Sunday, July 28, 2019

Blind Item #4

This permanent A list "singer" weighs herself up to a dozen times each day.


  1. If her father werent so oppressive she wouldnt be so batshit crazy, she would be a normal wholesome young girl of 40. Freebrittney!

  2. What does her age matter, Jerkula?

    As for the blind, I thought this was about Gaga. She has been, bizarrely, criticised over her weight before which led to her pissing off the Adele stans by pointing out that Adele was considerably larger than her.

  3. Celine and her Anorexia.

  4. Your hair weighs 20 lbs, Britney. Shave it off.

  5. Come on, besides the quotes around singer as a tell it is brit brit, she has the mind of a goldfish. She probably gets of the scale, walks across the room, remembers she was in the room to weigh herself and gets back on the scale, until a noise or something shiny gets her to leave the room.

  6. @Count
    Your dream girl?

    1. Nah, i cant deal with that kinda crazy

  7. Count- your goldfish description made me laugh, but also concerned me, bc I worry that during certain untreated cycles, it might be more accurate than not.

    I remember some gossip article back in the day where KFed had complained to someone that she would ask if he loved her repeatedly, change outfits constantly, etc.

    To me, it sounds like she's got some manic and OCD issues on her palette.

  8. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Every female celebrity in Hollywood?

  9. Vita she was diagnosed bipolar some years ago.

  10. I recall before she had the big public 'crash' she was having big anxiety attacks. I think she suffered w/out treatment for a while before her 'crash' and maybe something happened to make things worse again. :(

    She could have rapidly cycling bipolar.

    1. @Vita and @Samantha, Brit has borderline personality disorder, allegesly. Very similar to bipolar, but more rapidly cycling (manic periods and emotional instability on a day to day basis, in patterns of mere hours - rather than weeks or months as customary with bipolar).

      There is also an element of dissociative qualities to borderline personality disorder that mimic Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder) - which could explain Britney's occasional "switching on" of her British accent.

  11. Celine is painfully thin but she's never been described as "singer" so this is most likely BritBrit who is always described that way.

  12. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Not Katy Perry

  13. Brit just postd a video on IG saying she gained 2 lbs

  14. I hate Celine's music, but she's a singer not a "singer". And as AngelSleuth says, Britney has posted about a minuscule weight loss or weight gain on IG several times.

  15. Mariah.... "singer"

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. That’s the kind of rant I can really get into, but this time you’ve lost me. What?

  18. Celine is definitely not a "singer" but an actual singer! Despite her shockingly low weight these days.

  19. It's Britney, how is this even up for debate? Clearly y'all haven't seen her IG. It's obvious. Poor Britney, I hate that she's so insecure.

  20. poor thing has an eating disorder probably, all she can do is stay at home all day and what else is there to do but weigh yourself when you're not being fed by your owners

  21. who are you talking to

  22. isn't it funny that all these former child stars/performers seem to get "bipolar" in their 20's? and yes, she is in her 40's or close to it. whatever they did to her is causing the "bipolar" and every other child star/entertainer out there.

  23. It doesnt happen because of trauma. Bipolar usually manifests around 25yrs old. I am sure a wily pedo can profile kids for crazy.

  24. sadly I agree with the goldfish statement

  25. I haven't heard of BPD "cycling," I heard she had bipolar disorder, years ago. Her sister Jamie spoke about Britney being bipolar.

    Britney also spoke about it in a documentary:

    There could be either things going on with it.

    But there are some forms of bipolar that have hallucinations with it, similar to schizophrenia. Not sure about a dissociative element. Bipolar can cycle in various speeds.

    1. Samantha, bipolar mania episodes take place over longer periods of time, whereas with borderline personality disorder (BPD) the shifts in mood and emotions happen in much shorter time spans - minutes, hours - all within one 24 hour period. The cycle is MUCH quicker with BPD, and relates not just to traditional symptoms of mania, but rather the whole spectrum of emotions a human is capable of experiencing- except with BPD sufferers, the emotions are felt and expressed in highly amplified manners that are distressing. Think rapid shifts like going from enthused giddiness to hysterical sobbing to aggressive outbursts of anger - all in mere minutes. That's not an uncommon BPD experience.

      I've never seen rock-solid evidence from Britney's camp regarding a definitive diagnosis. Bipolar has been speculated, along with BPD. The messed up thing is that these two conditions can actually exist co-morbid in one single individual (eek!).

      Whatever Britney has is definitely serious, that's for sure. Bipolar (both types) seem more manageable, and there are many bipolar celebs who have come forward within the past few years (i.e. Demi, Mariah, Catherine Zeta Jones, Kanye) - so of the two, there is far less stigma associated with bipolar than there is for BPD. I could understand beinf fearful to claim BPD for purposes of obtaining tour insurance and securing work, etc.

      For what it is worth, TMZ reported Britney was diagnosed with a personality disorder back in 2012, and indicated it was why Britney was likely to remain under a permanent conservatorship:

      Also, back during her 2008 psych hold, TMZ reported that Britney was exhibiting signs of Dissociative Identity Disorder (aka multiple personalities):

      Here is a great MedCircle video clip posted of an interview with Dr. Ramani (clinical psychologist) explaining the signs of BPD. At the 8:38 mark she goes into the identity disturbances that can appear with BPD, which could appear as "multiple personalities" and even be confused with DID:

  26. Rapid cycling Bipolar can cycle within a single day:

  27. * either things = other things

  28. Gentle Breeze and Samantha the 1st== thank you both for the explanations and links. Sad but fascinating stuff.
