Saturday, June 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 10, 2019

This A- list actor who is an Oscar nominee/winner and in acting family has his people calling in all kinds of favors to make sure his name is not brought up with the never ending lawsuit/fight between an actor and actress. I mean, if you think about it, he was brought up as a reason for the big fight. He is kind of crucial to the whole thing, but Kneepads and others, except for the original filing are giving him a break. As in, none of their readers will know about the elevator ride.

James Franco/Johnny Depp/Amber Heard


  1. Just a guess about the “elevator” ride: Franco and Depp took the elevator while Heard took the stairs to get her 10,000 steps for the day?

    Nothing to see here, just 3 of the most dysfunctional, entitled celebs in town.

  2. Chillax- lol! But, nope...Amber and Franco in elevator, depp apparently going for the 10k sips/day program

    But, Franco is calling in those favors in the wrong era...the internet trumps Kneepads and print for leaks, particularly involving video.

  3. All three of them are disgusting.

  4. I suppose this means the affair/video will now be reported by People and the like?

  5. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I read (and saw the photo) of Heard getting on the elevator with Franco supposedly the day after Depp hit her. She has no visible injury to her eye or to her entire face. That photo is critical to the case and I doubt that Franco can weasle his way out of testifying.

  6. You mean the gold digger lied? Quelle surprise!

  7. The elevator video....

  8. As those of us, who actually bothered reviewing the evidence and facts rather than basing our opinions on anonymous BS posted online, knew all along. Amber lied from the start.

  9. Ya, but how many grams a day has Gilbert Grape been slamming, allegedly. And where have all his eyebrow's gone and are they ever coming back?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yes, Depp is an alcoholic and has substance issues. No one has denied it. That doesn't make him a wife-beater, @Still Liz, nor does it justify the vitriol, lies and false allegations posted about him by 'net strangers who have never met him or know anything about his personal life.

  12. Franco is a douche but good for him for staying out of Amber and Johnny's drama games. They are just chaos junkies that get off on creating drama. And shame on them for trying to use the court system to keep it going.

  13. Timebob--that's a positive spin on his actions (more than just self-preservation). I do fear this Johnny and Amber thing is going to be like the War of the Roses, with both of them going to ruin, either literally or figuratively.

  14. Amber snuck Franco into her husband's apartment block because he was screwing her, @Timebob. And given Amber has been dragging Depp's name through the mud for years, it's only fair that he takes action. You would do the same in his position.

  15. Any doctor will testify that bruises can take a while, 24-48 hours or longer to form, so that she didn't didn't have visible signs of abuse immediately after, or 8 hours after, or within 24 hours after it happened when the elevator photo was taken, is neither here nor there, and doesn't help Depp's case in the slightest. Neither does Franco not seeing bruising during their daily morning fuck sessions behind Johnny's back.

    Which accusation has team Depp made that gives him the right to assault Amber? The answer is none; not cheating, not excessive spending, not yelling, not stealing, etc.. Nothing short of self-defense, and they didn't even manage to make that claim ever.

    Amber did Johnny a solid by settling this out of court for as little money as she did, which she subsequently donated to charity. Depp's team decision to re-litigate this has been a complete disaster for his image and bank account (past, present, and future).

    I doubt he was even sober enough to make the decisions that lead back to revisiting this. His needs to sue his greedy ass lawyers for fraud, and file complaints with whatever bar is reponsible for those fools.

