Thursday, June 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 17, 2019

He just couldn't help himself. Every chance he gets, this permanent A list musician from a permanent A list group takes a dig at his foreign born former actress wife. This is probably why his kids don't really like him.

Tommy Lee/Pamela Anderson


  1. When I met him, 3 years ago, he said she was "an amazing woman". He spends a lot of time in Toronto. We have a mutual fiend.

  2. Is that why his son beats him up? That's elder abuse right there.

  3. he's a creepy old man that defines himself through young women. I hope the new wife takes him to the cleaners.

  4. Really Kristin give it the fuck up already.

  5. Heather Locklear in her prime vs. Pamela Anderson in her prime, who's yer choice?

    Locklear by a mile.

    1. 100%. Locklear in her prime was top shelf minge

  6. Great question, Count. I would go with Pammy. I tend to prefer the shorter, curvier types. Also Locklear always scared me a little bit.

  7. Easy: locklear over pammy any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

  8. @Chillax, so Pammy is under Locklear once on weekdays and twice on Sunday? But are you also present there with them? Or you are just watching and recording?

  9. Omg, ha! Something like that.. I just prefer Heather in her prime days. Pammy was sweet on baywatch but heather was fierce and hot on meltose.

  10. Melrose? I am talking PRIME, like Dynasty.

  11. Uhm, Sammy jo had a bleached out feathered mullet on dynasty and wore shoulder pads the size of her entire body.
    Amanda Woodward would have been on top too much for your taste prolly. 😉😇

  12. Pam over Heather. Heather doesn't seem very stable

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM

    What a question. Heather Locklear! She was beautiful in her prime. The beautiful girl next door type. She was on two? three? television shows every week at her peak. Pamela Anderson always looked a little cheap IMHO.

  14. Only bad thing is Heather probably had big, teased out 80s bush. If she was waxed in the 80s it would have been amazing.

  15. Even back in the 80s I always felt a little sorry for Heather. She was undeniably gorgeous but that's not an accomplishment, you know? And if you took away her looks she really had nothing else going on.

  16. ...cont.

    I think that's why she's such a sad sack today.

  17. @Okay: She’s such a sad sack because of what she & Charlie Sheen did to her daughter. Guilt.

  18. he is gross, was always gross. And if you think he is well hung you don't know what well hung is. Or good looking.

  19. Anonymous5:52 AM

    +1 Greenfrog. He also has hideous taste in decorating. That monstrosity he had for sale recently was fugly. It looked like someone on acid did the design work. You needed sunglasses and a Hazmat suit to live in it.

  20. His kid is a spoiled worthless shit, so...
