Friday, June 28, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 18, 2019

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is probably known in every corner of the world promised a group that he was going to give them a $2M check at their huge event yesterday. Nope. It kind of goes with his normal charity giving. A lot of talk, but no actual check writing.

Leonardo DiCaprio


  1. He's jetting off somewhere, or steaming away on a huge yacht, to save the environment.

    Maybe he should name his private jet the Emma Thompson.

  2. LOL he is the biggest celebrity hypocrite I can think of....Save the environment!!!!... while I take private jets, yachts and escalades every where I go. Seriously....pick another cause that does not make you look like a complete asshat if you are going to live your life the way you do.

  3. Hmmm @sandybrook does this change the answer for that other blind? I can't remember what day it was, but I bet you can

  4. Well it goes along with you can always see a hot model standing next to him, but when it comes to giving her some, he isn't there for that.

  5. Oh yeah nevermind, it was word for word Tom Hanks blind description. Don't know if it changes that because that was cheating right?

  6. @sandy I thought it was one about watching the humiliation and abuse of underage kids, along with a mogul and wealthy businessman.

    In the last couple weeks? On my phone but I'll see if I can find it

  7. That's a mighty big field to choose from, TeeHee. Celebrity Hypocrite.

    In fact it does sound like decent TV show.

    "Hello and welcome to this weeks edition of Celebrity Hypocrite. Green edition.

    Tonight we have,

    Leo DiCaprio: Environmentalism from a G6.

    Al Gore: 'I was millionaire when i put on dad jeans and lied in front of a flip chart in a documentary - now I'm a billionaire who sold a TV station to a terrorist sponsoring medieval theocracy made rich on fossil fuels!'

    And Michael (gimme some) Moore: 'I have nine homes - all of them with giant filled fridges!'

  8. I wonder if he ever has a tug-of-war between his helicopter and yacht just for funsies.

  9. The funny thing is, there's a scene in Don's Plum (the 'forbidden' movie) where he calls his vegan friend, played by Tobey Maguire, a tree-hugging hypocrite or something like that and yells at him, 'When I met you you were an asshole just like me!'. The whole thing was improvised from what I've read. Fast forward 25 years and he has become the exact same kind of person he made fun of in that movie.

  10. @sandybrook @E I think it was this one.

  11. haha I would watch that @FlashyVic and I feel like a lot of people would as well! And....I would also be down to see a helicopter and yacht tug of war. lol

    And, I have never seen that movie...but, definitely sounds like Leo today.

    And, yeah...I get how hypocritical celebrities are my goodness Leo just takes the cake for me. Didn't he have special eyebrows or something flown in from Australia for an awards show in LA one year? I forget what it was but I think it was for his look and it made him look like the biggest hypocritical tool in the world. LOL again, if you want to do it fine. But, probably should not make the environment/ carbon footprint your number 1 cause...asshat! LOL

  12. OK I see it, don't know if it changes the answer to Leo for that one or not. His primary secret is he's in the closet.

  13. Bono flying his hat first class while lecturing us about homeopathic levels of plant food in the atmosphere is my #1

  14. Oh gosh....I thankfully forget about Bono and his annoying ass as well. LOL I will always love that South Park has him on one of their episodes as literally a guy made out of shit and totally fully of shit.

  15. @sandy I agree

    @InCatNeto thank you

  16. Brilliant idea Vic but somehow I don’t think the assclosns will show up.

  17. Leo would be the biggest pig if he wasn't a three dollar bill.

  18. A British show on Super Yachts came up on my Youtube, what I learned is when you have so much money to blow on these things, you get what you want. Like in Film world- there is no such word as No. Money and time are the answer to the question. So if you spend your life in private jets and super yachts, and on set, you're surrounded by employees. Or people asking for favours. All yes men. And in Leo's case he can get you laid by super models.
    I'm sure these types meet politician's which makes them think they know issues and politics, but they're clueless. And big name environmentalists are just big fundraisers.

    Flashy please add Justin Trudeau to your list. “We uh, we have uh recently switched to drinking water bottles out of uh, water out of uh, when we have water bottles out of uh plastic, sorry, away from plastic towards paper umm, like drink box water bottles sort of things,” lol

  19. OT, but I found a pretty disturbing paparazzi pic of Leo with his hands around a woman's neck.

    Actually it's a set of pictures. This is the whole interaction:

    Idk what to think about this?! In the first photos it looks like the woman is smiling, and there are other people nearby, so maybe they were just fooling around/he was trying to make her laugh (it reminds me of what he does in this old clip: But in the last few photos the woman looks uncomfortable to me while he's trying to kiss her. Unfortunately the pics are blurry af, and in the original album they're not in the right order. So it's hard to tell what's really going on.

    Ironically, the photos were uploaded on a fan site, and the one with Leo's hand around the woman's neck was the thumbnail pic.

  20. Leo looks like he was just playing around in those pics. I actually do think he might have played gay on the casting couch/ before (I think a lot of actors/actresses have tbf), but, there are too many stories of him going off and sleeping with women at parties over the year. A lot of reddit stories and blinds over the years about this.

    I think he has these public relationships/ contracts with these models, but, does whatever the heck he wants in private... I do think that includes girls. Just makes him look more stable and marketable for studio movies when he has a public model on his arm.

    And, even if he was bi....he is one star that I know would NEVER, EVER come out.

  21. @ Flashy - Fkn hilarious!

  22. According to actor/screen writer Craig Chester, Leo wanted to come out early on in his career, but his management wouldn't let him. And since he's been outed by other industry people as well (NOT on anonymous gossip boards, but in interviews or on talkshows), I think it's safe to assume that he's not straight. Gay for pay? I hope not. The last time he actually had to audition for a movie was probably at 17.

    Now, I don't know if he wanted to come out as gay or bi. But personally I doubt that he's genuinely attracted to women. Everyone can send in a blind or post a story about sleeping with a star on Reddit. And even if you take that stuff seriously, many stories I've read mentioned that he has 'performance issues'. One women claimed that while she was riding him, he listened to music via headphones. I can only think of one reason why someone would wear HEADPHONES during sex.

    As for the PR relationships, if the primary goal was to make him look 'stable', I don't think they'd pair him up with one 20-yo lingerie model after another. The last few 'relationships' lasted like a year, and he barely acknowledged the girls in public. His PR is not trying to portray him as a nice, stable family man type of guy. If you look at his choice of roles in the last decade, he caters to a male fanbase. And I think the 'modelizing' is a part of that.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I think you are projecting @trufflepig....Just ask Jack Nicholson....Leo's role model.

    People expect the #1 actor in the world to date young FEMALE, models. Not, Young gay twinks. Actually, a career ruinable offense. I could also buy into his whole secret gay lifestyle more...because I do think he made that bi comment when he was on that show with the child molester. If you are molested, as I do think Leo was, at that young of an age...will have have you growing up confused.

    Oh, and Residuals on The Departed and The Titanic will decrease if he ever came out. I have heard the same tales as you, but, I also have an acquaintance from high school who was modeling in NY a couple years ago who was telling us locals (where I live0 about Leo at a party hardcore making out with a chick....believe or not.IDGAF But, I'll believe a best friend of a guy I dated and known for years over anything "blind" related on the internet.

    Oh, and YES! The Wolf of WallStreet totally pandered to the female and gay community. GMAFB. It caters to Leo's and Jack's lifestyle. I am not some "Frau' who is a fangirl of Leo. Jacquian Phoenix has always been better than Leo. I just think people are stupid to constantly believe this garbage... believe what you need to believe.

  25. Don's Plum
