Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Blind Item #5

The alliterate talk show host told her producers she was only addicted to booze and pills. She left the whole coke thing out. The show would end in a second if video came out of the host doing coke.


  1. And this whole time we thought it was a thyroid condition?

  2. She's said on air that she battled a coke addiction... this isn't news

  3. Guess she's no longer a "former" cokehead.

  4. Booze, pills, coke... they're idiots if they think that's all she has going on. I'm sure they're well aware of almost everything, and clearly none of it is going to "end the show" any time soon.

  5. She seems to be getting a lot of support. The only thing that would cancel her show is low ratings.

  6. At least she picked the right week to stop huffing paint.

  7. Her drip comes on during hot topics since her QVC sold out.Damn Wendy get it together.

  8. I'd figure her more for a diet coke type. Along with a few double burgers, cheese fries, and a piece of pie.

  9. Given that a majority of industry seems to be doing coke, dont know why that would be the dealbreaker. Now, she does admit to a past with crack, so I could see that craziness being a fear. However, the difficulty with pills and her existing health issues combined with any of it should be the concern. She's easy breezy and full of confidence on the new shows.

  10. The show wouldn't end. People are devoted to her if they care at all.

    They are all in with her sob stories.

  11. Is this why her nose is so fucked up?
