Friday, June 07, 2019

Your Turn

Worst nightmare you remember having?


  1. I’ve suffered from terrible nightmares for years.

    Honestly, I don’t think they’re even trying anymore.

  2. The one I remember waking up crying from:

    I was a kid about 6-8. I dream I am in an old movie. I am not myself, I am some little girl actor. The movie is in black and white. I normally dream in color.

    One of the characters is a headless tall man who is some sort of servant in the house. I am scared of him at first but there is an old man there, an uncle or something, who explains the loyalty and goodness of the headless butler. I am being tucked into bed.

    Then, without warning, the headless butler collapses leaving behind only a pile of cloths.

    I let out a scream and wake up crying.

    It's the only time I remember waking up from a dream and my mom came running into the room to find out what was wrong.

  3. I had a nightmare that Donald Trump became President.

  4. Being stuck upside down on the salt and pepper shaker ride at the carnival.

  5. Super Comic Fun Time-- that spooked me just reading it!

    I don't have true nightmares lately, but have anxiety dreams (ex. finals day and I never went to class, flying that becomes out of control free-falls) often, which is probably why I dont sleep much! I hate waking up with that sick, guilty, agitated feeling.

  6. 1) stuck in a Chinese flea market with no way out and everyone spoke Chinese so I couldn't communicate with anyone

    2) walking into my last class during my senior year in college and realizing I had forgotten about it and never attended. And needing a passing grade to graduate

  7. being in hell ,there's was so much screaming and suffering,but not fire (like people said)... there's was a lot of water and it was muddy.Yikes. I was 15 when i dreamed that and I do remember of it 'till this day.PS.: I'm not a religious person...sooo....

  8. When I woke up in this world.

  9. I’ve had this one several times: I’m a child and a plane crashes and bursts into flames in the middle of the street where I grew up. My best friend’s mother is trying to pull people from the burning plane. I can’t move. So weird. Also anytime I dream of “home” it is in the house where I grew up. Never any other house (and I’m south of 50 yo)!

  10. I have had some vivid ones. One was being chased by the Manson Family who were in some sort of Mystery Machine van. Another was a very vivid experience of being caught in a nuclear strike and feeling every particle of my body shutting down. The most disturbing one was a recurring one I had when I was 5 years old and had strep throat and a high fever. It was pretty symbolic, not graphic, but the gist was that I felt like I was struggling to survive but kept getting crushed back down.

  11. This hasn't happened to me in a long time, and maybe only happened 4-5 times but has anyone else ever have a dream end with end credits rolling?

  12. Slightly O/T, has anyone here ever had an episode of sleep paralysis? It's when you're waking up and your body is a few steps behind your brain, you literally can't move or speak but you are aware of everything around you. I only had it once, in my last apartment, but it greatly freaked me out, I felt like I was going to die if I couldn't get myself to wake up.

  13. Nightmares aren't too bad once you learn how to wake yourself up from dreams. It's like your brain wants to keep you asleep and turns the horror level way down.

    Before I learned that trick, I don't know, I've had nightmares worse than any horror movie, it's hard to pick. End of humanity, gruesome ends of everyone I cared about, layers of literal hell, injured pets I couldn't help, etc.

  14. The question was about nightmares not your worst mental illness Jon. Get help for your Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  15. I used to have sleep paralysis quite a bit and still have it occasionally.

    The last time this happened, I knew I was in sleep paralysis and forced my body to move. To roll over. I rolled over and got out of bed. I tried to turn the nightstand light on but it wouldn't turn on. I figured the bulb went bad.

    After I got out of bed, I decided I should go and pee and try to wake up a bit so I didn't have a repeat episode.

    When I got to the bathroom, I thought I heard my wife moving about, I thought she might have got up to use the downstairs bathroom. When I got to the toilet it was backward. I stared at it in confusion for a few moments. I thought I heard my wife coming back upstairs "Wife," I asked, "what happened to the toilet?" She didn't answer. "Babe? What's going on?"

    I continued to stare at the toilet trying to figure out what was wrong and how to get between the wall and the bowl.

    Suddenly, I find myself back in bed, still in a paralyzed state!

  16. The only time I had a genuine night terror was when I was visiting family in Naples about 20 years ago, when I was a teenager. There was a view of Mount Vesuvius from my bedroom window, and I dreamt that it erupted. The ensuing chaos, panic, fire raining from the sky, the inability to find any of my family was the worst fear I'd ever experienced. I was shaken up for the entire day.

  17. Nightmare that I had for 42 days (March 17 - April 28, 2009) is still as vivid right now as it was then.

    Obviously there's a back story, but the shorter version is that my dad had a debilitating stroke that left him in a persistent vegetative, unresponsive state. I was home in KY, he and mom were in FL for the winter. We talked several times a day (he had cancer) and he wanted me to fly down and drive them home. One evening after we'd talked, he called me back and said I need to get there NOW. That if I wait, it'll be too late. He needs to see me now. The next day I rearrange travel plans. That night, 2AM, St. Patrick's Day, the hospital calls - he's had the stroke. I get to FL, get to ICU and I see him - and he stirs, focuses on me and tries to smile, squeezes my hand - all 3 of us in tears (me, mom and dad). The next day, he took a turn for the worse, and was transferred to another hospital in FL before I could make arrangements to fly he and my mom on a Medi-Flight back home. No more awareness, no more focus.

    The nightmare started that first night back in FL. He and Mom came rolling up on their little green golf cart, Starbucks coffee in a carrier and a bag of pastries, and stop right outside the house's sun room where I was sleeping; it was early morning, sunrise on the beach. He sits down on the edge of the sleeper sofa to wake me up but when I look at him, one side of his face is black - charred black. (IRL he was not burnt but had been disfigured following cancer surgery to the jaw.)

    I scream and it startles him. "I'm sorry Daddy, you scared me." I reach to hug him but he's leaning away.

    "I'm the one who's sorry, Pun'kin, for running away to die and leaving you alone."

    And he disappears into ash (think MCU's "Infinity War" ending).

  18. I have yet to have a normal dream. I often will have a conversation with someone and all of a sudden they morph into a billy goat and I don't want to be rude and bring it up. My most recent nightmare of terrifying proportions was last week. Miley Cyrus kidnapped my dog. It was awful. She lured my pup away and pretended my pup was hers. Miley was grosser than usual, her legs were covered in bruises and tattoos and she kept smoking while holding my pup. It was horrifying.

  19. Aliens waiting in my front yard

  20. Quite a few:

    5 years old: dreamed I died and went to hell. There were worms crawling all over me and leaving holes in my hands.

    High school: dreamed I want being executed by electric chair in my elementary school cafeteria. I can still remember feeling the electricity in my body for a few seconds and then floating. Woke up when I realized I was dead.

    College: dreamed I was a Jewish girl named Liesl in Poland in WW2. A Nazi general ahot me in the head and I could still feel the bullet in my head when I woke up. Spent the whole day depressed.

  21. Whenever i have a nightmare, it always ends okay. Some ridiculous thing happens like i jump out and scare the person chasing me. It's pretty great.

  22. I used to have dreams that I was still in high school and realized FINALS were the next day and I realize I skipped the entire semester.

  23. I truly am the odd one out it seems, I don't ever remember having a nightmare, not even as a child, odd dream certainly but nothing that really shook me to the bone. I have the usual lost in a strange place or looking for loo and can't find one dreams but I think I subconsciously must know it's a dream and never really panic.

    The weirdest dream was when I was at an airport and there were lots of coffins on the tarmac, I was going from coffin to coffin helping people out of them and directing them to a large white tent. I had over slept by three hours that morning and when I woke up, I learned that there had been a terrible plane fire at Manchester airport with many dead. My psychic neighbour said I must have been on an the astral rescue mission, helping the departed over to the other side.

    An a side note with the sleep paralysis, it's because your astral body hasn't quite fully integrated back into your physical body after it's evening wanderings. Don't panic just imagine your astral self settling back into your physical body, each part sinking into your body on the bed.

    1. Emeraldcity.....I've had weird dreams like your airport one.

      In college, I would have nightmares of losing control of a car and crashing. When I woke up, I'd discover a friend or family member had gotten into a car accident.

      The worst dream I had like that was: I was in an airport and my flight was delayed. So I'm sitting at the gate and start chatting to this man. I kept asking him questions and all he'd do was nod or shake his head, no verbal answers. I noticed he was Middle Eastern and I thought maybe he isn't allowed to speak to me?? I didn't know. Anyway, a flight announcement is made for boarding and he stands up to go. I wished him farewell and he smiled and walked away. When I woke up, it was 9-11 and a plane had just hit the first tower. This dream has stuck with me for years.

  24. Most of these nightmares are so much more vivid and interesting than mine!
    The worst nightmare I remember having, from which I woke up sweating with my heart pounding is this:
    I was trying to climb my way up a very steep, tall sand dune to get back to the top. I was panicked that I might fall. Below me, there was a sheer cliff with some sticks and logs that I could hit my head on. The sand kept falling away from me every time I tried to hold onto it. I grabbed for a stick. It snapped. I fell to my death.

  25. When I was 7 or 8, I had a dream that a giant ate my mom and sister. Cried like a baby.

    Another one was I dreamed I had died and was in purgatory.

  26. There were a few lights in an old Catholic Church. I was alone in the first pew. Satan appeared and his wingspan was the width of a row of pews. He was as tall as the choir loft and looming over me. I had to defend my faith. Whatever I said worked but it was scary as hell (ha ha).

  27. Recurring nightmare since I was a kid: a giant monster smashing a city but looking specifically for me. And me always ending up cowering in terror.

  28. Just woke up to a great dream where i just kept discovered hidden things in a sort of Sci-fi indiana jones.

    One of the best ever!

  29. had a broken leg and would dream of large tidal wave chasing me down the street or i look out the window and see a nuclear bomb go off. i had one dream where i floated to top of ceiling and stick my hand out to stop and bounced back to my body.childhood recurring dream of being at Magic Mountain and watching roller coaster fall off the tracks.

  30. I got fired from a job. For years I had nightmares I was still working there.

  31. I was sitting cross legged on the floor of a pharmacy reading something from the spinning paperback rack when a robber shot me multiple times in the back and I died.....and there was nothing but black all around but I was still conscious. Krikey! Is that what's waiting for us?

  32. Backstory - I have never liked storms or tornado watches/warnings EVER... I used to gather my favorite toys, my bank and head to the basement when a kid - which gave my siblings something to make fun of and call me a scaredy cat and a baby, etc.... I have had several occurrences of nightmares where I am being 'chased' by a tornado - like it is coming down the sidewalk of my street, going up the driveway to the front porch and decimating my neighbors house... then back down the driveway to the sidewalk to the next driveway / repeat... I can see it coming, it's about 3 houses away, I am trying to get my family to the basement and they are not listening to me, they're teasing me, blocking my way to the basement, tornado is now 2 houses away, then next door, now back on the sidewalk headed towards my driveway.... we're next!! then I wake up can't catch my breath... Other scenarios are we're at our lake house, I can see it coming, I'm trying to warn everyone to get inside, my parents are older now and can't move very quickly on the swaying dock and my siblings are not helping me, etc..... and I wake up out of breath...

  33. I dreamed i got shot dead by the bogeyman. Now I smoke a pot of pot so I don't remember my dreams much anymore. I can't say I miss them much.

  34. The fact i dated my ex
