Monday, June 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 23, 2019

This reality family is doing their best to get this foreign born former A+ list boy bander to film some episodes of the show but he wants no part of how they will try and make him look no matter what they say. If the family wants ratings all they have to do is let the one star tell her truth.

The Kardashians/Harry Styles/Kendall Jenner


  1. Make her ride the boat away from your island, alone and crying, Harry!

    When you did that to Taylor Swift I was so psyched.

  2. What shocking truth, does Kendall like guys or something?

  3. Once you see a bunch of std-carrying nags turn a man in to a woman, you'll stay away if you're smart.

  4. Harry is in the unique position of having all the money he needs for the rest of his life.

    He really can do anything he wants with his career at this point. He doesn't need the Kardashians for anything.

    1. But the price Harry Styles paid for fame...the nutty flavor of Simon Cowles thanks.

  5. Jujee-- you got me with that one!😂

    I missed a teenage Harry escaping the clutches of TSwift. He just seems like an easy-going guy who is trying to enjoy life and success on his own terms. I sure hope he's savvy and strong enough to stay out of kris Jenner's plot grinder.

    Please tell me he's not a jerk. He seems like he'd be a kind guy in his regular life.

    1. He is most definitely not a jerk. He has a great reputation with fans who meet him as well as those in the music business - behind the scenes and in front.

  6. Kendall is Gay, and I could see it even when she was a kid.

  7. Simon Cowell begged the swift team to beard with the 1D twink, she only accepted because he had the same colour eyes as her then g.f. He got $$$'s in publicity and fame/fortune in the US because of it. He treated her like s*** despite all the glory/money he got because of the stunt and she has hated him since. Songs from mega selling 1989 are attributed to him despite being all about her ex-g.f. Talentless karaoke singer is currently selling his ass to any major player like geffen in order to keep his fame. I'm guessing his next mediocre multi-written MOR record will bomb despie all the money spent on it.

  8. Plz stop using the phrases "her truth," "my truth," etc.
    It's either THE truth or it's not.

  9. It must suck so bad to not be able to come out when you want because you're controlled by someone who puts money before all else. Though I can't understand why Kendall doesn't fire her mom as her manager, come out and live her life. It's not like she's broke or it'd be a shock to anyone.


    In defense of Harry Styles...

  11. longtimereader - if you think Harry is the bad karaoke singer over Taylor I've got some news for you

  12. Anyone know why Stormi was really rushed to the ER? You know whenever the Kartrashians get out ahead of a story they are lying. They are always lying.

  13. Why is it okay to out women (i.e., KJ) when Enty doesn't out the guys? It's everyone or no one - and we are here for the inside scoop - so I think everyone

  14. It’s equal opportunity outing around here. Enty outs dudes all the time.

  15. They will keep her in the closet ....No Matter what it takes!! Nasty!
