fame. He's married to Masterson's initial accuser and has been posting a lot recently about his tussle with Scientology. He even claims they killed his dog to intimidate them into silence. He's also been plaguing Scio celebs on twitter asking them publicly why they support a rapist. Good stuff, more power to Ced.
