Saturday, July 27, 2019

Blind Item #6

This foreign born celebrity chef who is married to someone who, until recently had given up her celebrity career, cheated on her this week with a waitress at a party.


  1. Replies
    1. +1 Lyndsey Price... she headed back to 90210?

    2. If Tori’s husband and Lala Anthony are, then she deserves to be in it.

    3. terrible nose job on LP. otherwise is lovely.

    4. I would love for Janet and Steve to have made after all these years.

  2. Ew I read this on LPs wiki: Price was born in Arcadia, California to William Price, an American of German and Irish descent, and Haeja Diane Price, who was born in Korea.[2] Price's parents were raised together as siblings, as the Price family had adopted the orphaned Haeja from Korea after the Korean War.

  3. Robert Irvine/Gail Kim

  4. I'll go with the Curtis Stone/Lindsey Price guess, as I believe there have been rumors of him cheating in the past. Bummer, as they have at least a couple itty-bitty kiddos.
    Notagoodscreenname-- yow, that is an interesting tidbit!😲

  5. Fanny and Johnnie Cradock. While they well before my time, this what we had for celebrity chefs back in the day. Johnnie had dipped his wick in more than Fanny’s fanny. Check them out on YouTube, Part informative, part hilarious but mostly hideous. As for the food....shudder.

  6. Em and 'im, spot on. Fanny was like a black widdow spider who even bullied Johnnie live on camera during the show. Poor old Johnie must have obtained satisfaction elsewhere because she would probably have eaten him post coitus.

  7. Keith Floyd.

    Come on if of Floydy were still alive he'd buck a crack in a tree trunk.
    Now that hes been dead a decade or three he can still impregnate most of southern Europe.

  8. You all have me thinking old foreign cooking shows might be my next youtube rabbit hole!

  9. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Lindsay Price has worked consistently according to her IMDB, even a multi season supporting role on a sitcom with the woman who played Pam from the Office. So unless ENTY is ignoring every single one of her jobs, it can't be them.

  10. Anonymous7:00 PM

    also super ew on that parent tidbit

  11. Tori Spelling and that Dean guy? He's Canadian and she just recently landed work for the first time in a long time.

    1. And he's known to cheat. Wasn't cheating with a waitress what spawned that TV show where they got therapy together?

  12. Lyndsey Price (Sp?)has been on Splitting Up Together until it got cancelled in May.

  13. @Vita We’ve had some great, albeit many eccentric, celebrity cooks/chefs over the years. Keith Floyd was usually three sheets to the wind, but very entertaining and knowledgeable. Fanny Craddock was a ghastly woman. Married multiple times, including twice bigamously, she had a really cruel streak. She loved putting glacé cherries on top of just about everything and really mucked the food around, including dyeing potato mash bright green and piping it like whipped cream. The Two Fat Ladies, Clarissa Dickson-Wright and Jennifer Paterson and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall are actually pretty good cooks. Another forager is Fergus the Forager who also cooks roadkill. Graham Kerr the Galloping Gourmet, might also be worth checking out.

  14. Curtis is hot and lucky waitress

  15. @Vita and Em and 'im.

    There's the legendary Johnny Craddock quote, after Fanny had just showed the masses how to make that ñw tangled American thing, the doughnut (this was live b&w TV the early sixties).

    He tasted the newly baked doughnut turned to the camera and said, "Mmm, delicious! And I hope all your doughnuts taste as good as Fanny's."

    Oh, I forgot that 'fanny' means something different over there....meh, it still works.

  16. 'New fangled', not whatever the fuck this cretin of an autocorrect put up!!!

  17. Ok, Em and Im and Flashy-- DEFINITELY going to check out the Craddocks and Keith Floyd and go from there! Thanks!😂

    Back to the subjects of the blind-- Id forgotten about Splitting Up Together... Rats! Not sure for a better guess.

  18. Ew! They gave a show to a "forager" who cooks road kill?

    The heck?

    *dry heave*
