Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blind Item #1

As unhinged as the former C list actress was towards the death of her long time permanent A list actor/mogul husband, one of her reasons was the rest of the family, with outside help was trying to get the A lister's fortune to help them advance in that celebrity cult. 


  1. Jean Kasem- Casey Kasem

  2. I do t think Casey was known as an actor..?
    Rutger Hauer ?-He wasn’t a mogul don’t think?

  3. He was a voice actor.

  4. Yes Casey and Jean casem. His kids from his first marriage tried to get all of their money even when Casey was still alive. The thing was money was left in his will for his kids and reports of him giving money to them when he was alive, but apparently it wasn't enough. The casems were married for over 30 years and it was THEIR money, but the kids didn't want to hear it. They tried the talk show circuit, but it was clear they just wanted the money for themselves/scientology.

  5. For Jean to have let Casey's body rot until she finally buried it in Norway, of all the damn places, is unconscionably mean to his kids. I can't have any sympathy for her.

  6. Wasn't Jean one of them wives who was trying to spend as much as possible when he became ill, so there would be less $$ to split with the kids?

  7. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. R.I.P Casey.

  8. That woman alienated the kids from their dad for decades. She's a filthy step monster who is also a lying psychopath

  9. LOL, Flashy! About the only non-offensive laugh to be had on this topic and you found it!😂,

    That whole period at the end of his life (and who knows how long it was going on before he was incognizant or the media got involved) til his belated burial was a disgrace. Neither side should be bragging on this one.

    The mess is further proof that love of money can make people go nuts! Trusts and wills that leave no question as to your intents are vital, no matter the size of your estate. However, more and more, I understand and have respect for those who teach/tell their family that, unless you are some form of royal, inheritance is a gift, not a birthright.

  10. I remember the shills posting horrible and vile things about Jean at the time.

    The widow or widower is the heir, before the children, unless the will stipulates otherwise.

    The kids didn't want to let her bury her own husband.

    They were calling her gold digger and commenting all sort of bizarre things/allegations about her, all in an attempt to make her fall apart.

    It was so hideous. They were VICIOUS about her.

    The protests were led by people in the CoS.

    1. The kids wanted to bury their dad. They wanted to see him. Jean kept them away until she started keeping him away.

  11. Do Tell - she had no choice, the kids wouldn't let her do anything.

    IIRC they were accusing her of killing him and all sorts of weird stuff. Thy had been married a long time but they painted her as a recent gold digger wife.

    It was all about $$$$$ imo.

  12. Lots of cleaners in here...scrubbing bubbles!

  13. CJ - no they were married a long, long time.

    The kids wanted possession of his remains it had something to do with his money.

    Every paid shill available was called out and she was also hounded in person too.

    1. Exactly. They were married something like 35 years. Who knows what happens behind closed doors, but in public they were seemingly happy and in love. The accusations against Jean were never raised in all of those years until the daughter wanted/needed the cash.

  14. When Scientology is involved, it's always bad. Big bad.

  15. Oh wow. I don't ever remember reading back then that his kids were $cientology people.
    It explains so much.

  16. I just want to know what happened to the Liberty round baby cribs that Jean used to design. Nothing but frills and lace and canopies galore, looked like a baby SIDS nightmare. Definitely the products of a disturbed mind! Wouldn’t put anything past someone that could create those monstrosities.
