Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blind Item #13

If you think it is going to be just the original cast in the reboot, then you don't know this network very well. They will figure out a way to bring in dozens of tweens and teens. The best friend of the producer runs the place. 


  1. Nick and Zoey 101?

  2. Nickelodeon/Schneider

  3. Zoey 101

    These kid show reboots seem creepy.

  4. 90210 which will probably not make it past Christmas.

  5. Zooey 101, Nickelodeon

  6. Hope they ready to be licked and sticked! Should let the stage parents have a go at the kids who don't make the cut for the show.

    1. Comments like that will never get you off the registry.

  7. Zoey 101/ Nickelodeon
    Dan and Brian

  8. Postcode for the BBC is P43 D0

  9. Can't they just re-run the originals, or are the references too outdated?

  10. When are you going to cover the real story? That Dan Schneider is the father of Jamie Lynn Spears' baby and all those other writers and actors are complicit?

  11. It's already started, but I would agree with All That, Sandybrook & Memphis.
    It will depend on the crux of reboot plot, but I guess Zoey 101 could be it, since it sounds like hasnt aired yet.

    The cast are still under 30, so to have tweens and teens, sounds like they might do something similar to Schooled (?)

  12. I think the originals are on one of their secondary channels Lucky13.

  13. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Oh yeah the place is going to be crawling with tweens.

  14. I really hope Jaime Lynn Spears isn't going to get her daughter into these shows...Maybe the parents get a punch card. After they give enough kids to those crazies, they get a free car wash or something

  15. People (no one here) who ask "why didn't anyone do anything about Jimmy Savile?" Because it's being endorsed by someone too powerful to stop. He had free reign because he was given it. They only went after him after he was dead. Are we to think he was the only one? That makes no sense of course not.

    So with all this talk about Schneider why is he not in jail, why does he keep working? Or any of the others?


    So who's the one(s) making sure they get away with it?!

  16. Didn’t Dan Schneider get fired from Nickelodeon.
