Monday, July 08, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 28, 2019

This foreign born A+ list mostly movie actress in her own country is probably B+ list here. As part of her punishment, she was forced to drop a guy she was with for quite some time and is now the girlfriend of a high ranking government official. Apparently she is expected to also get pregnant.

Fan Bingbing


  1. At the risk of outing myself as terminally clueless...FanWhoWho?

  2. Sadly, that's sort of business as usual for these Chinese actresses. The government treats them like property.

  3. Chinese movie star, appeared in an X-Men movie I think. Anywho, she cheated on her taxes - disappeared for a few months - then reappeared and all is well.

    Except for the being on the bad side of the Communist Party that is. Now she probably has to hump and get impregnated by some wrinkled old dude and play nice to the party members.

  4. "Fan WhoWho". I have no idea why, but that comment struck me has hilarious. Thanks for brightening my day. We are in flash flood hell here.

  5. @IndigoBlue:

    Fan was secretly detained by Chinese authorities, disappearing from public on 1 July 2018 for nearly three months. She subsequently appeared on social media, offering a public apology over tax evasion, for which the Chinese authorities fined her more than 883 million yuan (about US$127.4 million).

  6. Ew. Getting pregnant by an old anyone you don't want would be terrible

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  9. Fan Bingbing was supposedly under house arrest, or stashed away somewhere. Everyone in China at that level cheats on taxes, and launders money overseas. Especially if you make money outside of China. They place travel restrictions on their captains of industry, because they consider them to be part of the nations capital/property. So yes she serves at the pleasure of the Communist Party.
    The CCP has also banned foreign actors from filming in China, or at least the studios. And you think not filming in Georgia is a protest. In China they enslave talent, and make them produce their one child (one child law). And the they force abortion on those who break the law. Worst people ever.

  10. Blogger IndigoBlue said...
    At the risk of outing myself as terminally clueless...FanWhoWho?

    inspired line!

  11. B+ list in the US, really? No clue who this is.

  12. HushHush - that is not true, the one child policy can be bought off with a penalty fee from rich people. I also think that policy may now be abolished, not sure.
