Saturday, June 29, 2019

Blind Item #3

This former Housewife who now has her own show has no money. She is rolling the dice trying to get a big raise. The thing is though, now the show is more likely to be canceled which will really put her in a bad financial position. My guess is she will then move across the country to her husband's home state and downsize and try and sell a reality show about that.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was thinking same...isnt kroy from montana or a dakota? I think it would be a wise move for family health and to preserve funds. I'd hope she'd do it without reality show, but im worried she's kind of addicted to attention at this point

    1. Yes he is from Montana I think... far from ATL. Love to see her suck it up lolol!

  3. +1 Kim Z.
    I heard that this rv trip they are on, which is being filmed of course, is a last ditch effort to see if they can get some ratings.
    I can’t wait to bump into her when I’m in Bozeman.

  4. I can't imagine her living in Montana, unless it's just for the cameras, like the so-called Alaskan Bush people, who actually live in Seattle. Her and her dumbass daughter think they're too glamorous for that kind of life.

  5. Why not just do some yachting?

  6. Kroy had a house down the road from me, (lots of Falcon players do), when he married The Wig, which was really nice. The Wig hated it because it was only 11,000 sq ft and 45 min outside ATL. However, it was 9 min from the Falcon training camp and better for him, as well as in his budget. The house was on a pro golf course with a winery/resort, spa, tennis, multiple pools, etc., on the property. Most people would be thrilled to live there, but not Miss Tacky Consumption. He was an idiot to marry her, no wonder his parents were so repulsed.

  7. Thanks HouellebecqGurl its good to get some insider info.

  8. I LOVE Montana - really wish I could move there !!! I know - off topic - but I had to do it. Magical !

  9. Gobless these Housewives and their warped senses of "wealth"

  10. @houllebecq girl +1000. She foolishly spent twenty timeshis short lived salary by her stupid gaudy house. Her endless plastic surgeries. Her spoiled daughters.

  11. I don't know why I thought Eva Longoria

  12. For sure Kim Z-B. Don't be Tardy is swirling the drain. The last season barely got picked up from what I read. They've done the fish out of water in Montana on the show already. Selfies on hay bales about sums it up.

  13. A video with her and her daughter just popped up on my Facebook feed today hawking some green cleaning products. Yep, she’s squeezing out every dime she can get.

  14. I watched one episode where they spent over $10K at a casino in two hours.

  15. And they say the makeup the plasticbot daughter is hawking is cheap crap from China. Kim has always spent like she still had big papa picking up those bills still. How can they move there when his folks don’t speak to them because he got suckered into 197 kids with her.
