Thursday, July 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #24

February 12, 2019

Apparently the recent comments from this B+ list mostly movie actress directed at an A+ list mostly movie actor and his beliefs were not completely altruistic. Over the past few months there has been a battle brewing between the old guard of that cult like religion and the new guard who is taking all the young people with their high profile celebrity attendees. So, how to combat it? Well, part of the job is being taken care of by the press who are reporting facts. How to sway the public though? Take some members of the cult like religion and have them spread talking points to their celebrity friends who may or may not even be in the cult like religion. That way, the news spreads like crazy and has celebrities distancing themselves. Then, the cult like religion swoops in like vultures on a carcass for the bodies of the celebrities and their followers. This is what happened last week. It certainly has worked.

Ellen Page/Chris Pratt/Hillsong/Scientology


  1. Ugh, I can't freaking stand Ellen Page, she acted like such a dumbass after that Jussie debacle, shit for brains it's what she is.

  2. Huh? The cult like religion is simultaneously saying things to make celebrities distance themselves from it, but then swooping in to take those celebrities? How? This doesn’t make sense

  3. It's a feud to be the #1 high profile cult religion and since this BI was published we got Kanye's fake bullshit cult religion too.

  4. Agreed. Ellen Page is a LUNATIC. Between her Twitter rants and that GOD AWFUL rant on Colbert about Jussie even though if anyone took 2 seconds to THINK about the situation you would know he was lying.

    Lady is nuts and I will take Chris Pratt, who honestly seemed like he was minding his own business/ faith, until she wanted to go in at him. Blegh. It made her look like a bully even though she acts like she is the queen of morality and "acceptance." Yeah right. Acceptance of the world only the way YOU see it. She sucks. haha rant over.

  5. I dunno. Anyone that buys into these celebrity cults is a moron, and that includes Pratt.

    1. Hasn't he always been a Jesus freak?

  6. She almost ruined Inception. Why was she cast? She had no chemistry with the cast.

  7. I don't understand atheists, Mormons, Budahists, Muslims, etc...but, I do not go and target someone because of their religion or lack there of.

    Believe what you want, but, it just made her seem so petty since he literally did and said NOTHING to her. However, it was the Jussie thing for me on Colbert that will make me forever not watch anything she is in ever again. That and her bad acting lol...And, you are so right. You really see how terrible of an actress she is after she played off some of the greats of our generation. Leo might be icky but he at least is a good actor. So is Tom Hardy and JLG.

  8. There’s following religion and then there’s signing billion year contracts, having your crotch branded with some geek’s initials, prancing around Calabasas wearing all khaki clothing, meanwhile paying thousands of dollars to your “church”....I mean, cmon

  9. Two Dots-- LOL! 😂 you're on fire today!

    Could this also explain Bieber's boneheaded attempt at a rumble with Tom Cruise?

  10. Ellen Page, anorexic bore who I don't understand....
    She was annoying as fuck in 'Juno.' No appeal.
    Lately she looks like an emaciated, soulless 12 year old who wants to die.

  11. @Vita, it’s too humid today! It’s pushing me to the edge! 😂😂😂

    Oh man, I’d pay to see a Cruise-Biebs showdown and would consider it money well spent!

  12. LOL. IDK. Pratt has always said he rebound religion after his son was born with so many health problems. Same thing happened with a young cousin of mine and his family.

    And, yes. Cults are scary, but, I see people confuse them with them with actual religious people and try to lump them all in. Nope! There is a difference is my only point.

    Happy 4th everyone!

  13. Cheers!

    After a hot but beautiful day, the storm clouds are racing with sunset to see if fireworks are going to happen! Drama, drama, everywhere!

  14. I just never saw it coming from Andy Dwyer

  15. I tried to warn a couple people who told me they go to Hillsong out here (AZ). They unsurprisingly got defensive. I didn’t have much to go on, other than the anonymous blinds I’ve read. I ended up sounding crazy. 😂

  16. So humid here as well and thunderstorms. Womp....Womp...Womp...

    I find it so funny if you guys actually knew or saw the Hillsong promotional video and came from it from a religious family/ background would know how fucking stupid Methodists/ Presbyterians/ all Evangeniclas think it is. Trust me: I have heard it.

    Everything goes: aka Hedonism.

    Is NOT a Christian, Jewish, Islamic nor Buddhist or whatever beliefs system. Literally, one out 2 people believe in ghosts aka life after death.

    Again, believe what you want to believe. I am truly not here to convert. But, just the "You are religious, so you must be a bigot and in a cult BS" is so...trite and Hollywood.

    People Believe: get over it. People do not believe: get over it. No one is usually EVER convincing the other side of the opposite. If any one side demands acceptance they get demolished or worse, ignored.

    I roll my eyes at people that think there bubble is actually representative of society at large.

    But, again, that is just me. Try and convince away....

    I have had white wines and two ACTUAL hotdogs.... non vegan.

    Despite all the sarcasm and jabs, peeps. Best of luck to you all..

    Xenu or Buddah bless...whatever. ;P

  17. I can't find this Hillsong promotional video anywhere but I'd love to watch
