Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Blind Item #12

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is probably known in every corner of the world promised a group that he was going to give them a $2M check at their huge event yesterday. Nope. It kind of goes with his normal charity giving. A lot of talk, but no actual check writing.


  1. Stupid is as stupid does.

  2. Well I'd give him until the end of the week at least, he probably has other people cut those kinds of checks.

  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2019/06/18/tom-hanks-woody-surprise-young-hospital-patients-special-toy-story-4-screening-9995741/amp/
    Doucher. Can’t look at him the same after some blinds.

  4. A shame it's not like tbe bitch is broke and the check would bounce.

  5. I'm not sure why Enty hates Tom Hanks (maybe it fits with the Gloria Vanderbilt is a witch thing, Tom Hanks unzips his human suit after a long day of being not gross?) but Hanks doesn't write the checks. He has, as people with a lot of money and clout do, a money manager who knows how to manage the accounts.

    1. It’s because Tom Hanks is both a satanist and a pedophile.

  6. He sure raised a fine son. That Chet is the greatest.

  7. tom hanks

    well, at least he didnt rape anybody, right? the bar is so low.

    also, didnt he cheat on rita wilson with a 20-something attendee while she was performing at stagecoach?

    1. He has 100% raped children. Sarah Ruth Ashcraft has named him as her abuser during satanic rituals.

  8. 2 cents would have went to the cancer kids and the rest would have went to ceo wages, blow, hookers, midgets, etc..he knew better.

  9. You know what mean...lol 😂🤘

  10. This sounds like Scott’s Tots.

  11. Leoardo DiCaorio, is that like a knock-off DiCaprio or a porn star name? 😂😅

  12. If you check tom hanks ig account You might not think he is so hot or nice.

  13. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Michael Scott.

  14. Clearly these events and invites are planned far enough in advance for someone to do any sort of transaction under the sun to have the donation on a needed date (unless it was a live auction). His appearance would be enough of a draw to earn other donations, so Im not sure why he would bother with pledging big numbers he wouldnt intend to actually give. Perhaps, he pledges big amounts, but then expects whatever studio he is currently working with to donate it on his behalf? Maybe, occasionally, one of these parties balks? Just speculating, bc I cant see Tom risking tarnish that could be so easily avoided


    I have yet to see anything convincing on Tom Hanks though I've seen his name suggested around here for a long long time, I've not seen any blinds or conclusive associations that (IMHO) implicate him like many of the names we know so well.

    Have I missed something? I feel like the Tom Hanks thing is still quite a bit of conjecture - like whether Drake is gay or into underage girls.

  16. @hunter, well unlike Drake, Hanks never got caught texting underage girls about their love life, so he's got that going for him.

  17. Hanks has been credibly accused by a few now as pedo

  18. I did a project for an important NYC theater-related organization. They have been around for many years, and many of their alumni have gone on to stardom. As is typical for not-for-profits, they are always looking for funds. I asked why they didn't go after some of their famous alums. The Executive Director said that they tried, but everyone in the arts business knows that celebs don't give much to charity. They will show up at fundraisers etc, but not with their checkbooks.
    There were two notable exceptions to this. They are both permanent A or A+, but I can't tell you who. That would probably give it away, and I gave my word not to reveal anything.

    1. My money is onTom Hanks as one of the two who actually give.

    2. Not even a hint or two?? Are they women, men, one of each?
      Approximate age, something???

    3. Well then shut your pie hole

  19. I wouldn't call the accusations against Hank "credible." They were from Kappy and his crowd.

    I do think that there were several nasty blinds on here that suggested but never confirmed Hanks. One was about a sexual assault, IIRC.

  20. Charity is stupid. They plan an event and dont get the check? Thats why these photo ops are always past tense. Actor DONATED means check cleared, agreement for grant payments signed, reviewed by lawyers. Hanks doesnt just tap dance onto a podium and not fulfill his agreement.

  21. This is DiCaprio I'm certain

  22. @Unknown #2. The accusations against Tom ARE credible. Consider this, Kappy is dead and Hanks isn't. Plus, Kappy wasn't the first one to go public about Tom's private dealings. People have nothing to gain and much to lose outing someone this powerful. They certainly don't do it for kicks nor for their health. Tom made it crystal clear what he thought about Kappy posting those Tweets that he did when Kappy "suicided".

    Tom is a well-protected POS.

  23. I reread my comment, and I admit it's unfair. It reads like a BI, but has no clues. Sorry. Unfortunately, I can't say any more. I just wanted to let people know that celebs are well known in philanthropic circles for not giving big bucks.
    I'm starting another project with a NYC organization that has helped start the careers of a number of hip hop/rap artists. Stay tuned.

  24. Has Sarah Ruth Ashcroft actually given any information that collaborates anything she has alleged though? I mean it has been awhile, but when I checked her story out there was nothing to prove she even knew Hanks or could even place herself with him ever. Has that changed?
    And yeah Kappy killed himself but I mean that doesn't prove that what he said was true. Sadly it just leaves a big question mark on all the allegations that he made that he didn't provide any evidence or supporting information on so that it could be investigated.
    IDK if Hanks is a pedo or not, but we need to vet these allegations. There has to be some evidence or proof of connection made besides just someones word. I know that sounds harsh but that is the ony way to keep pedogate from becoming a conpiracy shitshow. Just saying there are people out there who would make false claims just to be associated with a famous person to get some fame themselves.

  25. Was Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony vetted? No. Yet most believe her, despite inconsistencies. I don’t necessarily believe Kappy was killed by Hanks, but I believe Ashcraft.

  26. Gotta agree, if chet haze is your progeny. What does that say about you?

  27. Oh just fuck off you conspiracy lunatics. Go back to infowars or whatever nut job site you litter and jerk each other off to alex joneses beard.

  28. He has always left a bad taste in my mouth. Not literally, of course, I haven't been that close but for your consideration lll

    He started his career in drag on Bosom Buddies. My understanding is that it's part of initiation.
    He played a gay dying guy in Philadelphia.. LIKE THEY couldn't find a real gay man in Hollywood? lol
    I can't even get started on Saving Private Ryan and other pieces of shit put out by SS.... LOOK that movie did nothing oh never mind I can't

    BUT YEAH so he becomes the darling of the MIC after that and is all up the ass of the DDAY museum gang don't get me started
    They changed the name to WWII museum to increase their fundraising base.. disgusting how they traumatized vets in the IMAX with their bells and whistles OH HOW THEY CRIED reliving the traumas? WTF

    I have nothing but disrespect for this tool. Pardon the rant but I am so sick of the St. Tom bullshit.

  29. He is a disgusting human being & I hope he pays for his sins before he dies, like Cosby!
