Sunday, June 02, 2019

Blind Item #8

At least one photo a day is the new mandate set by the people in charge of the A list "singer's" life. 


  1. It's Britney,bitch!

  2. ppl already think the sudden every other day pics is just another sign she’s being controlled and told what to do

    It isn’t 2007 anymore, somebody should tell Britney’s keepers that. We see thru the BS, everybody does. Of course she’s trapped.

  3. What, no more "dress up from my clothes closet" pics? Or...painting from a paint by numbers pictures?
    OHHH C'MON!!!

    She's mentally stuck at 14yo!

  4. Seems that the quotes should go around the word "life".

  5. I wouldn’t be shocked if she dies within the next year or so... :(

  6. Mandated daily photos? Awful! For what purpose and whose benefit? Are they going to have her holding the day's newspaper, like proof of life shots? ffs!

  7. @Hope,neverlosehope,a common thing for sexual abuse victims to be very childlike. And to add,in this number of years she did well physically and even mentally,but why is she lacking basic life skills? Part of her treatment should have been learning to deal with the real world. She has been set up to fail long-term,her family can't take care of her forever.

  8. She is lacking life skills BECAUSE they want her to be dependent on them. That pretty much applies to all celebrity cash cows.

  9. If it's not Seroquel, is it Abilify? aka: Has anyone actually seen her peddling a bicycle with her feet accurately?

  10. What hateful comments.

  11. Britney has such a sad life now. Her father and Lou Taylor should be in prison!!!
