Monday, July 22, 2019

Blind Item #1 - Mr. X

Which music manager/newly appointed record company head's wife made no new friends at that presidential candidate's fundraiser a few nights ago? She ordered every one of the guests not to talk about the A-list singer she and her husband are feuding with. However, the only times she was mentioned indirectly was by the wife, who referred to her as the c-word and a homophobic slur that rhymes with like. Yes it was also the wife who suggested that the A-list singer-reality judge get into that pic with the manager's other two clients who are standing by the manager during this fracas. The wife was intentionally trying to start something. It upset the singer-judge that she didn't get a picture alone with the presidential candidate that she got into a shouting match with the wife, and stormed out of the party. 


  1. Scooter Brauns wife?

  2. scooter brauns wife taylor swift

  3. and katy as the reality staR

  4. Kamala “Willie Brown’s doormat” Harris

    1. I think "cum rag" is more appropriate than "door mat". What is more girl power than using yer vag to get to the top though? Her body, her choice.

    2. Sure, Jerkula. It takes two to use the casting couch method -- every woman who does has the right but ought to be called out just like the men.

  5. What a swell party this is.....

  6. Scooter Braun’s fundraiser for Kamala.
    Scooter’s wife and Taylor Swift.

    Demi in the pic with Kamala Ariana and Katy Perry.

  7. Good for her. Taylor loves to stir the pot with everyone else, it should be turned on her. I have no sympathy at all when comes to Taylor, she reminds me of the ultimate mean girl who will throw anyone under the bus if it suits her.

  8. Wouldn’t that slur be a D word and not a C word?

  9. First year, first day, first hour of law school new students are taught that contract law does not apply to pretty girls like Taylor Swift or Kesha.

    Why is this hallowed principle so difficult to understand?

  10. This Scooter Braun character seem even more an unsympathetic scrote than his old grandaddy Werner Von.

  11. So homophobic bigots are acceptable @ democratic fundraisers? Kinda makes the anti-Trump brigade look foolish no?

  12. @ladybugmo, it sounds she got her with both, a twofer.

    1. That is what I get for reading before my coffee. Totally missed the and.

  13. Yael was calling Taylor a homophobic slur at a fundraiser event?? WTF. Not a good look for the whole Scooter family unit in mid - damage control. Didn’t they win this round by owning her music masters? Now you gotta call her names for it and make yourself look stupid??

    Yael should stop talking and stop proving to everyone she is an idiot when she opens her mouth and speaks.

  14. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Anybody stupid enough to volunteer to live in Kamalastan deserves anything they get.

  15. LOL, this is great, fun, old-fashioned party gossip! As an observer, those big-mouthed, loose cannon instigator sorts are fascinating. In any other sort of interaction, a complete pain. As Chillax mentioned, Yael was on the "winning" side, which makes her behavior even tackier. She needs to be put back on the shelf, Scoots.

    1. +1000 vita. Divorce will be coming in a few years. wifey poo has no filter and will be kicked to the curb soon. too much of a liability. wish i would gave been there too!

  16. Doesn't sound like that fundraiser was a "win" for Harris. It got a nasty write up in the Daily Mail.

  17. This sounds so trashy, lol, what has the presidency devolved to?

  18. gauloise - 2020 will make WWF look like a teddy bear's picnic.

  19. Ew - and isn’t Yael supposed to be a “philanthropist”? Except
    Her non-profit only filed as receiving a couple measly hundred thousand in 2018 - while Scooter is worth millions.

    I bet she has minimal, if no involvement in it.

  20. Braun's wife is obnoxious.

  21. I still don't know what this fuss is between Swifty and Braun. And Im not bored enough to google the lowdown.

  22. Imagine if a Trump fundraising event had an unknown, d-list wife of some music producer, calling some singer a'd be front page for weeks.

    Thank you Dems for Trump2020.

  23. Didn't Scooter basically pimp the Biebs to Usher? So the Braun's are cool with homosexuality when it is in service of their pocketbook, but otherwise it's a white supremacist's wet dream at their house?
