Thursday, July 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #21

June 26, 2019

This singer is permanently A list. Long before she was a singer though, she was an actress. An actress who was young. She started off as a tween. She doesn't like to talk about those years. The only thing she will ever say is she acted and what shows she was on. Ask her what happened behind the scenes though and she won't say a word. I would argue that many of her choices to remain private and distant about her personal life stems from the time on those sets. Two in particular stand out because they shared an executive producer. This is a producer I have written about before who repeatedly sexually assaulted a star of one of the shows. He got her hooked on drugs so she would let him do things to her or have other people join in. She was a zombie. What I haven't written about before is the long term molesting of the permanent A list singer which went on for almost five years. What had been this bubbly lively personality became so shy and withdrawn that it always took multiple takes for her scenes because she was so quiet and so fearful for what would happen after the scenes were shot. Because she had such a controlling monster as a parent, I wonder if she just accepted this controlling monster as her boss.

Janet Jackson/Dana Plato/Diff'rent Strokes


  1. That makes my heart hurt for her, but even more for Dana Plato. That experience literally killed her years later. :(

    1. Howard Stern brow beating her live on the radio is most likely what drover her to OD.

  2. So many sad reveals today

  3. This is sad as fuck :(

  4. Enty is really giving some great, albeit sad, reveals today!

    And, DAMN, for such a simple, cute show, Different Strokes sure has shit for a legacy.

    So, the blind says the producer has been written about we know which one? There are quite a few listed

  5. Season 5 of Diff'rent Strokes gets pretty fuckin dark. It is the Mr. Carlson bicycle shop pedo season. They also go back over the death of Arnold and Willis' mom, and in another episode Willis' buddy dies after wrecking a car while drunk.

    Finally dawned on my kid yesterday, "there is always a moral to these. They do something stupid, then get told why it was stupid." I replied "why the hell ya think i'm watching this with you? So ya learn something about life, instead of learning about Krabbie Patties."

  6. @Vita - Howard Leeds was a producer on both Good Times and Different Strokes, the two shows that Janet appeared on

  7. Hate Dana Plato's curly bangs, love her braids. If i was a producer on the show though, i would get in the Sexually Abuse Janet line, though.

  8. Moose-- great call, and another one for the pile

  9. Count- i think you or someone else mentioned the howard interview before...that is awful. Is it accessible somewhere?

    Cute fatther/son story, btw

    1. Vita: here it is. I havent heard it in years. I am going to listen now.

  10. Replies
    1. She sounds cokey or completely insane, going from bouncing off the walls to crying to bouncing off the walls.

      She gave hair for a drug test, then tried to get it back, because she knew she would fail.

      The after show they crack jokes and laugh at the situation.

  11. I don't think the producer was Norman Lear.

  12. But who was the exec?

  13. Count,
    This day started out pretty f*ucked up.
    Thanks for the laughs!

  14. Maybe I should clarify- I’m talking the father
    and son chat!

  15. While watching the pilot, my son said "I know why you think this show is funny, because it's racist." I had to explain how back then people weren't so uptight about discussing race and making jokes about stereotypes, and that shows like this actually opened up the discussion. Kid's head is going to explode when i start watching Sanford & Son and All In The Family with him.

    It is also fun explaining who some of the guest stars are, like Ali and Kareem. I didnt remember it, but Dice Clay was even in an episode. Dude was like 25-26 playing a high school tough guy.

    P.S. full series of Diff'rent Strokes is on Starz On Demand, along w/ Sanford & Son, Good Times and The Jeffersons. Its like they got a monopoly on 70s/80s black comedies. I think my son is gonna like Kid Dy-NO-Mite! The boy is a sucker for a snappy catch phrase.

  16. Ugh, Plato'a son killed himself 10yrs later.

    Here is an interview w/ dude who got her on the Stern Show to promote a metal concert.

  17. Why is the name of the producer not named but his victims are? Who is he?

  18. But if this producer was so abusive on the set of GT, how did he convince Miss Jackson to appear on DS as a recurring character? And I call her ‘Miss Jackson’ because, yes, I am, in fact, nastaaay.

  19. If Ja et was getting diddled, you can be damn sure Joe was setting it up and getting his cut.
