Friday, June 14, 2019

Blind Item #5

As I said many times when the employee was fired by the permanent A lister, this kind of leaking would occur. A couple of weeks ago, I said the leaks would become more scandalous each time going forward, and sure enough, that is exactly what has happened.


  1. Replies
    1. I had to laugh at those "current" bikini photos. She hasn't looked like that in years! She must have a stockpile from the old days to pass off as new...

    2. Stockpile! Lol.
      They were awful I thought

  2. Mariah needs to hold her ground. Embrace the crazy. I read a story about Delta Burke,and that is what she says she does. She only works enough to keep her name out there. We 💓 crazy Mariah,don't let anyone push you over the edge.

  3. So what are the new scandalous leaks?

  4. She looks trashy most of the time. I don't think she cares as long as they spell her name correctly.

  5. What were the previous scandilous ones?

  6. The only thing I know,is her having an affair while engaged to Packer. With the guy she is with now. Everyone, including him knew she only was with him for his money. She couldn't even stand to kiss him.

  7. Packer isn't exactly the type of guy one's with for love

  8. Lol at Enty throwing himself a softball and patting himself on the back when he easily knocks it out the park lol
    Tell us about Henley.
    Or better yet, out the ¡pedo producer!

    ...but Mariah Carey?
    Pfft. Any one of us coulda done that

  9. Has the woman never heard of NDA's?

  10. So, she was with Packer only for the money, while her boy-toy was with her only for the money; doesn't sound all that scandi-lous but, what the hey.

  11. Christ I wonder how many bottles of wine she had before she forced the staff to take the near nudies and nudies she sent to Tanaka? And when he saw them why he didn't run awa?

  12. @longtime, Not unless those are the initials of a winery.

  13. Mariah Carey bikini pics. Now that’s a search I would’ve never guessed I’d do!

  14. Mariah has been breathing that rarified, rich, celeb air for so long that I think she's reached past crazy, past eccentric into celeb-eccentric, an amusing separate orbit shared by very few. Unless, God-forbid, she begins harming others or committing major felonies, she will just keep floating along in her oddly entertaining bubble.

  15. Lol. I couldn't have said it better

  16. Sandy - she is EASILY two bottles in when those pics were taken.

    I took the opportunity to look for a tummy tuck line (found it). She's not well.
