Thursday, June 06, 2019

Blind Item #9

Considering the last two or three times a waiter has talked to me after this celebrity offspring/sometime reality star has been in a restaurant, I don't think she has conquered those eating issues. One order was a glass of ice water with lemon. One was a coffee and another some tea with an ice water and lemon. All the while everyone around her was eating.


  1. Lisa rinnas daughter-Amelia?

  2. That's Hollywood.

  3. From one tall girl to another.... I get it. I remember being her age and feeling like a giant even though i was tall and slim. Her parents seem to be helpful and are addressing it, but it needs to be said that Lisa R also obv has an eating disorder. Admitting her own problem to her daughter would help immensely... i guarantee it.

  4. Well she had some lemon.

  5. Same, Gia. And the more grown-ups comnenting on your body, the more embarrassing it feels.
    Poor Amelia. That bbq scene with Harry was painful to watch. Delilah looked like she wanted to disappear.

  6. This was discussed in last night's episode of RHOBH, so the timing makes sense.

  7. @Flashy: you’re right about the lemons πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹. That’s the healthiest thing for anyone to consume. They’re very alkaline (not acid, which most people think) so very good for balancing your system (Although idk how well it works for someone who is starving herself.)

    I saw a quote somewhere where Lisa asked if she and Harry could’ve contributed to her eating disorder. Not only could you, but you did, between your own eating disorder and your endless plastic surgery.

    I feel so sorry for all of these girls!

  8. @Gia, @Thorne: I’m actually surprised to hear that! I’ve been 5’8” since I was around 11, and I used to be so thin that it was hard for me to find clothes that would fit. Didn’t matter what I ate (and I ate a lot!) Just couldn’t gain weight and was so self conscious. (Plus everybody called me ‘beanpole’.) Luckily, it changed after a few years.

  9. She's on the Tommy Wiseau diet, hopefully she gains the jaw dropping looks it's gotten him soon

  10. Good, nobody likes a fat whore.

  11. Who needs food when they have coke or adderall.

  12. @Aquagirl - while that may be partially true, the overall culture of LA probably plays a big part too

  13. I had an eating disorder that was at its height from 16 to about 24. Even younger i was upset when i hit triple digits in my weight. It was alllll about being able to control something, for a scared gay kid who felt all alone and completely out of control. I hated my body for making me gay. 15 years later i have a blessed life. Grateful to people who loved me when i didnt love myself. But you cant reason with someone in the depths of this illness, i think. Theres nothing logical about it.

    1. I’m so happy you were able to overcome this illness! ❤️

  14. @aquagirl she said it in this week's rhobh. I actually hate to blame Rinna for this

  15. @BPlot: I’m so sorry to read your story, but very glad that you were able to move beyond it. ❤️

    @Hunter; @Jenna: I think it’s so many things, really. When I was 11, size 0 didn’t exist, but now it’s such a popular size that it’s ‘normalized’, especially in LA, and more so since ‘stylists’, such as Rachel Zoe (and her many thin clients) came on the scene. In terms of food, we all ate dinner as a family every night (mostly at home, and I think that makes a huge difference vis a vis your relationship with food.) The only ‘food issues’ we had was that all of us kids (4) hated lima beans (which my Dad LOVED) and we were expected to eat them. My brother’s approach was to hide them in his chubby cheeks and spit them out later; one of my sisters fed them to the dog (maybe that was the cause of her early death (the dog), and my other sister would say she had to pee, and she’d spit them out. I just refused to eat them, because, IMO, once it’s in your mouth, you need to swallow πŸ˜‰.

    Luckily for me, I had a mother who was incredibly beautiful in a very natural way. She basically just wore mascara & lipstick, unless she was going out. And yes, after 4 kids, she was a bit overweight, but it didn’t matter. Very attractive, even in jeans and a sweatshirt. So all of my life experiences, re: food, body, etc.. were very positive.

    I may be wrong about Lisa Rinna, but I’d have to imagine that having a mom with an eating disorder and a penchant for plastic surgery would affect someone and their self esteem. I’ve also known people who’ve had an anorexia or bulimia that was tied to childhood abuse. Clearly, many here know more than me, especially BPlot; I’d welcome more onfo if you’re willing to share. I’m always open to learning.

  16. I love the clan community when they come together to post real truths about their lives in relation to celebrities and offspring who are ha ing similar problems. It overcomes all the other negativity and crap I see in comments. Ps I’ve never posted before x

  17. *cdan* not clan lol

  18. Also really loved this comment thread and relate to the issues at hand. I won't get into to it, but I'll share that my experience with disordered eating was that I didn't think I had a problem. I thought I was in total control and incredibly clever about how I ate, worked out, and stayed slim. Until I tried to stop and realized I wasn't in control at all. It was like a drug without the substance, just pure addiction and delusion. I was a chump and never saw it coming. Heart breaks thinking about the now young people easily falling into this trap. Thank the spaghetti monster in space I was never famous.

  19. Her father admitted having an eating disorder many years ago. I read an interview with him in which he stated that he was under treatment for it and that he hoped his son would not get it from him.

  20. Personal experience: eating disorders are about control. Having some particularly when in a prolonged situation where you have none. Industries where appearance is key + camera adds 10 pounds magnify the issue. All who knew me thought i was bulimic as no one could eat the amounts of food I did and be a perpetual size 0. Stress! Food is to nourish us, fuel us,bodies (bones and brains). A fundamental responsibility of parents is to not dump their shit onto their offspring disguised as wisdom. Whether because of their own stellar achievements that require legacy exceeding so they keep shining or unrequited aspirations, that is a WHOLE LOTTA weight for a soul to bear just as they're moving into adulthood. Yes MommieDearest trying to follow in Yolanda's footsteps your imprint is clear. Just like LL in college cheating scandal but a different arena.
