Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 15, 2019

This celebrity offspring of a barely there actor who will never be the biggest in the family or even the second biggest told friends that she went out on a couple of secret dates with this A+ list mostly movie actor before the former tweener called wanting to get married. She said she then stopped talking to the A+ lister and he went and got married. She said she is kicking herself now.

Hailey Baldwin/Chris Pratt/Justin Bieber


  1. The life of a gold digger is not an easy one! But seriously Pratt was never going to settle down with a yachting whore, it's not like he's British.

  2. OT: Beth Chapman died. Didn't take long for Baby Lissa to pull the plug.

    1. Cattiness unnecessary. Besides, it was her husband, Dog, who made the decision. Lyssa is her STEP-Daughter, so no legal say so.

  3. Models don't have useful brains.. Biebs has his money too so she didn't do too bad and no pre-nup I think.

  4. Once Pratt had a Kennedy in his sights, it’s over Hailey

  5. Kennedy women know how to look the other way.

  6. Kennedy women aren't known for their looks and personalities though. They all have that pinched inbred face look. Saying that Pratt still settled for better that a skeletal Baldwin.

  7. Agreed, Vic. Nothing about the Baldwin girl is appealing in the slightest.

  8. There was that Onion headline back in the day about Maria Shriver having her face sharpened.

  9. Katherine looks decent at least.

  10. Can't really blame the Kennedy women for that look. The probably worried themselves into that shape in fear of the Kennedy men. Starting with Old Joe and his lobotomies.

    Teddy's swimming lessons didn't help and then there's the whole Rape Inc. wing of the family.

    Asmy old East Belfast Nan used to say, "If you don't mend your ways you'll end up where you can't get near the fire for priests and Kennedys."

  11. Thought the gossip on Haley was she wanted Justin no matter what, STD's & cheating & all, waiting out all the other IG hoes to get him.

    Maria looked better younger, before lost lost a lot of weight & aged. Google her wedding pics with Arnold. If the Kennedy women just put on 10-20lbs they would look much better.

  12. RIP, Beth

    Sandybrook-- agreed that Hailey seems to working the consolation prize situation to the max, and the apparent bliss of the others' courtship led to momentary lament.

    FlashyVic-- I love the idea of a wee Flashy on Nan's knee, the wit and wisdom imparted at an early age.

  13. Shes youngn she will learn from early whoring mistakes.

  14. This is not enough. I bet Justin betrays her a lot, they're on the same level

  15. I'd imagine Bieber is easier to manipulate, what with being high AF all day long.

  16. I think Hailey Baldwin is gorgeous. #fightme

  17. Flashy Vic: LOL!! about the nun!

    Yes, Hailey Baldwin looks absolutely fantastic as a physically undeveloped 12 year old.

  18. Danilo you must be new

    I don't think Hailey is that ugly but she does have a Vladimir Putin esque look what with her skinny nose and wide lips

  19. I guess the pickings are slim when your pool of men only includes those who are in cults.

  20. Hailey’s got beautiful legs. The rest of her is sort of blah unless she’s really glammed up like for the Met Gala. She looked fantastic there.

    1. @aquagirl I responded to your comment on that other blind yesterday but it didn’t show up. So I redid it today, when I noticed. ☺️💗

  21. @rabbit.

    Bad spelling mistake there. 😁 My old Presbyterian nan might come back from the grave try to strangle you with my granda's Orange sash for that one.

  22. She was a head to toe vision at the gala, I agree with Aquagirl.
