Thursday, June 20, 2019

Blind Item #12

This foreign born serial cheating A- list mostly movie actor was meeting up with a woman who is not his significant other who he started hooking up with while he was married. Anyway, the actor saw a pap and scattered away from the woman. He then spent ten minutes texting someone before jumping in a cab.


  1. πŸ’†πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. Bloom is in an open relationship.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Neglect is ABUSE. Putting you children at risk is also ABUSE.

  5. Do you parents know you invite creepy old men from the internet to come stay with you? Is your husband aware you do that? You make those Teen Moms look like reasonable parents.

  6. Someone is definitely off their meds...

  7. ooooh how original. Anyone that defends that idiot is a sicko too.

  8. @dontquityourdayjob

    Derek, I wish you would someday explain the origin story of you becoming an unhinged stalker here on CDAN, always targeting Tricia. whats with the vintage insults and pejoratives? dont you think you should sharpen your game after all these years? I mean, Ive only been here for a few and you're *still* less menace, more pity.

    troll harder, baby.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Only one poster is emerging on this thread as a complete and utter fuckstick, a cunt, a fucked in the head wanker of the highest order who everyone is about to despise and scorn completely and utterly.

    Clue: It's not Tricia.

  11. +1 Bunnycat, he matches the blind.

  12. +1 Vic, It's just weird and sad.

  13. Can everyone else hear those cries for help from the DQYDJ basement, or is it just me?

    I know it's a little hard to hear over his furious masturbation, but I swear it's there.

  14. Well that was odd....

  15. Dear Don'tQuit,

    Apart from being mean is that not also a bit dangerous what you just did?

  16. Can I get some more beer nuts?

  17. How is it dangerous? She's the careless slag posting pics of her own children on a site with such dark-sided topics. She's the one inviting strangers to come stay with her family? I said I was not going to post again today regarding that but clearly it needs to be repeated-not understanding how crystal clear what a shit person she is?

  18. New to this site-can you explain what’s going on and why you think she’s so awful? It comes up a lot and I’m just curious

  19. +1 BB2010

    That looks like a family photo, as you can clearly see a man in the back. Also, how do you/we anybody know it wasn't just a joke about her asking Sandy to visit? I'm just trying to understand what happened to get to this point. That's a lot of animosity for a stranger.

  20. @Tricia13 I notice that you haven't posted since that photo went up. I can't speak for anyone else, only myself, but I personally would hate to think that you had been driven off the site because we have seen a decade old mugshot. DQYDJ is an odious little toad who can fuck off to kingdom come. xxx

    1. Hey there Katy -hell no! Dont you worryπŸ˜‰Was on school pick up... it’s been doing it for years ,same thing all the time. That said-sandy knows who that is better than anyone here ... he can run with that. Weve been friends years here online and though he’s always welcome to visit my family -he got the joke it was . He doesn’t fly,go on boats or leave Florida,lol...... thanks for asking thoughπŸ™I’m good:)

  21. I think my feelings about why I hate her have been stated clearly here already. In regards to was the invitation a joke-SADLY NO it was not. She invited ME to stay with her in Miami several years ago (when we had friendly banter on here) but I politely declined and considered that one of many red flags regarding her character and mental state. She started gettin nasty towards me though because I didnt stand up for her when other commentors questioned the amount of time she spent on here and then lied and said I was "stalking" her cause I reposted a pic of that mugshot someone else dug up. and lied and lied and lied regarding the scenario. I dont like to focus on that nonsense but you asked.

  22. Quit douching the blinds. Asshole. No one here cares.

  23. Omg hahaha I've been here for years and never seen an admin erase a post.

  24. Its on the internet forever. They are probably just embarrassed cause they had her on that stupid radio show.

  25. I should change my profile pic to her busted mugshot but we get enough Tricia on here already.

  26. Well to change the topic back to the topic I agree with Bunnycat - Ewan McGregor. Never got the bit where people thought he was hot lol.

  27. Is Fucknuts still on here flapping his/her/it's gums?

  28. @gnarfcat I don't get it either, even before he started losing his hair. Speaking of which, when my husband and I went to see Captain Marvell, I said that Captain Marvel's costume department deserved an Oscar for Jude Law's hair alone. πŸ˜‚

  29. OK shithead we're about to get something very, very straight here, you say you want to know who and where I am? I'll be more than happy to provide that to you but you better understand I'm 18 steps ahead when it come to knowing about you KW understand bitch? You get the help you need, get the fuck off this board for good and stay the fuck off it or you'll deal with shit you NEVER wished to deal with.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. ENTY E-MAIL Me, I'll help you get it off here. Or do us all a favor and block it now!!

  31. I have no affiliation with KW LOL or anyone but myself. But keep going with your accusations. I love a good laugh at your expense and just validates my feelings of what a liar and fraud you are. Birds of a feather and all that...

    Tricia, sweetie-asshole. Anyone that read your invitation to Sandy to come visit you knows it was not a joke. He even chimed in that you already invited him on facebook, asshole. Should I find that post and show what a true ASSHOLE YOU Are?Besides jokes are (suppose to be) funny-I know you dont grasp that concept reading your fails at them all day. Was it joking when you invited me? Should I copy and paste your email? Lies Lies Lies. Sick sick sick excuse for a woman you are. Tricia many hate you -we are not all one person. Congrats, Tricia you have spent another 9 hours on this site again today.

  32. Sandybrook-what you having for dinner?

  33. So...Derek's off his meds again I take it?

  34. The off the meds thing is getting a little old and is offensive to truly mentally ill people like Trahsa. Though she'd have to first realize she had serious problems to be on meds- in order to go off them. Im not the one with a mugshot of disorderly intoxication. You people can never back your shit up with proof. Losers.

  35. Tricia-you are not funny. Get off the internet you worthless excuse of a mother. Your husband must be a real loser to be married to someone ike you and still allow your lackluster, abusive parenting. I know hes fat-Ive seen the pics.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Christ, you're an idiot.

  38. Not you Jimbo the windowlicker above you.
    I'm sure you're perfectly lovely and non-idiotic.

  39. Oh the irony in calling other people 'losers'.

  40. so what do you think KW is asshat?? and your affiliation with KW is very, very strong. Wanna play? You better be very, very, very careful of what you do and how you do it or we WILL see your mugshot up here and that's a fact. We might even see it anyway and this time it wont be in the readers pics babydoll.

  41. I'd have to do something illegal to have a mugshot, asshole. Pathetic. You are so fa off the map off how I live my life and who I am. But I'm right about you-Liar and an asshole.

  42. Oh who do you think I think you are??? C'mon out that person first name and last name, you can do it, who is it Derek sweetie?

  43. I remember Krisitn only chatted with her on here. You were her buddy, fool You chatted with her off this site if I remember correctly. Thats all I remember about her that she was kinda funny, nice to me but YOUR friend. I remmeber she was popular here and I believe she got along with Tricia (more than I ever would obvs) So once again both you assholes are wrong AGAIN (Tricia she was much more liked than you will EVER be) and I think she had a serious job in the Military?-a career-God knows Tricia will NEVER HAVE THAT.

  44. Lets speed this up you've been on this board all day too loser, tell me who you think I think you are bitch. First name and last name.

  45. I dont remember saying anything about KW being a person I said "understand KW?"

  46. Kristen Whigs or something??? Im not sure both you and Tricia just erased your previous posts where you wrote her full name. I know how Tricia rolls-she is email you or msging on fb trying to coordinate something crooked. She, like you, has no life. Why did you both erase your posts stating her name-you were the one dragging her into this muck. So pathetic.

  47. you wrote her name like 10 mins ago and erased it-weirdo and LIAR-just like Tricia.

  48. I havent erased any of my posts and Kristin Wigs is a board alias here. Try again bitch real first name and last name. NOW OR SHUT THE FUCK UP

  49. I dont delete posts idiot.


    1. I think it’s Tinsley Mortimer!(evidently....πŸ˜‚) th one no one will marry or have kids with🀷‍♀️

  51. Why are you lyin Sandy-it states you both erased your posts on the mobile site -your name and Trica's name is still there. Both deleting at the same time-coincidence? I think not. LOOOOOSERS. WEIRDOS. Unproductive members of society. I could go on and on but this boring. Ive proved my point-just know I will always know what losers you are. And thats enough for me.

  52. Sandy it says your name and that you deleted your post. Same with Tricia. Are you drunk again?

  53. Sandy I really should have worn fake eyelashes that day ! I knew I forgot something πŸ˜‰Moments come and go-but pics(and πŸ’Ž) are forever ❤️

  54. ooooh Sandy is yelling Im scared.

  55. Thats Tinsely Mortimers joke-so unoriginal and stupid. Tinsely is beautiful and successful-you are the epitome of poor white trash.

  56. You look like one of those losers from that show Gypsy Sisters. Are you related to Mama Junes family? Even she is a better mother.

    1. This is just sad. DQYDJ seriously needs a 5150. You literally documented your stalking someone and descent into a mental breakdown.

  57. You must be high AF as usual because there's only one post deleted and it wasnt me. But thanx for confirming what a lunatic you are. I dont delete posts. NOW REAL FIRST NAME AND LAST NAME OF WHO YOU THINK I THINK YOU ARE OR DISAPPEAR I've got things to do and you're not important enough to waste my time on.

  58. Lets hurry it up bitch

    1. Sandy I deleted my post because it’s you who should call this person out . Whether you do or don’t, I thought that should be your honor.,although all it’s done to me and my family -should relish In it. Your call. Ps
      What did you have for dinner ? You never said !

  59. Sandy, get bent.
    Tricia-yes the beautiful woman with a succesful career. FYI its not 1960. A woman doesnt need to be married with children to be successful and happy.You suck at those thins anyways and have no career-you wish it was 1960 cause that would be the perfect excuse for the fact that you are too stupid and dumb to find a job-since you obvs dont parent-EVER. I guess the criminal record puts a damper on prospects though. Remember when you tried to push Rodan Fields on others here? LOLLLL Trailer trash, trailer trash.

  60. Once again-youve both been schooled and look like liars and idiots. And I am officially bored.
    Gossip Girl

  61. Actually-I stand corrected-Sandy it was only Tricia that erased her post. I would apologize but I hate you so I wont. Yes-Tricia wrote her name-Kristin Whigs? Her nickname here was whigs or something? And Jimmy cracked corn -no affiliation with her. But go ahead and waste your time-you seem to have lots to waste on being wrong.

  62. Kristin hasnt crossed my mind in like 5 years-you seem to be obsessed with her however. And thank your Village idiot friend for exposing your obsession with her.
    What prob happened was you prob creeped on her and she gave you the great big No and now you are obsessed with her.

  63. And thank you Tricia for havin the decency to admit you wrote her name and expose what creepy idiots you two are. And whats all this "me and my family wahh wahh" shit. I have no affiliation with your family and never will. How has your FAMILY been effected by ME? You are the one posting their pics, idiot.

  64. Don't do drugs, kids.

    This is the text equivalent of those meth head photos.

  65. you mean like this?

  66. I deal with you off the board from now on bitch and not directly, but when shit happens to you, you better understand it came from me, understand. I'm done playing games with you on chat boards, shit for you is about to get way real. And anytime you want to try to find me my e-mail Addy is right there and I will give you anything you want to know. That's how scared I am of a psychotic little bitch who has no life, or friends, smokes the pipe and is deranged, but it still has a good job for awhile. Now you fucking little bitch fuck the motherfucking hell off

  67. At least she can sober up.
    You'll still be a psycho wibble case.

    1. Lol . Flashy I had a few that night. Also we were new to Miami and their was a couple guys (locals ) who said some things my hubby (Then BF) didn’t like. They owned the restaurant,so they called their good ol boy PO friends and they beat my guy up for resisting. Then I defended him... happened same street weeks later ,same cops. Then guess what! Those same 5/6 POs that year were fired for corruption. But those are minor ,pesky details.This train wreck πŸ‘‡is his own victim. Self loathing.

  68. And have fun with that delusion, weirdo.

  69. This whole thread ...

    DQ, we all get you hate Tricia. Not sure why you're concerned about her kids or her mental health. Sheesh, it's a small corner of the Internet, surely there are better places to lose your mind. You could try Reddit or even 4Chan, they don't mind freakouts over strangers.

  70. Only person with delusions on this board is you and I'm not bluffing with you either. You gamble, you lose, I suggest you fold and disappear for good and make fucking sure I forget you very, very fast. You don't scare me even one miniscule little bit. Although you sure have tried over the past five years. Too bad psycho, you lost there too. Times up.

  71. Well you're not exactly proving otherwise, are you.

    Let's face it, if ever anyone wants to see what a screaming mind fucked loon is like, we can point them to this thread.

  72. Christ, Trish, way back in the day, if so had a pound for everytime the peelers fired me into the cells after getting blootered and fighting someone - occasionally myself - then I'd have...well about three quid.

    Also got my own mugshot too for something else I did when young and stupid. And I didn't look half as good as you.

    1. Aww you’re kind. I asked for filters (then again I asked for a vegetarian option) for a meal... they didn’t “get” me
      πŸ˜‰πŸ€”I’ll have to try again.... Cecil B Demille ready 🍾

  73. I thought 'doxxing' was the cardinal sin of the internet. How is this allowed to happen here?
    If we had a " 'Your Turn' - Have you ever been arrested?" I'd have to raise my little paw.
    You're a good girl, Tricia and pulling it out of the fire.

  74. DQYDB - How many hours a day are you creeping on here watching for and counting Tricia’s posts??

    I remember when the mugshot crap went down years ago. If you are the same person who orchestrated that shit show, you really do need to get some help and possibly on medication. There's no shame in that.

    There were a couple of CDaN bullies in those days. One in particular was this woman whose screen names was "The Black Cat", or something like that and she terrorized quite a few people here. One day she took a photo of her computer screen (she could have done a screen capture but obviously didn’t know how, so she took a pic of her monitor and posted it on her profile) and we didn't notice it at first but her reflection was in the monitor. πŸ˜‚. (I think The Count might have been the one who discovered it.) It was glorious. She looked like someone's grandma, or that nice librarian, but man she was POISONOUS and revealed her own likeness to everyone here. F’kn hilarious!


  75. Also, if Enty or Design Chicky can delete that post, why can't they delete Amazing Quotes or those other annoying ads that have been popping up?

  76. I can’t be the only one who just wants to read comments about the blind. FFS, NO ONE CARES about any of this childish drama between commenters. Except the psychopath basement dweller. Sandy & Tricia, maybe stop responding to him? It’s just feeding the unwanted beast at this point.

  77. @GentleBreeze @Trisha13 @Sandybrook

    I have one, too, not proud of it but it happens.

    Mine was for “Bogus Checks” (Returned Checks less than $100, but still...)

  78. Well, there is THAT! I feel like I need a cigarette after reading the comment thread.

  79. What the fuck is going on here? "Comment removed by blog administrator"? Vitriol flying from the usual suspects who can officially be described as certifiable? You have to laugh at someone who turns purple with a brain aneurysm right around the bend because a favorite commenter posts? How troubled this person is; I wonder how they sleep at night. Do they sleep at night???

  80. And @Tricia13 for the record that's a great mugshot pic. Yes I did look (hangs my head in shame).

    And of course we've all been arrested, or lucky enough to escape while others took the heat. Others who never spoke to me again!πŸ˜†

  81. I thought Saturday’s post by Derrick was the second best shit storm You have to admit he doesn’t disappoint when he has one. Tricia I’m sorry you are the one that has to endure his wrath

  82. Somone's got a massive case of OCD plus Narcissism, plus just abusive a-hole.
    If your pill bottles are empty, that's a clue to get refills, STAT!

  83. Katy Perry, as they say in Al-Anon, has a broken picker.

  84. Only a true bastard would post someone’s real name and mugshot on a gossip board. His ip should be banned.

  85. @Mango-Im honestly not and even Trasha knows that.

  86. @ Shaddup Mimsy - It’s called doxxing and it’s an incredibly shitty thing to do.

  87. and I spent about 7 hours of my life (waaaay too many I agree) this year trashing or thinking about Trasha. She just ruins this site. Horrible mother and a liar. Sandys even stupider and crazier though. I have a job a life a bf and friends-I dont have ties to some secret society outside this site and have no clue about Tricia's woah is me nonsense.I make my hate pretty transparent.

  88. @Mango -that old chicks name was also Mookshi-I believe her real name was Pam. No clue who she is and Tricia knows that. As she know Im not Kristen as she knows what a fraud and cunt she truly is.

  89. VIP told me that years ago. Black Cat was Mookshi and her name is Pam. She blessed us with Trashas mushot which I will repost again and again with glee considering the accusations regarding being intoxicated on drugs come my way.

  90. And Sandy goes around talkin about everyone but as far as Im concerned he is 0 percent right about me and is mentally disturbed. According to him BooHearne is alive and kicking and posts on the Dlist (pretty sure another lie from him). Hes a vile fool and so is Trasha.

  91. Omfg. I know I have no dog in this fight, y’all don’t even know me but you, dqydj, are the only psycho here. Pretty sure it was another poster who found someone named boohearn posting on dlisted.

    I hope you get banned and thank you mango for teaching me a new internet word. Doxxing is horrible and only true trolls would do it.

  92. Doxxing: Another thing Trasha and Sandy suck at.


    OWNED, Bitches.

    xxxo *MUAAH*

  93. You're nuts. End of story

  94. What the shit?
    Welp. this wasn't the one to read to wind down at end of my day.

  95. So Bloom it is then?

  96. My 83 year old great grandmother has a mugshot lol. Stoned at the wheel of her mobility scooter. You haven't lived until you have done something naughty is her motto.And she is a proper lady

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Why are we not even discussing the fact that this DGAF quit your day job, is using a madonna photo? Maybe the MK is glitching out.

    If you haven't had a mug shot, you haven't lived.

    I haven't - so I must've not lived.

  99. She must be a “premium” sponsor to get the special treatment. So it was a mugshot, eh? If she’s so worried about her past indiscretions being publicized, she should stop indulging in gossip. Just a thought.

    @sandybrook- using those big boy words. So scary πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  100. Gnarfcat: Can you please post a pic of granny???!

  101. @Freebird: I’m with ya! (And glad that you’re back.) Hope all is well.

    1. The last 4 months have been HELL. Hoping for a fresh start, very soon. ☺️ Thanks for the shout-out, my fellow mermaid! 🧜🏼‍♀️πŸ’•

  102. When I read the blind and saw underneath "119 comments", I thought to myself "how can speculating about which actor is cheating - even though it seems from this site that most do - generate as many comments as a Markle blind, wtf???" Then I went into the comments and was like, "oh".

  103. @Tricia13

    I'd be secretly proud of the pic. You rebel you! :-))

    The stories you could tell. :-))

    Love it, Own it and Live it.

  104. I'm here for all this mess. (Sips tea quietly)

  105. @gnarfsomething, your grandmother is my hero

    anybody else starting to miss plot?

  106. +500 Vic

    Seems *some* people were never taught the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    Or the Will Smith Rule: Don't *start* no shit, won't *be* no shit.

    Sad, really. Just call me Mr. T - I PITY DA FOOL!

  107. Dont Quit Your Day job... Speaking as someone who doesn't give a shit about anyone on this site, let me correct your delusion. You made a statement abpove about having "schooled" somebody, and let me assure you, you have not schooled anyone.

    I don't know much about Tricia or any other poster, but the only thing your ridiculous tirades have proven is that you are the one with issues, not anyone else. Even if everything you say about Tricia is true, and she is "pathetic" for the amount of time she spends here or whatever, think about what that makes you. The one who feels the need to spend just as much time on the site following her around and commenting on every post she makes because you've got something to prove.

    the only thing you've proven is that if she is indeed "pathetic" than you are far, far worse than that. It's obvious no one cares about whatever point you are trying to make yet you keep repeating yourself over and over. There's a word for that.

    And guess what? No one cares that she invited someone from "The internet" to her house. That shit happens all the time online. People with similar interests meet online and then want to meet in person. It's called making friends, something you obviously don't understand. I think you're just jealous no one will invite you.

    Just to wrap it up for you, however "pathetic" you think she is, you are even more so. That is the lesson you are teaching in your "school", nothing more.

  108. Anonymous11:14 AM

    100% agree with everything you said, @akbar johnson.

  109. Holy shit you guys.

    Tricia - great mug shot, I was cringing when I opened it but two thumbs up - looking damn good for a FLORIDA mugshot of all places, could have been so much worse. :)

    1. Thanks pretty lady:)..and Pepperoni,Akbar etc . between me and Mama June I think I have it in the bag!

  110. Holy Crap, How did I miss this one? Every time I see DQ, I get hopeful, thinking this will be the time it is all just dropped and he'll just make good guesses and just exist amongst us. Sigh.

    That said, Tricia, your jokes at the time of the incident should have gotten the charges dropped right there. Hilarious!

    Gnarfcat-- Lol! Go, Granny! Im all for her being our mascot!😍

  111. Honestly I thought the whole point of going to Florida was to be publicly intoxicated, what else are you going to do down there, didn't even know they had a law against it. ;)

    1. Ha... And they definitely don’t like you when you’ve just moved there form the North like we did (Yankees)....they have their own set of laws . Or so they thought. All fired from the force within 6months-year😎)That said ,Miami is an extremely international and vibrant city-
      Where are you from again Bray?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Brayson, I’m moving there in a week! (Sarasota) ☺️ πŸ– 🧜🏼‍♀️ πŸŒŠπŸ’¦

      Tricia, Your mug shot (finally went & looked) is beautiful! And I agree with Gnarfcat’s granny - You haven’t lived until you’ve done something naughty. πŸ˜‰ And as far as inviting people from the internet to your home - I’m all for it! Some of my best friends are people I met through blogging on the Internet. I’ve met most of them in person now. πŸ’—

    4. Freebird it ain’t lol πŸ˜‚ but sweet to say ! Hey long night (due to reasons I stated above)🀬but ancient history. Also Sandy and I know eachother here for 6 years,but it was in jest. He doesn’t travel (maybe within Florida?!) That said -your next chapter-AWESOME. Sarasota is lovely. Picturesque yet lots to do... wonderful weather..Also it’s very close to a place my family loves to go called LongBoatKey-it’s heaven . Good luck on the move:)

    5. Tricia, I spent 7 months there in 2017, so I’m very familiar with Sarasota & all the outlying areas. LBK is amazing!! My favorite drive is from the Ringling Causeway all the way to the tip of AMI. I always stop at Harry’s on LBK, to grab a roast beef sammich & a Coke. I can’t wait to visit all the beaches again! πŸ– My son lives in Sarasota, and I get to meet my grandbaby!! πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’• Cant wait to hold her and watch her grow up! Whenever you plan to go to LBK next, gimme a holler! We can hit the beach. ☺️ 🏝 🌊

  112. Damn guys, thanks for the lunch-time read. Can't say I read it all but it definitely makes me think that I found this site waaaay too late and that I need to read the comments more, haha.
    Also now I feel like the sad shut-out kid without a mug-shut. Maybe I'll hit the bars a bit harder tonight.
