Sunday, June 16, 2019

Blind Item #6

Just as I have been saying, this permanent A list singer/wishes he could act full time instead is taking steps to throw the wife under the bus. Look for some stories from a family member of his doing the dirty work so it doesn't look like it is coming directly from the singer.


  1. Timberlake and Enty is over praising again with ratings

  2. This is excellent.

  3. +1 Timberlake with Mama Lynn doing the dirty work

  4. Has a family member or Timberlake contacted you, ENTY?

    And, Jessica Biel is a nut. And, water is also wet.

  5. I'm sure they have plenty of secrets on each other. And why isn't he referred to as bad actor like Selena G? He has some talent in music,but except for his chemistry with Fallon,no acting talent. Other reasons to dislike him, remember him upstaging Biel in the wedding pics? And using the phrase"I had a baby",(Fallon did this too).

  6. Release the Jessicas lesbian cupcake bakery hounds! Winter is coming. ..

  7. Look for tabloid stories about there having been marital troubles every time baby was due for vaccines.

  8. Anti vaxxers would be best to keep their opinions quiet unless they're talking to their very small group of intimate friends who also talk about essential oils and a flat Earth.
    Sshhhhh Jessica...

  9. Anti vaxxers would be best to keep their opinions quiet unless they're talking to their very small group of intimate friends who also talk about essential oils and a flat Earth.
    Sshhhhh Jessica...

  10. If the shit ever hits the major out break fan, these celebs will be jumping queue for whatever vaccine is needed. Think Varcity Blues scandal times a million. They won't be so liked when they emerge from their bunkers. And yes, they have bunkers, they're the new panic room for the A list.

  11. My favorite is the celebrities who go on and on about climate change, yet, have a carbon footprint of about 1,000 people. CoughLEOcough.

  12. Why do celebutards go on and on about vaxxing and autism and this and that regarding the public they seem so concerned about and yet the culture they create is so mind numbingly bad that the self same public is effectively lobotomized?

  13. Permanent A List??!

  14. I’m w Aquagirl...On what planet is Timberlake considered “permanent A-list”? Puh-leaze

  15. We all know he has a history of throwing women under the bus *cough* Janet Jackson *cough*. Arsehole.

  16. @Kiki: Biel is a lesbian. Her long-term gf is her business partner of the co-owned restaurant in LA that recently closed. She was great in The Sinner, and he was so nasty about it. They were at an awards show and he really put her down. Said something like, “Tonight we’re here for ‘this one’”. Couldn’t stand that it wasn’t about him. Dick.

  17. I say ‘this one’ about people i clearly love, when im around people with a sense of humor. Jeeze. The woke police are killing fun and frivolity.

  18. @TheBPlot: Wish I could find the clip for you. It wasn’t said in a loving manner. He was being his self-centered, douche-bag self.

  19. hey now don't group in essential oils with anti-vaxxers, they can be used to relax and fend off bugs.

  20. @Rosie - You're 100% correct, Mercury is totally safe to give your child.

  21. Aren't vaccines supposed to protect your child from those with said diseases??? I vaccinated my children & expect it to protect them. So far, so good. But if they get any of that they were vaccinated against than vaccinations will be rendered bs by me. Common sense told me not to. I did it because of the intense pressure put upon me by my elders. I am sure I am not the only one.

  22. It's weird when ppl ask "in what world is so and so A list??"
    If Timberlake and Aniston aren't A list, IDK who the fuck under 60 or 70 that would be.
    They sell tickets out the arse, been A list for decades, have won awards, high profile marriages, etc.
    I mean, like or hate them, but they are too tier HWood.

  23. A list to me = household name. The average passerby knows who you are.

  24. I really don't get why people get so pissy about anti vaxxers. I mean if you vaccinate your children than they should be covered right? So what danger does those who are not vaccinated pose?
    Every person should have the right to weigh the risks and decide for themselves. and Mercury is a good reason to skip some of those vaccines frankly.

  25. Sandy2319, the danger is that the unvaccinated older kids can pass on diseases that children under one are too young to be vaccinated for, or to kids who legitimately cannot be vaccinated for health reasons.

  26. Just because you are vaccinated doesn't mean you can't "carry" the disease to those who have not been vaccinated yet. I just read that typhoid fever and typhus are back in Los Angeles. Congrats.

    1. Jen: that is a formidable tag team LA has. I bet they dont keep it to themselves, but will be doing appearances in other warm weather sanctuary cities. Thank god north east winters keep career homeless from making our cities destinations.

  27. Justin is a hateful c*** but Biel deserves all the hate coming to her. F*** them both.

  28. I'll say this I'm so tired of these stupid witches doing shit then JT get blaming for their obvious stupidity. Let's see Brit broke jts heart with wade, jj planned it and Biel is all in this all by herself.

  29. so when's the 7th Heaven movie coming out ?

  30. sandy, there is more mercury in a can of tuna than is absorbed from a vaccine. That's a stupid reason not to get one.
