Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 31, 2019

Twice in the past several months, this alliterate actress all of you know met up in the most hush hush of ways with her ex so he could spend time with his child.

January Jones


  1. I wonder if this will become more common, anonymous dads?

  2. Did they bond over a plate of placenta?

  3. And that would be who? So much speculation

  4. So who is it? That's the real blind.

  5. My money's on Pat Sajak being the father.

  6. She gots one titty bigger an the other.

  7. It's impossible to retrace all her walks of shame to narrow down the pool of potential fathers.

  8. Her movie career's been abysmal. Absolutely abysmal.

  9. The sperm donor was either a royal of some kind or her own father, a handsome fitness guy. Or its Slattery and the bastard in the show he and Boobs LaTour have is actually a hide in plain sight kind of thing.

  10. Obviously Enty being JJs sometimes drinking buddy got her drunk enough for her to confide in him with the guys name.

  11. She's pretty one-note but I like her. Still weird how people are focused on who is the child's father. As long as it's not that toad Will Arnett, who cares?

    1. Pearl, the som has brown eyes so the father must too. That means it can’t be Arnett.
      I still say it’s the horrible Jeremy Piven. Now that’s a walk of shame.

  12. She's awful in interviews, the younger kid on Mad Men that played her kid, stated publicly for other kids on the show to be careful of her, but everyone else was great. Pretty bad when a kid is basically calling her a b*tch.

    Still think the director, that was married to Claudia Scheffer is the daddy.

  13. She must scrub that kid down like Gattaca every time they leave the house so no one can get a DNA sample to run.

  14. Maybe JJ's trying for a sibling?

  15. She's a blank canvas. Wouldn't look at her if I walked past her in the streets.
