Thursday, June 06, 2019

Your Turn

How often would you skip school?


  1. Pretty much any day I felt like it.

  2. Catholic school. Couldn’t.

  3. For concerts. Then a lot senior year.

  4. My dad taught at my school, I couldn't get away with ANYTHING. He was pretty good for passes to get out of gym class though, and I could basically wander the halls without a pass because all the teachers knew me.

  5. Not that often. And I only did it during senior year in high school, a few times. The public buss stopped right across the street from my high school, so every so often my BFF and I would walk out and take a bus to the mall or the movies.

    I think in college there was a two week stretch where I didn't go to any classes at all.

  6. A lot! At least a class or two

  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    My senior year the school kept track and would warn me how many absence days I had left that I could still miss and yet graduate. I was bored out of my mind.

  8. So much that i stopped going. NO BUENO!
    Stay in school.

  9. NEVER
    My brother and sister went once a week to take test and leave.. They stated it was boring and they actually got away with it.
    They stopped all that BS now, you have to attend so many days to pass, it doesn't matter how intelligent you are.

  10. How often WOULD I?

    Much more often than I actually DID.

    English language much?

  11. Sophomore year of high school, Tuesday November 17 1981, Luke Spencer married his former rape victim Laura Weber at 3:40 PM Eastern Standard Time on Channel 13 (WOWK-TV).

    School let out at 3:05 PM and I would've had plenty of time to get home and watch the last part of the episode but why take that chance! There could've been traffic! A tornado! A power outage! Wayward pieces of Skylab could've worked their way back into the atmosphere and were on a trajectory toward my street!

    Plus, being in the marching band (color guard) and having Band (woodwinds) for 1st period, the band director already knew who was present and who was absent - and he'd lose his shit if you ditched after school practice. As in, sit you out for the next football or basketball game as punishment. And you'd get a Zero and have to go to study hall for the rest of the week instead of band practice.

    SooOOoo I didn't take any chances. I waited until Dad left for work, and walked back to the house from the school bus stop, and told Mom my plan.

    We made a cake, and later during General Hospital, we had cake and hot tea and mixed nuts as if we were at the reception. Dad was none the wiser.

    Had to come up with a pretty convincing cough the next few days, but the world didn't end - and I got to march at the game that Friday night.

  12. Never! (Actually, most years I had perfect attendance!)

  13. @Sagan: Love your story!

    I never skipped school. The most I did was leave HS on some days with my BFF to go out to lunch. We had a closed campus, so it was difficult to sneak out and sneak back in. Literally ducking between cars on the way to the parking lot.

  14. More often than not. I'm old, it was easier w-a-y back then. :)

  15. True story: back in the day, our high school was an open campus (you left for lunch) and the town McDonalds was on the opposite corner. At least once during the week during a study hall hour assigned for yearbook, one of us would skip across the street for a take out order for the staff. My day to make the run, the principal chose that door to exit the building and asked me if I was headed to McDs - I said yes, and asked him if he wanted anything. He laughed and left for his appointment.
    Those days are gone for most schools. I am amazed at the freedom we had being a public school located two blocks from the center of the Crossroads of America.

  16. In high school, never. In college, nearly every damn day. I still graduated.

  17. I have a nightmare several times a year that I am going into class to take the final exam and I haven't been to that class once the whole semester.

    I also have a nightmare once in a while where I get a phone call and it's someone telling me they made a mistake, I didn't pass the CPA exam and I have to take it over.

  18. Enough that other students got pissed when I had better test scores than them. Learn to study the night before suckers! ;)

  19. The only class I ever skipped was Gym. I hated it. I also hated math too but I would fall too far behind if I missed it. Gym didn't matter though.

  20. My mother would give us one mental health day.

  21. Never, at what we call school in the UK (education before university). I went to boarding schools from the age of 7, and there are not many opportunities. I did skip a few classes at Uni, but not the tutorials.

  22. How many times you skip school?

    A lot.

    (21 Savage reference)

  23. High school, never! College...often.

  24. I graduated last in a very large high school class, but my attendance was surprisingly good.

  25. I know it sounds like BS but I cut for the first time in 2nd grade. I only have vague memories but I think I walked home for lunch, ate then just didn't go back. I wandered all around my neighborhood for a few hours. I'm 55 so it was a long time ago! Lol. Nobody ever knew. By high school I cut constantly. We had an open campus with no door monitors, if you missed a class, they sent a, "cut slip" home. I'd just get home before my motherand take it out of the mail. Unfortunately, you'd get caught at report card time because your absences would be clearly listed but I was always the type (at that age) that pushed that stuff out of my head and lived for the minute.
