Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Blind Item #4

The celebrity offspring has attended events sponsored by this church for quite some time. It is how she met the A+ list actor who wanted her to be the one he married instead of the one he did. However, this recent weekend is the first time she convinced her husband to attend. Everything was laid on thick for the husband who has some collateral left behind at his other church and they will not let him go without releasing that collateral.


  1. Katherine S/Chris’s Pratt

  2. And Hailey Baldwin

  3. Haylie Balwin, the Beibs and Chris Pratt

  4. Chris pratt and Schwarzenegger ’s daughter

  5. Hailey Baldwin/chris Pratt/Justin Bieber/ Zoe church for new church, Hillsong for old... not sure what this collateral is though

  6. Imma guess this is about Tom Cruise, Katie and ???? plus ???

  7. somethingsomething Tom Cruise, somethingsomething Scientology, somnethingsomething Bieber, somethingsomething Hillsong.

  8. Chris Pratt/ Hailey Baldwin / Katherine Schwar (i'm not going to try to spell it) / Bieber

    but the collateral . . . .

  9. Who was Chris Pratt going to marry, or is it Beibs?

  10. brain still hits the brakes every time I read Hailey Baldwin was Option A for being the current Mrs. Pratt. She's almost a decade younger than Katherine, Katherine is college educated, written several books, raised in circle that didn't have her pawned off on Biebs and friends, were these women either/or? Not dissing Hailey, so much as saying it's hard to imagine them both being viewed as bride material for the same guy in mid to late 30s.

    As for Bieb's they have secrets, like audits, that they'd release as punishment, or is it finances that he committed over time that they'd make him pay in full rather than cancelling?

  11. Anonymous9:49 AM

    @Vita do you remember the blind that said C.Pratt is a 10 yo boy in an adult's body? I think Hailey Baldwin intellectually is the female equivalent of Pratt. Pratt and Baldwin combined wouldn't have a triple digit IQ. Whereas Kathleen is everything you mentioned- author, college educated etc.

  12. @Ann I like your point! I was having a hard time picturing them together but that makes sense.

    I guess he’s just like Andy Dwyer after all lol One of my favorite characters.

  13. I'm thinking:
    celebrity offspring = Katherine S

    A+ list actor who wanted her to be the one he married instead of the one he did = Tom Cruise

    her husband = Pratt

    his other church = Hillsong

  14. @Vita have you not read other blinds about that man child Pratt?? He doesn't care how educated the woman is.

  15. I mean CP is hardly the brightest crayon in the box, so maybe he’d be suited to “model” Baldwin.

  16. Add me to the mind blown group that he wanted to marry Hailey over Katherine. Why didn't he even date Hailey? Did his publicist stop him?

    Poor Hailey.

  17. Lol, I think Ive missed most of the older Pratt blinds! Might have to do some digging!

  18. Based on a tip here I recently found and read how Chris Pratt gave away his elderly cat on Twitter because he “wanted to start a family.” His explanation was so self righteous I wanted to barf. If you can’t be kind to animals, you’re a garbage human in my book. (Incidentally, his wife Anna Faris got called out for giving away her adopted dog after contractually agreeing not to do so. Said dog was later found wandering and half starved, and the chip traced it back to her. Both are persona non grata in my book now).

  19. Catholic Church won’t recognize the marriage unless he gets an annulment-explain that to the kid.

  20. I have absolutely no time or empathy for any human that does that to a pet. Fuck Chris Pratt and Fuck Anna Faris too.

  21. Eponymous that is disheartening to hear, about Anna Faris. I had assumed she was nicer than that.

    I keep forgetting they are all monsters.

  22. Mornin - that only matters if the family is very very active in the church.

    Otherwise who's gonna know. To the secular world a divorce/annulment is exactly that.

    You can allegedly still get communion if you're not living as husband and wife with anyone else.

  23. Church of the Sub-Genius. Joyce Carole Oates/Richard Ford.

  24. Hailey and Pratt. Hmm..I saw on a blind they went on secret dates. Could that tie into the older Hillsong blind?
    Hailey and Pratt odd pairing. But that schwarz girl or whatever bad pairing with him. There was an older blind too that Pratt had two
    girls at his side for days could one of them have been Hailey?
