Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Your Turn

Do you think when Nicole Kidman is in Nashville she ever says y'all?


  1. Hey, nature lovers - Isn’t the Grand Canyon just gorges?

  2. You're darn tootin' she doesn't.

  3. No but Reese sure does.

  4. I would guess it depends how long she is there. We tend to speak like the majority of people around us.

  5. No, running really short of topics these days aren't you Enterns?

  6. I think she does. It's too useful.

    My parents were super yankees but we moved south when I was in first grade. People always told me I talked too fast. I learned to slow it down A LOT. I went to Ole Miss, eventually. It gets real there, y'all.
    Now my accent comes and goes depending on who I am talking to, and it's not an affectation. I am in Nashville now so I guess it's back in full. Personally, I love it. You can even say mean things and they don't sound so mean when you say it all slow and sweet like. lol

  7. Wow, does using "y'all" seem like the n-word to you Enty?

  8. Country vernacular is not despised outside of cities, despite what city mice might want to think.

  9. "You can even say mean things and they don't sound so mean when you say it all slow and sweet like. "

    Aw bless you Momo honey, ain't you sweet?

    Like that?

    1. Unlike us, who sound like we are making a threat to kill people by just saying 'bout ye?'really fast.

  10. @sandybrook,this could just be off topic,instead of hijacking posts. A better question is her hair. I can't see signs of a wig and see grey roots. Y'all see any proof she is bald?

  11. Bless your heart,@Flashy Vic. Maybe that's how we should address each other.

  12. LOL...When I lived in the south, I learned that saying "Bless your heart" usually means something along the lines of "You dumbass." It just sounds better when it's sugarcoated.

  13. I don't know, but I was watching Big Little Lies yesterday, and she needs to cool it with the fillers, etc. She looks weird, and the severe bangs/whatever is going on with her eyebrows are not helping.

  14. YES Bless your heart means you are dumb as dirt, usually. lol A proverbial pat on the head. ie you don't know shit.

    I talked to farmers on the phone this year as part of my work and it was so much fun. Humility, wisdom and humor. I also like how sometimes guys in the country spit for emphasis after they say something. There are several interpretations, depending on the topic and scenario.

  15. +1 gator. Plus if they say, “you’re so sweet” is usually when you have done something moronic. Like when my 18 year old daughter was waitressing and the customer asked if they had Heineken, and my daughter asked, “like the ketchup.” That earned her a “ aren’t you sweet.” I have lived down south for 25 years- 20 in Virginia and 5 in South Carolina. And down here in SC, they consider being from Va as being a northerner. But I haven’t ever said “y’all”. Ever. I did change saying “soda” instead of “pop” because I got tired of people saying I must be from up north. I do say freeway instead of highway, which is a dead giveaway.

  16. I think her Australian accent gets stronger.

  17. Didn't she go bald for a recent role guesser?

    1. @sandybrook, I only remember a short ugly wig,to give that trying for an Oscar look.

  18. I wonder if she drops her Aussie accent and reverts to the good ol' American nasal pinch?

  19. I hope so. AND wears a cowboy hat

  20. Usually Australians are the best at mimicing a Southern accent, but Kidman would sound awkward, I think. Maybe because she's too posh to pull it off credibly?

  21. I think like most foreign-raised, she probably doubles down on the Aussie accent. Unlike Americans that seem to absent-mindedly absorb any accent put in front of us, celebs of other countries seem to really emphasize the difference. Salma, Sofia, Nicole, most of the Brits have accents as pure as their first day on US soil. Most can drop in and out of US accents very convincingly (not sure on Sofia).

  22. She says, “ You all”, humorously.

  23. She could start just to irritate Reese.

  24. I'm from the PNW and I live in NYC and I LOVE saying y'all.

    All y'all takes the cake.

  25. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Do you reckon Nicole and Reese talked about living in TN while on set?

  26. @Candy, lol, never change.

    I've lived in California my entire life and have always said y'all. I don't know why since no one else in my family does. Seems easier I guess.

  27. Kidman's production company operates out of Nashville and they utilize a hotel in the area for their meetings. She is there often and a close relative of mine works there. She said Nicole is always very kind and pleasant to everyone she encounters, so apparently she's a nice person even when the cameras aren't running.

    A note on southerners in general. I moved from the north to the south about 5 years ago. Southerners are very "nice" to your face, but in reality they are nasty, cowardly backstabbers. I'm sure Kidman hasn't adopted their "ways".

  28. @WeeS.

    Be fair, sometimes we are.😁

  29. The real question is whether she says G'day Mate in Australia.

  30. Why wouldn’t she? I say y’all and am a Yankee.
    Many languages have a word for the plural form of “you.” English does not so Americans made one.
    It’s very useful.

  31. Don't quit, Reese is from TN, so I am sure she slips back into it. I'm a Texas native, but have spent most of my life outside of it...granted, a lot of those years in the South so...I'm in Colorado & have been for 18 yrs, but let me spend 5 min with someone from home or go back for a visit & that beloved accent oozes from my pores.

    Sadly, most of the rest of the country is onto the 'bless your heart's line...except for a few. My son used it on a moronic prof at Colo.State (the friend behind him was from AL & choked. The prof beamed & thanked him. He slipped and said it to another proof from FL & the Prof stopped what he was doing, looked son straight in the eyes and told him "Don't.Ever.Say.That.To.Me.Again.
